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  • 2007/06/21*13:26*Kamijou

    『You and me and our respective odours』

    All smiles as always, it’s Chihiro.
    Right now, we’re advancing from Osaka to Fukuoka.

    …Let’s see. It’s going to be a bit of a vulgar blog today. Perhaps I should try and be prudent… But, if you never talk about any indecent topics, people will grow suspicious of your character.

    This is a frequent topic of discussion among touring bands. If you eat too much ramen while on tour, you can’t stop farting. But, if you were to keep this air bubble of evil contained within your insides, it would give you a little bit of an unpleasant feeling.

    Indeed, to maintain the health of your body as well as your mind, it does not smell good.

    Therefore, let it loose.
    As strongly as possible.

    However, you can’t rush it.
    When you fart, you have to lift up your ass and let it loose in mid-air.
    That way, the moment you fire, the pressure in your intestines drops lower than the atmospheric pressure and when that happens, air enters into your intestines, right??
    This is a technique that enables you to fart again.

    Only thing is, there can be some uncertainty about the density of those successive farts, but that’s something that can be forgiven.

    (Point of advice: if you’ve intaken lots of garlic beforehand, that should remove any such uncertainty.)

    Once you become an artisan of flatulence, you will be able to break wind indefinitely at will.

    Let’s try doing it with our dads.
    In front of our moms, it’s stricly prohibited.
    In front of other girls, only moderately so.


    (Image: Kazuhiko’s arm)


    It’s fine weather in Osaka where we’re busy shooting material for an article Ongaku to Hito will be doing on the tour★
    The band is being paparazzied from entry into the venue up until the start of the show.


    Good evening. It’s Kazuhiko.

    We’ve finished playing our show in Kyoto.

    We tried out several restaurants before the show. The tempura cutlet was delicious and so were the mitarashi dango. Thanks to Taki eating eel liver, he was so excited he got a nosebleed. As I thought, everyone is definitely the happiest when they’re eating, which is great. I think it was thanks to that we were able to play a good show today. One without injuries, too, which is quite welcome. (lol)

    We played together with Qomolangma Tomato. We all felt it was somehow quite emotional, being able to play with another band from Yokohama in a far away place like this on the same day. Qomolangma Tomato, they’re about to hit it big. We’re playing with them again in Fukuoka, so I’d definitely like everyone from Fukuoka to come and see the show.

    Tomorrow’s Osaka. I wonder what we’re going to eat? Maybe that? This was Kazuhiko.


    The band finished their first live in Kyoto without incident.
    Ah, and MOJO sure has a nice mascot, no?

    Tomorrow it’s the Osaka DROP★
    Our best regards m(__)m


    『The hydrangea have bloomed』

    On a casual trip.

    Me and Kazu we went to Kyoto and Osaka, visiting CD shops to scribble messages and going on radio shows to chatter restlessly. Went did an evening open exhibit live broadcast over the radio. I was really happy to see so many people there. That was really embarrassing though, I was even closer to the window than Kazu.

    I think everyone who came is already asleep by now. I think it’s time for me to lay my futon down as well.

    Tomorrow we have our first show of the second leg of the tour at the Kyoto MOJO.
    With that, good night.
    This was Takuro.


    We’ve finished the open to the public live radio broadcast.
    Thank you very much to everyone who came or listened to it.


    The World tour” has now circled back to Tokyo where the band already played their show. 9mm Parabellum Bullet are now departing on the second half of the tour. Everyone, please support them all the way until the final. The movie’s now started, too, so those of you who are itching to come to 9mm’s shows but can not, we’d be happy if you watched it.¹

    Takuro and Kazu are hanging about in Kansai today. Starting from 20 o’clock, they’ll be appearing on an open to the public live broadcast on satellite radio from inside the Tower Records Marubiru store.

    For now, they’re eating takoyaki… that’s their nutrition supply.

    ¹ Again, I’m guessing this was some sort of a promo site for the album/tour.


    『Praising it’s deep, vivid blueness. --- Yes, Brassica rapa.』

    In this early summer weather, I wonder if you are all spending your time pleasantly.
    If I am called by my name, I’ll fly right over. I am Chihiro.

    Could I actually be a country bumpkin?
    I already know the answer without even having to ask myself.
    I’m from the genuine countryside of Nagano.

    Along those lines is what I was thinking as we played at Nagano LIVE HOUSE J.
    Fufu. It’s a nostalgic place for me.
    I’d only played here once before, 10 years yearlier.
    If I’m not mistaken, I think I remember it being a terrible show.

    I certainly didn’t expect it was my destiny to come to this place again like this…
    Truly, the live show of man can be a thing of terrible misfortune.

    Though I wasn’t exactly as calm as I could’ve been, being busy falling in and out of flashbacks of my past nightmares, I did my best anyway.

    Takuro, your hair’s a mess and your head’s huge.

    Kazuhiko, your mic’s too low, you’ll break your back.

    Taki, doing his captivating dance without his guitar.

    Next to me was some boy unknown to me, playing Taki’s guitar. Yeah.
    It was cool.
    My drumming was completely hopeless due to Taki’s disruptive behavior.

    After enduring and putting up with these hardships of the past for 10 years
    I was finally able to close the books on the matter.

    Aah, Brassica rapa’s deliciooous.
    There’s nothing better than eating them cooked in oil.

    Mmmmm, yes.



    Hello, it’s Kazuhiko.

    We played our show in Niigata and are now heading over to Kamijou’s parents’ house.
    We have a show in Nagano tomorrow.

    I’m feeling really sleepy after the live. I feel sorry for the people who have to drive.

    I caught a splendid cold in Hokkaido so I’ll think I’ll rest up and fight it off with all my power in Nagano. With all my power.

    I want to eat oyaki.

    Now then, goodbye.
    Sorry this wasn’t very long.


    『Even if you catch a cold, food still tastes delicious』

    It’s Taki.

    Right now we’re on a ferry headed to Sapporo. We spent a few days over at Nakamura’s house, but I didn’t have such a great time as I’d ended up catching a cold. I have a cough and a really runny nose.

    It’s my first time on a ferry. There were lots of instances of someone yelling “I can see an ocean sunfish!” or “There’s a huge medusa!” but I couldn’t see absolutely anything which sucked. On top of that, I was coughing and had a constant runny nose.

    The sea at night is completely pitch black. If you keep staring at it, it feels like it might suck you in. In a thick fog, you can’t tell where the sea begins and ends, so it feels like the air and sea form a great universe. Leaving behind us a white trace, it feels like the ship is a comet within that universe. And then finally I, too, being able to wait no longer, become part of the universe.

    (The history of the universe is kind of long, so I’ll abbreviate)

    Eventually, we see lights approaching us from a distance. Sipping back in the snot about to drip from my nose, I’ve returned from the universe as Taki. And I’m still coughing a lot.

    This was Taki.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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