「The end of 9mm Month」
Since the last update, we performed at SCHOOL OF ROCK’s Zankyo Matsuri and SKULL MANIA, both of them nostalgic events for us. Since we’ve been in such a hurry, it’s already the end of the month huh (I say that kind of a thing a lot in my blogs, huh. Makes you think just how spaced out I am all the time). We didn’t even update the blog much. But you know, I actually got a digital camera this summer — a birthday present from the 9mm team — and I wanna upload the pictures I take on it but I don’t really understand how~ (laughs) Also, my Mac Book won’t connect to the internet, even though my Air does just fine… I wonder why? Ah well, I’m sure these will be just long gone memories of the summer soon enough (wishful thinking).
PS. The number of DEKAVITAs consumed before the CD’s release has more than doubled. Engineer K’s blood has turned into carbonic acid.
Pears. They sure are delicious, huh.
With that, later.