Yonai Mitsumasa
If your boss won’t let you go home
Politician | 2 March 1880 – 20 April 1948
You don’t get to choose your parents, and you don’t get to choose your boss.
For the average office worker, dealing with their superior remains an eternal challenge. There’s the type of boss who is generally difficult to approach, but when they drink, they suddenly become outspoken to the point where they don’t even notice from all their babbling how the other party wants to go home already. But then there’s also the type of boss who remains silent, even when they’re drunk.
The former type of boss—while annoying—at least feels familiar in a way. But the latter? Honestly, bosses like that are just scary. You have no idea what they’re thinking to begin with, and now that feeling of “who even is this guy?” is only amplified.
Among all the great men of history, too, there are some whose expressions did not change even when they were drinking. You could never tell what was on their mind. Yonai Mitsumasa, Navy Admiral and once Prime Minister, is a good example.