『The day after Termination』
It’s the first morning after the release of our album.
Yesterday we drank a load of cheap alcohol in cheerful celebration and went to a certain party on the spur of the moment. We would’ve wanted to play there~
Some of you might be aware already, but the stores whose pictures we’re uploading, they had crazy exhibits of us. Seriously, it didn’t matter which store we went to. Somehow there were places with our posters everywhere, places nothing but our album jacket going round and round and round, places with several racks where you could give the album a trial listen, places where they’d misspelled the band name as 9mm Para「d」ellum Bullet (gahahaa), you name it! I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was like, “is this really a place where they sell CD’s!?“
Thank you very much, everyone. Thanks to you, we entered 4th (!!) on the daily chart. I’ll do my best so hard, they’ll write about me in the papers if I die.