Minamino Yoko – Harugeshiki (English Lyrics)

Scenes of Spring

Waiting for you on the platform, I see the distant ocean
On the Kobe Line, enticed by a tranquil spring breeze
You look a little shy in your navy blue collared jacket
It’s making me nervous — usually you’re so brazen

Sounds of the train; hurried confusion
“Guess we got a bit carried away”
Me not answering, you worriedly glance at me

After the graduation ceremony, once spring break ends
I will be a year above you in April
It’s not that I’m angry, me falling silent like this…
I was only thinking about the passing of the seasons

Going up the hill and looking down, see the reflections of those ships?
This town always enveloping me in its kind embrace
Even as we eat our gelatos you still seem down
You’re thinking, “she just doesn’t like me”
Being the fool that you are

“Island Cafe”
That starry highway
The party we had together
It’s not like the memories will just disappear

Having said goodbye to my school uniform, getting off at a different station
I will be a year above you in April
One of these days it might not be like this anymore…
But for now, I just want to be spoiled by this gentle sunlight

It’s not that I’m angry, me falling silent like this…
I was only thinking about the passing of the seasons

春めく風に誘われる神戸線 のどかに
どきどきするわ 生意気なあなたなの いつもは

電車の音 まぎれ
黙ってるわたしの瞳 不安気にのぞくの

卒業式が終わって 春休みが過ぎてけば
おこってるからじゃないの 無口になってるわけは

坂道を上りきり 見下ろせば ほら船の影
優しくわたし包んでる この街は いつでも
ジェラートをなめてても やっぱりあなた 元気ない

stary high‐way
そんな memories 一瞬に消えるわけないでしょう?

制服にさよならして 電車の駅が変わって

おこってるからじゃないの 無口になってるわけは

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