In case you didn’t realize, it’s been exactly 12 years today since Λucifer’s debut and their first release, “Datenshi BLUE.” Here’s Makoto’s post on it from his blog:

Λucifer’s 12th anniversary.

It’s been 12 years since Λucifer’s debut. It feels like all that time went by in a flash… Last year, we had our revival shows. This year, we have our new song to look forward to. We’re going to have the vocal recordings for that soon, so look forward to more pictures of that on Twitter and so! And to all the fans who have kept supporting Λucifer for these 12 years, I say this from the heart: thank you. (v^-゚) We’re hoping for your continued support!!

In celebration of this festive day for all Λucifer fans alike, here’s something I promised I’d do ages ago: my top 5 favorite Λucifer guitar solos! Without further ado, let’s get started!


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Though it’s admittedly quite a basic guitar solo, it does sound delicious. A solo doesn’t always have to be flashy to be awesome, as this Atsuro-penned tune demonstrates.

4. Heavy Style

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I’d actually forgotten how cool this solo was until I went listening through Aucifer’s discography, searching for their most badass solos. It’s weirdness combined with coolness. A lot of coolness.

3. See You

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Aucifer’s one and only (?) acoustic guitar solo. And what a sweet one it is! Atsuro’s fingers are lovely.

2. Midnight Crow (Be-Trip Tour 2001 version)

While the recorded version of this song has an okay solo, Aucifer gave it a whole new look when playing it live. There’s a version of this song included on all three Aucifer live DVD’s, but my favorite is by far the one found on Be-Trip Tour 2001. The one on Last Tour 2002-2003 Energy, though more technically proficient, loses to the Be-Trip Tour 2001 one in… how should I put it… let’s call it the youthful energy. As for the one on the 10th Anniversary DVD, that one is of course again technically superior but to be completely honest with you, while the actual performance itself was great, I was disappointed in both the picture quality as well as the sound mix of this DVD. Thus, I think the best version of the song — and indeed, my favorite Aucifer DVD — is the Be-Trip Tour 2001 one.

Here’s a video of it to remind you:

1. Sekai de Ichiban Kirei na Mono

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I know, I know, you probably think I’m crazy ranking this higher than that version of Midnight Crow. But I can’t lie to myself: I’ve always loved this solo the most. It’s really just perfection. Short and sweet perfection. Pure f’ing ear candy. That’s all I really have to say about it.

Edit: While we’re at it, here are the top 10 guitar solo picks from my trustworthy co-blogger here on Silent Melody, the good sir GN-0015:

10. DUMMY – A bit pain for ears at first to me, but it grew well inside me, and now I find the solo is quite cool.

9. HURRY – It is Towa’s bass that gave me multiple orgasms throughout the song, but the solo is awesome too!

8. CARNATION CRIME – Typical crazy Λucifer solo, but really really a perfect fit for the song.

7. Realize – The solo keeps the song’s upbeat tune, I like it so much.

6. TSUBASA – Double solo from two guitar gods is always cool!

5. Graduation – Really cool, can’t really explain but it’s just awesome.

4. C no Binetsu – Quick yet very relaxing to me. It’s my first Λucifer song, so it’s really nostalgic.

3. Desire – This one is just crazy in the most awesome way. The best song for me on the way to work.

2. LABYRINTH – Probably their quickest song, my blood always runs faster especially during the damn awesome solo. Perfect for listening while having sex.

1. Regret – My favourite solo from Yuki throughout his entire career. Perfect fit for the song, though having the thoughts of Yuki shaking his guitar in that manner in the PV quite ruins the mood XD

So what are your favorite Λucifer guitar solos? And again, happy 12th birthday to Λucifer!