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  • 2008/06/05*Takuro


    A show is something that starts before you stand on stage, before the soundcheck, before you’re at home choosing the shoes you’re going to wear, before the night previous to the show, before the rehearsal three days prior, before even the previous show you played……… it’s something that starts (and incidentally also ends) way, way before. That’s what I realize every night before I fall asleep. Always.

    Everyone coming to AX tomorrow, let’s have a good time. See you there!


    「All-Night Japon」

    We made our radio appearance. Studying in the middle of the night while listening to radio, they’d air a song I like, I’d get all fired up by myself, and go “Alright. I’m invincible, I don’t even have to sleep tonight, wahahahahaha………ha!” and suddenly it’d be the next morning. That used to happen to me. So, what I really mean to say is, I liked to listen to the radio as I slept.

    Just a little something I remembered. Good night.


    「Something standing inside the ring」

    Today we did a run-through rehearsal of the set for “Mujuuryoku no Cube.” In other words, we played exactly how we’d play at the show itself. No pictures unfortunately (it’s not just the kanji conversion function, the picture quality also sucks on this phone. I think I’ll buy a digital camera.) but everyone was naturally taking it seriously. Especially so for Kazuhiko. We’ll leave it at that. It was good.

    Now then, the special feature of our show this time around, it’s the fact that there’ll be an actual “Mujuuryoku no Cube” (Zero Gravity Cube) there. We made a cube inside AX that’s 5 meters in height, width, length and all those things, and it’s completely weightless. We also brought it out for our rehearsal today. Ahh, it’s something truly magnificent. How great is it that we’d actually get something like that made out of a title we spent such a long time thinking about. As we were in our rehearsal studio having a break, several men (carpenters) came in, put together a wooden frame in which they inserted black glass, in addition to which they covered it with black cloth. One man, a researcher — probably the only person who understood the structure of the cube — was silently keeping time while looking at his wristwatch. However, it didn’t look like a countdown or anything like that. If I counted correctly, he stopped at a seemingly rather arbitrary number of 32, or perhaps 33, and said “Alright, that’s good! Remove ’em!” That being their signal, the carpenters removed the black cloth in one go. The studio resounded with shouts of joy — it was the magnificent Zero Gravity Cube. It didn’t look much different to how it did before they covered it with the black cloth. It was just a cube of wooden frame and black glass. However, everyone in the room shared the same sentiment: “There’s no mistaking it, this is the Zero Gravity Cube” they said. I have no idea what it’s used for. The researcher was signaling people to get in. Our manager, actually going inside the cube, was excitedly saying “This is awesome!! I mean, the ××× has changed into ●●●●… dude!” You guys must be tired of reading this. Everyone, please confirm what I’ve just said by yourselves, too. Or, well, that’s what I’d like to say, but all that I’ve said concerning the cube so far has just been an unfunny joke. Just me killing time. It would’ve been just fine to not read any of this, but instead you spent your time going through it. I’m sorry. I was actually given birth through the mouth, and that’s the truth. No, it’s a lie, just a lie. Really a complete lie. No good. I’m getting tired as well.

    We’ll be making a radio appearance tomorrow night (this one’s not a lie).


    So spacious!


    「I like it more than Shinigami~」

    I read it. Since I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll go see the movie as well. Works where they commit crimes but still give the impression of being pleasant fellows, those are really entertaining. Like Lupin III or Oceans~ and so on. I just flew through the pages.

    Tomorrow we’re going to the huuuge studio to create a huuuge sound.


    The limited edition goods for the 6/6 @ show at AX “Mujuuryoku no Cube” are done!

    ● Mujuuryoku no Cube T-shirt
    Body color: black (pattern color: gold) / white (pattern color: black) / green (pattern color: silver)
    Sizes (same for all colors): 160 / S / M / L
    Price: 3,000 yen (includes tax)

    ● Mujuuryoku no Cube sticker
    Size: business card size
    Price:100 yen (includes tax)

    ● Mujuuryoku no Cube key ring
    Price: 1,000 yen (includes tax)

    Please check out the pictures on the website.

    We let the models wear them.

    ↑ Wake uuup~.

    ↑ You’re in the waaay~.

    ↑ All 3 colors.

    We’re hoping for your support.


    「Tomorrow’s prediction」

    We’re packed inside the studio. During our stay here, we’re sure to visit the nearby convenience store a number of times. When we have the conversation of “Do you need a bag?” “Yes please” with the clerk and if I’m lucky, he’ll realize to include a pair of chopsticks in the bag if there aren’t any included in the bento.

    Talk to you tomorrow.



    Today as I noticed Sean Lennon being used in an advertisement on this car, I was, how should I put it… well, I was surprised to say the least (I couldn’t stop staring at it as I walked on). The mystery of DNA, huh? However, if we assume that the man actually wasn’t Sean, I wouldn’t have acted surprised at how they happened to get someone who looks just like John on the advertisement, and I wouldn’t have shown any signs of me having been mistaken. I’d have said something that sounds like words I’d stolen from somewhere, like “Oh dear, the kids these days, they all have such round eyes…” while trying to maintain my pride, piling shame on top of more shame. Therefore, I’m really hoping (with about the seriousness of “I’ll-have-forgotten-all-about-this-by-tomorrow“) that the man was Sean. I kind of digress here, but while I love John Lennon, I actually don’t know him all that well to be honest. Also, I take after my mom.

    This is even more of a digression, and this is something I might as well just have kept to myself, but lately I’m feeling really irritated with the kanji conversion function on my new model of cellphone I got in March. I’m writing this on that very one. Trying to write it on this guy (my cellphone), “漢字変換機能¹” comes to “感じ変換昨日²“. Anyway, it looks like I’ve blabbered on for too long. I think it’s the high I got from coffee and tiredness. It’d be nice if the weather cleared up tomorrow. With that, later.

    ¹ “漢字変換機能” (kanji henkan kinou) = “kanji conversion function”
    ² “感じ変換昨日” (kanji henkan kinou) = “feeling change yesterday”


    「What the hell are you」

    It’s been a busy day ever since morning, with magazine photoshoots, radio appearances, checking the Wanderland footage… Joining us for the photoshoot was a big-shot guest with whom we were having quiiite a bit of fun during shooting (unfortunately no, it wasn’t a beautiful woman or anything). I look forward to seeing how the finished product looks. It ought to be pretty good~! Also, I mixed that in pretty nonchalantly there, but that’s right, we made a video for Wanderland! It’s not really based on the anime or anything, even the band doesn’t appear on it, but! It’s really hard and cool-looking. I think it’ll have impact. I think it’ll only be a while longer until you can see it, so wait just a bit more.

    Only a week until Mujuuryoku no Cube!



    It’s getting late.
    We’re playing Yokosuka tomorrow.
    It’s sure to be a seriously good time!
    We’ll go at it with all we’ve got~

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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