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  • 2007/07/03*23:53*Kazu

    『Radio, radio, radio』

    Hello, it’s Kazuhiko.

    After rehearsal today, we headed over to NACK5 to appear as guests on the radio show of HIGH VOLTAGE with whom we toured on our The World Tour. It was a different kind of atmosphere compared to all the regional radio shows we did while on tour. It was really fun. It was our first time appearing on a show of bandmate comrades, so it was very easy to talk and everyone got in really high spirits. It seems it’ll air on July 13th.

    Now then, I think I’ll maybe have some curry now. Good night.


    「The final」

    Good evening.
    I’m Takuro, but I’m not at all suited for this humidity. My hair’s a mess.

    It doesn’t look like the rainy season’s over yet, but are you all doing weight training and stuff in preparation for the summer (festivals)?
    Me, I-I’m… I don’t… want to answer, that…

    Now then. Though 9mm is in the middle of a tour, we were in Tokyo today, too. I was working on something secret since morning.

    That being something called mixing. I was thinking I’d explain it to everyone who doesn’t know what it is, but I then realized there’d be no point in this era of knowledge. Everyone’s all wiki-ing, googling, clicking and double-clicking their way to the latest happenings. So please make use of that search engine to its fullest, everyone.


    Everyone all done? In brief, I was producing sound. It got so interesting, even the engineer got in high spirits. Anyway, it’s still a secret so please wait a bit more.

    Before that, there’s still the last two shows of the tour!!
    Everyone of Nagoya and Hanamatsu, it’s any moment now…… Ufufufufu……

    Fufufu… Right then, talk to you later, this was Takuro…

    ※The picture is from Hiroshima where we had the most delicious okonomiyaki in the universe…


    It’s Taki.

    The tour’s nearing the final stage. It’s always so hot inside the van we use to travel to all the venues, it feels like I’m suffering from summer exhaustion. It sucks. At times like such, I think of all the delicious foods I’ve eaten before as it helps me get in a better mood.

    We did a show in Kobe yesterday. Kobe was great, too. Kobe is a place where you can go anywhere and have fun, and eat anything and it’ll be delicious. The people there are great.

    Today was an off-day on the tour so we came back to Tokyo and I just slept. I must’ve been really tired as I slept like a log.

    As I did so, I had a dream of ramen, gyoza, hokkeyaki and Taki-kun. Surrounded by lots and lots of gyoza, Taki-kun seemed to be having a really good time. But it was more than he could eat by himself. This troubled Taki-kun. Although troubled, he still could not resist a second serving of ramen. Worrying and worrying some more, Taki-kun decided at last to put the hokke up in Saran wrap before putting it in the freezer.

    Waking up, I looked in my freezer and found two packs of Ajinomoto‘s frozen gyoza.

    Baked ’em.

    Ate ’em.

    This was Taki.


    『I’ll help you become an independent adult.』

    Yes yes.

    The ball is my friend.
    ‘Tis Chihiro.

    I drank too much again today and I’m wasted.
    I love dirty jokes.
    I’m sorry for being born.
    (Picture: my mouth (big lie))

    Alright, sorry for the opening full of self-deprecation.
    We played in Hiroshima tonight at the Hiroshima Burning.
    I feel really gratified after drinking so much.

    To me, Hiroshima is a town I really, immensely, awfully, fairly, considerably quite like.

    I don’t particularly have any reason for that.

    Simply, the first girl who came and talked to me in fluent Hiroshima dialect, I really fancied her. That’s all.

    Hey, you do have a reason!
    I have something to say to the ladies and gentlemen amongst you who thought that just now.

    You people, it seems to me like you pay way too much attention to the most worthless, trivial little things. If everyone tried looking at things from a different point of view, if everyone tried looking at the big-picture more, we might finally achieve world peace.

    Well, I dunno.

    Ah well.

    Setting all these troublesome issues aside, let’s all just eat okonomiyaki or something.

    That stuff’s good.




    Hello, it’s Kazuhiko.
    Pictured here is the drummer sucking in udon.
    On our way from Matsuyama to Kouchi, though we saw a superb view stretching out in front of us on this mountain trail, why am I uploading this thing instead of that picture? Because I forgot to take out my camera for the view. Sigh.

    Now then, today we played with one of Zankyo Records’ leading bands niumun. What’s more, we only heard about it just before rehearsal which was a surprise. We played with them on tour last year and became good friends, so we were super excited to play with them again. It was a mad party. Their show was as intense always. I was really surprised when they played a phrase from Talking Machine in the middle of one of their songs.

    Also, this is completely unrelated, but I’ve noticed I have a habit of carrying a water bottle by having it stuffed in the back pocket of my jeans. I wonder if anyone else does this, too?

    With that, we’ll be heading to Hiroshima tomorrow.
    Good night.



    Sick of the eating out hell when touring, a helping hand reached out to us at last. See picture.

    Natto rice.

    If you have natto, you don’t need anything else. Not even rice. No, that’s a lie, I want to have natto and rice every day.

    Taking this as an opportunity to keep eating healthy for the rest of the tour, will the ramen-loving 9mm be able to overcome the temptation!? Please cheer us on.

    Well then, we’ll play our show now. Farewell.


    We’re at the Harimaya Bridge in Kouchi…
    Is this the meeting of Benkei and Ushiwakamaru?!


    At Matsuyama SALON KITTY~♪
    In the dressing room before the show.


    And here’s a sleeping Taki, completely oblivious to the mist.

    We’re almost in Oita!!!!!!
    We’ll do our best today, too~♪


    We’re well on our way from Fukuoka to Oita now.

    Along the way… we were attacked by a sudden mist and with raised tensions we headed towards the parking lot.

    Head for the mist, Takuro!
    Take care!

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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