Takahashi Yuichi – Tooi Machi (English Lyrics)

Distant Town

In a distant town, surrounded by mountains, stands an old gas station
Day after day, waiting for customers, the man there works away

Unconcerned with the oil and sweat sullying his hands
He simply smokes his cigarette

In the scorching afternoon heat, he opens the half-broken faucet
Cool water spraying against his tanned, brawny arms

In a nursery school, near the gas station, is where his lover works
She yearns for the big city; says it’s her dream to live there

She would always tell him
“Let’s leave this place together!”

Not saying a word, he would light his cigarette
Always a hint of sadness on his face, removing his glasses

Staying here would ruin them, she would insist
Him, always just quietly listening, wiping his glasses

Dust blowing in the dry wind across the road
Today, just as every other day, he heads to work

Even if everyone else was to go, leaving him in his lonesome
He alone would remain in this town, no matter what

Her feelings grow distant — she gives up on the halfhearted man
And one morning, she quits her job and gets on a long-distance bus

As they parted the man spoke
“Think of me when you get lonely”

Dust blowing in the dry wind across the road
The bus, with her inside, vanishes into the distance

While everyone else abandons this place, leaving it behind
He alone would remain in this town, living there forever

Today, just as every other day, he lights his cigarette
Only a hint of sadness on his face, removing his glasses

Even if everyone else was to go, leaving him in his lonesome
He alone would remain in this town, no matter what

山に囲まれた遠い街 古びたガソリンスタンドがある
やって来る客を待ちながら 彼は毎日働き続けた

オイルと汗に 汚れた手で 彼はかまわずタバコを吸う

焼けつく午後 こわれかけた 蛇口を開ければ
黒く焼けた 太い腕に水が飛び散った

スタンドの側の保育所に 彼の恋人が勤めていた
彼女は都会に憧れて そこで暮らすのが夢だという

いつも彼女は 彼に言った

彼は何も答えないで タバコに火をつけ
いつも少し寂しそうに メガネをはずした

ここにいたらダメになると 彼女がいっても
彼はいつも ただ黙って メガネをふいてた

吹きぬけてく 乾いた風 ほこり舞う道を
彼は今日も いつものように 仕事に出かける

たとえみんな ここを離れ 寂しくなっても
彼はひとり 町に残る 何があろうとも

彼女の気持ちが離れてゆく 煮え切らぬ彼に見切りをつけ
彼女は仕事を投げだして ある朝 長距離バスに乗った

別れまぎわに 彼が言った 「寂しい時は思い出せ」と

吹きぬけてく 乾いた風 ほこり舞う道を
彼女を乗せ 今遠くに バスが消えてゆく

誰もがみな ここを捨てて 離れてゆくけど
彼はひとり 町に残り 暮らし続けてく

彼は今日も いつものように タバコに火をつけ
ほんの少し 寂しそうに メガネをはずした

たとえみんな ここを離れ 寂しくなっても
彼はひとり 町に残る 何があろうとも

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