『The night in Sendai is over』
We’re riding the shinkansen back from Sendai. Thanks to everyone who came to see our live radio broadcast. On this Retsuden tour whenever we’re going to radio stations or CD shops we’re always running into monobright, but we didn’t today.
The only thing left is the tour final in Tokyo!! Well, I say that even though we’re going to Okinawa next week, and just when you’d think our headlining shows are over with our show on 11/28, we start our tour in December. It looks like 9mm is going to be busy for the remainder of ’07. But, looking at the footage from yesterday, our shows are getting better and better and we’ll still keep on improving, so definitely do come and see us. Our shows are sold out in various places, so we’re going all out all the way until year-end!!
Alright, I’ll lie down and get some sleep.