もっと もっと もっと
More More More
It was a private rendezvous
Busy streets having grown dark
In a taxi hurrying towards you
My earrings swaying
The wind dances
I am dreaming
Passing through signals
More and more close to you
More and more crazy about you
That is how I want to love you
Please, my special someone
It was a chance meeting like any other
Many seasons having passed since then
Yet even now my feelings remain unchanged
And each time we are to meet, my heart races
Cheeks burning up
Street after street
Fixing my makeup in the backseat
More and more gently
More and more radiantly
I will give you a miracle
Please, kiss me before long
As I now feel these new feelings
Embrace me passionately
When I cross over that bridge
You will be waiting with a smile
Tonight, I want to be with you until morning
More and more close to you…