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  • 2007/08/23*03:58*Kamijo

    『After all, in the end it’s que sera sera.』

    It’s too hot, ain’t it.
    So much so, I feel like repeating that.
    It’s too ho– actually on second thought, I’ll hold back.

    Goddammit, it’s way too hot.

    Sun, SUN or Sun-Sun or whatever the hell you call it, it sure looks like summer hates this guy.
    This is Chihiro, wondering if that’s really so.

    This one trick pony, always showing off and producing such scorching heat, could you quit being such an asshole and stop with your constant nuclear fusion bullshit?
    I’m telling you, it’s hot as hell.

    But I suppose that’s the only thing you’re good for: continuing to bully this tiny Earth by constantly giving it a fever. As expected of someone like you who’s inflated with pride.

    Because it’s too hot, I kinda got in an unsightly mood and tried picking a fight with Mother Nature.

    But as I was looking at the sky with these eyes full of scorn and disdain…
    “Oh wow, now what is that…” (refer to picture)

    So those are the hands of the all-knowing and almighty god.

    I should’ve known my place.
    I took all of nature too lightly.

    Us who’ve grown too self-conceited, I wonder the planet is going to do with us from now on?
    I wonder if it’s already impossible for us to give up our pride.
    As I thought, the ones to be weeded out are us humans, aren’t we?

    It’s so hot, I was possessed by an evil spirit and started having such grave thoughts.
    Buuuut now I stopped. I’ll think about something indecent instead.

    That’s kinky.



    Good evening. It’s Kazuhiko.

    For the first time in a while, I had a day off today. 9mm is feeling pretty exhausted after the heavy schedule of these last few days. There’s one who caught a cold, one who got tendonitis, one who got tendonitis right after the first person… various things. And with that, today was a vacation day whose purpose was to enable us to continue our daily musical life in a meaningful way as well as to bring the band back to full health.

    To cure my fatigue after yesterday’s show and give my head, lower back and joints a break, I was doing repairs on my instruments, watching live videos from way back, reading books and eating ramen, making it actually a pretty worthwhile day off. From tomorrow, I’ll again do my best without overdoing it.

    I wonder what the others did today.

    It’s hot so I want autumn to come fast.
    When autumn comes… when autumn comes, our new CD is coming out.
    Ah, I can’t wait. Not that it’s done yet, though!

    Oh, and today was 9mm producer Junji Ijiwatari’s birthday.
    Congratulations to him.

    Well then, good night.


    「Boys enjoying the summer」

    3 liters of water per day, carry your own bottle with you.

    Hello hello, this is Takuro.
    My bottle’s red. It’s got LAKEN written on it.

    Now then.

    Today was our first time playing at LIQUID,
    Kazuhiko wore a hoodie,
    and pictured up there is a TOWER CAFE turned RODY CAFE.

    Our show at LIQUID was really fun. Went without a hitch.
    We played a bunch of new songs which also came out rather nice.
    We were able to make a forecast regarding doing the new songs live.

    We’re going to play them more and more from now on.
    We’ve also alluded to it once or twice, but 9mm did indeed record them.
    That is to say, those very songs. Yep.
    As to information on just what will happen to those songs, we’ll let you know more every now and then. Please stay patient,


    We’re already past summer but let’s still take care to stay hydrated.
    It’s seriously scorching hot every day.

    Well then, let’s be careful of heatstroke, dehydration, Doyou no Ushi no Hi, summer fatigue and what-have-you. This was Takuro. Goodbye.


    This is Taki.

    A while back, the band score for The World e.p went on sale. Some of our managers and directors immediately picked up copies and are all excitedly playing our songs. I thought I’d try playing the Taki parts, but it just sounded miserable so I gave up. In any case, “sector” is the best. All of you youngsters who play guitar, please let me know if you cover our songs, I’d love to hear some. And definitely do “sector” please, it’s seriously fun.

    Some advice if you’re thinking about playing covers. First, go to a park near you and mimic the behavior of your local guitar guy. I did that, too. Also, it’s recommended that you just stop looking at the score and start dancing for all you’re worth. Note that dancing is simple, but be careful that you don’t ruin your human relations in doing so. Finally, make as many bands as you can and play with everyone. Playing in bands is really fun.

    Though the score just came out, the distribution of The World will end in just ten more days. We hope you’ll get yours while you still can.

    This was Taki.


    『Hot hot.』

    Hello, it’s been a really long time. This is Kazu. I’m doing great.

