Continued from last time.
Makoto mentions that Towa and Santa are in the band OLIVE SUNDAY together and asks Towa if there’s any difference with the Aucifer-Santa and OLIVE SUNDAY-Santa. Towa says that they haven’t really played so much rock-type stuff with OLIVE SUNDAY. Towa‘s not sure if the people listening will realize this but he says that their groove has gone up and they play with more freedom now.
To again point out Makoto’s quietness, Towa says that the thing that’s changed about Makoto is that lately he listens more to what people around him are saying. Makoto says it’s not so much that he’s listening, he’s just leaving them all be. This is followed by laughs.
Towa remarks that they’re all now in their thirties (Towa‘s already in his forties though). Santa calls it a dreadful fact while Atsuro notes they were all so young back then.
When they start thinking about what’s changed with Yuki, he says his voice isn’t as loud now. Makoto is quick to say that he’s still loud now, but Towa and especially Atsuro agree there’s been a change — apparently Yuki was really noisy before. Yuki says he’s been learning to be more quiet when playing with DUSTAR-3. Since he has to sing in that group, he has to be more quiet as else his singing can get weird.

Interestingly, Makoto then says that Towa somehow resembles the Joumon Sugi tree. Towa asks what the hell Makoto means by that as everyone explodes into laughter again. “So you mean I’m just withering away?!” Makoto‘s not quite sure but says that Towa‘s not human. Atsuro describes Towa a mythical being (he uses the word satori) as he even ran the full marathon before.
Makoto tells a story from a while back when Towa ran the Tokyo marathon. During that time, Makoto was in the neighborhood drinking until 10 in the morning. Santa notes that recently if he drinks until around 6 AM, the next day he’ll always be completely useless. Towa says the drinking doesn’t even have to go on that long for the next day to be hellish, and adds that even if there’s no drinking at all, pulling an all-nighter at his age is pretty difficult. Atsuro agrees and says he doesn’t drink to that extent anymore. Santa says he’s usually okay if it’s only until 2 or 3 AM.
Atsuro talks about his daily routine a bit. He wakes up in the morning, goes to work, but during the daytime he goes to the gym to play squash. That’s why when he gets home, he usually gets sleepy pretty early. Everyone asks questions about squash which surprises Atsuro and prompts him to ask if everyone’s really that interested in it — until he notices that there’s one person who seems to have absolutely no interest in it: Makoto. As expected…
Makoto wants to enthuse a little over the upcoming shows. Towa‘s suggestion to go around the table one-by-one starting with Yuki is met with silence, however, as Yuki hasn’t understood the question. Makoto has to explain it to him again. It’s been seven years and Yuki‘s hoping to give fans a sense of nostalgia, and he wants see both people who saw them live previously and those who’ve only heard their CD’s.
Makoto notes that after Aucifer’s break-up, Yuki‘s been supporting lots of other artists and bands and through that, has grown to be very intense on stage. He’s hoping to see that intense Yuki at the reunion shows, too. Makoto adds that he’s lately been listening to just loads of metal so he wonders if it’ll be just him and Yuki moving around violently on stage. Everyone laughs when Towa says it’ll be okay since Atsuro has been practicing by playing lots of squash. Atsuro thinks it’s not really the same kind of movement.

Atsuro says it’ll feel like a class reunion and that he wants to give the fans a really enjoyable live. But to to do that, the musical performances need to be top notch, too, so they still have to give their best at rehearsals. He says he’s looking forward to the lives, meeting the old staff as well as the fans, and playing those nostalgic songs while everyone’s reminiscing over their youth.
They talk a bit about their fans and how they’re getting older with them, too. Santa says the fans back then were probably mostly in their adolescence, so he thinks that the seven years that passed for the band is completely different to the seven years that passed for those fans. He says that due to their different sense of time, it probably felt more like 14 years to them (which makes Yuki go “…huh?” until he gets it). Thus, Santa thinks the songs probably feel extremely nostalgic to fans of that generation. Atsuro laughs and wonders if it’ll really feel like that long ago.
Makoto says he’s seen some mails from fans, and there were ones saying things like “I’m due to give birth soon so I can’t make it to your live.” Santa, too, has been looking at fans’ profiles on mixi and has noticed that there are lots of people who already have children. Atsuro notes the fans from that generation are starting to reach that age. “The times they are a-changin’” concludes Santa, to which Makoto comments by saying the time is ripe for him and Yuki to show their sex appeal on stage now. Santa asks why it’s just the two of them as everyone laughs.
Santa just hopes everyone to have fun at the lives. He says he’s actually in the mood for a festival-like celebration, even saying he wants to have lots of festival booths on there. This somehow leads to a conversation about Santa looking like Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi, with Atsuro saying Santa would only need sunglasses to look like him. Santa says he’s had people say that about him before. He was once wondering if he should put blonde highlights in his hair when he randomly saw Nagabuchi on TV who’d also gone with blonde highlights. He promptly gave up on the idea.
The conversation somehow descends further into madness and to an in-depth conversation about Santa‘s increasingly amazing muscles in his arms. Santa comments that he’s gained 5 kilos of muscle in the last half a year. Makoto notes Santa must be getting girls and more girls in succession because of his drummer’s sex appeal. Santa replies that he’s aiming for more muscle just to improve his drumming. This immediately draws a rather doubtful “yeah, right!” type laugh out of Makoto. Santa gives up and says “whatever” as everyone’s through laughing.
Towa has confidence it’s going to be a fun live for everyone, both for the old fans who’ve known them since before and those who haven’t seen them live yet. Santa wonders where those new fans have heard about Aucifer and Towa explains it must be through people finding about them when they’ve been supporting members for other artists and bands.

Santa was recently reminded of the fact how artists who were only active for a short time can really have a strong, lasting impact. He saw something on TV about Onyanko Club and realized just how short of a time they lasted (~2 years). Atsuro: “Which is greater… Onyanko Club? Or Aucifer?!” Towa says that when you think about it, producer Akimoto‘s other group AKB48 took around 3 years to properly break into popularity whereas in that time Onyanko Club would’ve already broken up. Everyone agrees Onyanko Club were pretty amazing. With that, Towa says it’s time to end the show, much to the amusement of the others. Atsuro: “…we’re going to end with the Onyanko talk?!“
Atsuro: “I’m looking forward to putting on a fun show. Everyone, please come!”
Santa: “I’ll be waiting. At the venue.”
Makoto: “I’m seriously looking forward to the live. At the same time, I’m also looking forward to getting an awesome reaction from you guys. Let’s all have a great time together.”
Yuki: “Everyone coming to Osaka, Nagoya and Akasaka, I’m looking forward to meeting all of you. I’m going to be playing with all I’ve got!”
Towa: “Everyone, please come see the show while truly looking forward to it! I’ll be doing my best as “Towa“… Yeah, after a while I’m going to become Towa again, so please cheer me on!”