Mayu Shinjo’s blog 2010/08/22
Let the rehearsals begin!
The countdown for Λucifer’s revival has started!!
All the tickets even to the additional show are already sold out.
Their schedule looks like this.
8/25 (Wednesday) Osaka Shinsaibashi CLUB QUATTRO
8/26 (Thursday) Nagoya ELL
8/31 (Tuesday) Akasaka BLITZ
9/1 (Wednesday) Akasaka BLITZ (additional performance)
I’m gonna go see them, too!
Everyone who was lucky enough to get a ticket, let’s meet at the venue!
Λucifer’s members are now in the midst of rehearsals.
The staff from the old days are back, too.
They must be having a good time working together.
The concert staff, who in those days often helped me out a lot when I was running around at Λucifer’s shows, mailed me about the state of the rehearsals.
Little by little the feeling of “Ah, so they really will reunite~” started to come about.
Some of the members are on twitter, so definitely follow them and read about their thoughts and latest happenings at the rehearsals!
Towa’s blog 2010/08/22
The finale

Pretty soon it’s the big finale…
The big finale…
Commented by dagu-hiro at 2010-08-22 23:57
Do your best~ Looking forward to the live p(^^)q
Commented by さに~ at 2010-08-23 00:07
The finale eh☆
There’s also a birthday party tomorrow right? (lol)
Commented by 微熱 at 2010-08-23 00:49
It’s really the finale!!
Starting to get excited now (lol)
Please do your best☆ to make it a hot live!!
Commented by みなみ at 2010-08-23 17:50
A b-b-black bass… (><)
Ah man… I already know I’m gonna cry for sure…
Santa’s blog 2010/08/23
The end
The Λucifer rehearsals are over~
As we’re finally nearing the Osaka show that’s the day after tomorrow, the truck loaded with our equipment has begun its journey~! (^w^)
Have a safe trip~!
And so,
The 10th anniversary festival is finally upon us!
I wonder what kind of drama awaits us!
I wonder if I have enough physical strength to whip out those songs at the tension appropriate for a live audience! (lol)
Looking forward to the day after tomorrow (^O^)

Commented by さっちん at 2010-08-24 08:45
Finally eh (^.^)
Looking forward to the opening show at Osaka~
Λucifer’s songs… as well as meeting the members
Commented by hitomi at 2010-08-24 22:34
Santa, good evening☆ Good work.
At long last eh~♪ I’ll be traveling a long way to chase you to Osaka and Nagoya (*’ ‘*)
Towa’s blog 2010/08/23
Now then

Λucifer’s rehearsals for the reunion are over!
The real deal is up next!
First up is Osaka the day after tomorrow!
Commented by のぶャン at 2010-08-23 22:52
Good work at the rehearsals☆★
I read earlier on Santa’s blog that the equipment is already on its way to Osaka★
I’m going to the Nagoya show so I’ll be cheering you on from home during the Osaka show(^0^)/
I’m really looking forward to finding out what songs you’ll play☆
Do your best tomorrow at Osaka while also preserving your energy o(^-^)o
Commented by ゆみ at 2010-08-23 22:53
It’s my first comment☆
Good work at the rehearsals~(U∀U)
They really went by in a flash eh!
Looking forward to seeing your stage again after 10 years♪
Please do your best (^-^)v
Commented by Yu-ki★ at 2010-08-23 22:53
Good work at the last rehearsal m(__)m
When you get back, please give your body at least a bit of rest.
Commented by ヒロミママ at 2010-08-23 23:31
Good work at the rehearsals. At long last, I’m excitedly looking forward to the first Λucifer show since 7 years. Me, my daughter and my son are all three going to the Osaka show.
Commented by あつこ at 2010-08-23 23:48
Good work at the rehearsals!
At last the tour is starting (≧▼≦)
First up, Osaka! Looking forward to it!
Commented by 梅里和泉 at 2010-08-24 19:27
Good work at the rehearsals.
Really looking forward to tomorrow’s live at Osaka.
It seems I won’t be able to get any sleep today since I’m so excited (lol)
Commented by モッチ at 2010-08-24 23:10
I’m going to see the live. Looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow
Atsuro’s blog 2010/08/24
Λucifer 10th Anniversary Live Tour
The tour limited to just a couple of shows is finally starting tomorrow!!!!!
I’m nervous as this time it’s different from the usual when I’m just a supporting guitarist.
This time it’ll be from the standpoint of an artist.
“Let’s give it our all~!” (as Makoto used to always say)
We’ve rehearsed a lot and done a lot in preparation for the live, so everyone please enjoy yourselves! I’m gonna have a lot of fun, too.
The concept is that of a huge class reunion.
10 years since the debut, 7 years since the break-up, we get to do this even though it’s a band with only around 3 and a half years of activity. It makes you realize music really is a wonderful thing. I really think it’s great.
It was my birthday yesterday.
Thank you all for the messages!!!!!
I was going through them on twitter☆ (that I’m strangely enough still using~)
10 years ago yesterday was Λucifer’s first time at Budokan.
10 years ago I would’ve never thought I’d be rehearsing with the same members today…
Music really is a wonderful thing eh. (My second time saying that…)
And about the possibility of there being more than just these couple of lives…
though I don’t like needlessly dwelling on future plans…
Will the next one be 5 years from now… or 10 years from now… or will there be no more after this…
First let’s just concentrate on this live!
The edition of Happy Music I recorded a while ago airs this week on 8/27 (Friday) at around 1:43 AM.
Definitely check it out.

Selection of Atsuro’s tweets 2010/08/22-24
- Thanks for the happy birthday messages!! From now on, too, I’ll be earnestly aiming to deliver good music as a musician. Fifth day of Big Macs \(^o^)/ — 12:51 PM Aug 23rd
- A cake surprise at the studio!! I’m thankful (>_<) ’twas delicious~☆ (picture) — 5:03 PM Aug 23rd
- Ah that’s right… 10 years ago today was Λucifer’s first time at Budokan. Time flies… — 5:17 PM Aug 23rd
- The last rehearsal ended now. Looks like it’ll be a good live♪ First up, everyone at Osaka and Nagoya, wait for us~☆ — 9:34 PM Aug 23rd
- 6th day of Big Macs!! I guess I won’t have enough free time tomorrow to eat one… (Note: playing shows never stopped Λucifer from having burgers in the anime! 😉 ) — 12:32 PM Aug 24th
- I have some work that really needs to get done but to escape from reality a little, I’m playing squash now. That aside, it’s hot today too (>_<) On a day like this, delicious curry would be… — 3:59 PM Aug 24th
- Having curry now!!!! Half & half ♪( ´▽`) (picture) — 7:20 PM Aug 24th
- On break from work now and — in a rare turn of events — updating my homepage. — 10:49 PM Aug 24th
Selection of Yuki’s tweets 2010/08/22-24
- Last day of rehearsals. If I don’t get everything sorted in my head… — 1:21 PM Aug 23rd
- We played through everything twice at the Λucifer rehearsal. Since it’s been 7 years, I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of an ensemble it’ll turn out to be. If possible, I’d like to play with this kind of feeling at the live. Having experienced a lot and met a lot of people during these 7 years, I want to express those feelings of gratitude! — 1:10 AM Aug 24th