    Now then, we’ve updated the picture on our homepage. It’s awesome cause there’s, like, this slugger.

    It looks like the number of people collapsing from heatstroke are increasing throughout Japan. Let’s all take care to stay properly hydrated and eat Garigari-kun on the hot days.

    It’ll be hot tomorrow, too. This was Kazu.


    『Everyone enjoying the hell that is the cool of the evening』

    This is Takuro.

    This is a little late, but thanks to everyone who came to see 9mm at Rock In & Torororock!
    We’re sorry it was raining at Tororo (it cleared up after our turn on the stage though).
    We were all “that was super fun and now that was complete summer for you“. And if it ain’t Summer Sonic this week!! Not easy being this busy, eh. With that, I’ll see you at the venue. We’ll put on a Summery show for you.

    Okay, later!

    ※ The picture is of a mister I saw at Torororokku.


    Doing a radio interview via phone during a break in recording♪
    Takuro was wearing this green jersey.


    『Jet black festival accompaniment』

    I hope you’re doing well in this time of intense heat wave.
    Of the school which prefers Häagen-Dazs over watermelons, this is Chihiro.
    Of course, I haven’t forgotten about Garigari-kun¹, either.

    …It’s been a while since anyone updated the blog.
    Sorry, ’tis inexcusable.

    Lately, we’ve been stupidly busy,
    doing a stupid amount of recording and going on festivals,
    and going on festivals and recording.
    My mind wasn’t up to the task of only writing that once.

    Oh, the festivals are super fun to the point we’re about to lose our minds.

    After the horrors of my first festival experience at Fu◯ Rock,
    I promised myself I’d never set my foot on festival grounds again.
    But nowadays it’s actually this fun, huh…

    I see. So those who keep being stuck in the past lose hold of their future.
    I, too, found a way to muster up the necessary courage to overcome my fear.
    I should’ve taken that first step forward earlier.

    As we’re working our asses off, the results of our hard work,
    the lifeblood that we call our album is steadily taking shape.
    We still have ways to go with the recordings, so I’ll keep eating my Garigari-kun,
    and continue whipping my diarrhea-prone ass to do its best.

    (Attached picture: drum tuner Master Mihara (ex-THE ROOSTERS, ex-THE STALIN, etc…), worships Pantera.)

    ¹ A brand of “ice candy”


    『What farting taught me』

    The “fart blog” I wrote a while ago has gotten a relatively warm reception from my loved ones. Ehehe. Maybe I’ll take advantage of that now. I’m drunk tonight, too, after all.

    My style.
    It’s to fart when sneezing.

    For as long as you live, do not overlook this simple physiological phenomenon of your body.
    This is your chance.

    Don’t forget: what we really are is monkeys who just happened to come across the evil of something called “wisdom.”

    The way you take this to an outsider’s eyes insignificant phenomenon and make it your own (or don’t), it says a lot about what kind of a person you are

    Acchoo toooot
    out of the question.
    Your taste is lacking.
    Those still wet behind the ears would probably be satisfied with just this.

    Aaah- toot
    just disappointing.
    I can still see much room for improvement.
    It just requires some control of your muscles.
    Your taste ought to be buried in the plains.

    When you can do that, your refinement and elegance will be apparent to all.
    However, operations of even more advanced level will become necessary.

    When you reach the above-mentioned level, you won’t have worldly desires anymore like the lowly me. You will be able to attain pure, god-like intelligence as well as taste.

    And that’s how it is.

    In spite of all that,
    you, are you still going to overlook this chance today…?


    (Attachment: stinkvine, a plant of the Rubiaceae family.)




    Hello. It’s Kazuhiko.

    Yesterday we were at the Fukuoka Kokusai Center to perform in an event called F-X. Fukuoka was really hot. You could say that for the temperature, but even more than that, I’m saying it for the reception we got from all of you. The event was pretty wild.
    We were the opening act so our turn was over in a flash, but we stayed around to enjoy the show and drink. Everyone in the audience looked like they were having a lot of fun. Mr. Ken Yokoyama said in his MC that next year he’d love for the event to be an open-air show. It was really great weather and stuff so I, too, think it’d be pretty awesome if it did become an open-air event.

    Right now we’re on our way back to Tokyo. Everyone’s fast asleep. I thought I’d take pictures of everyone’s sleeping faces and upload them here, but I’ll give up on the idea since it’d have disastrous repercussions.

    It’s summer, huh. This was Kazuhiko.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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