Henkka’s New Music Discoveries #2


I love to listen to it. I love to think about it. I love to look for more of it (particularly the good stuff) every chance I get.

It keeps me sane, it gives me the drive to keep going, and it makes me content. It makes everything feel more worthwhile. Even the shittier parts of life suddenly become more bearable when you know how at the end of the day, when you’re ready to take it, it’s there to be had.

And so, here’s some great music I’ve found since last time.

“I’m The President”


“Holy shit.”

That just about sums up my reaction on my first time hearing this song. And, to be fair, my reaction on every successive listen ever since.

I’m the president, yeah
You all voted, here I am
I’m the president, I love you
Who’s the president? Me
Landslide fucking victory
I’m the president, I love you

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