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  • 2011/03/13*Takuro

    Just doing my best to conserve electricity right now by having turned off the lights and TV, instead listening to the radio. Playing my acoustic guitar. Let’s avoid using candles as they can be dangerous in case of aftershocks. All kinds of news and gossip going around, but I’ll try and stay calm. Praying today, too, for happiness in the next world to those who lost their lives, and for the safety of all those at the disaster areas.


    Hello. Tokyo is nice and sunny.

    I just wanted to show this tweet from my friend Seiji of the telephones. I feel the same way as him. Seiji, I don’t use twitter so forgive me for “re-tweeting” it like this on my blog. Here it is.

    Those of us who can live as usual, let’s live. Let’s eat food, listen to CD’s, buy things, spend time with friends. If we’re alright, then let’s act like it! We’ll have so many chances to do just that even from now on! It’s no good if you just keep watching the news, getting all depressed. What we can do right now is to live life to its fullest.

    If the people living in places that aren’t in danger are dispirited, that might result in the people in the disaster areas to lose all hope. Of course, you don’t have to force yourself to have a good time, you aren’t obligated to do anything. But there are things you can do. As for me, I’ll play my guitar.


    I was thinking about earlier when I was walking outside. The people on the streets were kind. The cars couldn’t move in the traffic at all, and yet, there was no one complaining. It was the same last night when I walked home. Even at times like these, especially at times like these, people have hope. People feel close to one another. You might think “what’s this guy on about?” for me saying this, but Japan will definitely get better. The world, too, will become a little bit better. That’s what I believe.

    How music, or rather, how a rock band can help at a time like this is perhaps something not relevant right now. I’m thinking about what to do when the right time comes. Right now, the only thing I can do is hope. Hope for the situation at the power plant to somehow get resolved. For everyone at the affected areas to be alright. For separated families to be reunited. For people to be saved, even if it’s just one person more. For that moment when everyone can let out a sigh of relief to come even a little bit sooner.


    Even now, there’s people working at the power plant in Fukushima. Despite it being struck by disaster, there’s relief workers, medical workers, all kinds of people working their hardest to ensure the building’s safety. Though I understand their feelings, I’m just praying nothing worse happens there. Somehow, I’m hoping the situation would calm down.


    Though 9mm is business as usual, we canceled the rehearsal we had planned for today. Now I’m at home, unable to turn off the TV after having turned it on. I’m praying for happiness in the next world to all the many lives lost.

    I walked the streets a bit today. It felt the same as always, and yet, it’s completely different.

    The people still working even at a time like this… my mail got delivered to my home as usual, my trash got collected on schedule, I was able to buy my daily necessities… A sincere thank you to those people working hard.

    I watched Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano’s interview which urged people to save electricity to avoid power shortage. Looking out the window, it does seem like there’s more lights off than usual. I’m doing as advised, too.

    I’ve heard about an email going around that’s just pure rumors. Let’s take care not to trust any news that doesn’t clearly say the source for it.

    To those of you reading this from areas more badly affected, this is all I can say, but please do your best. Please try to stay safe everyone.


    It’s a sleepless night. Having watched the TV and seeing all the heartbreaking news, I can’t seem to calm down. It’s not like it’ll help anything if I panic, so the best I can do is to try and remain calm. I’m repeating myself, but keep updated on the newest reports and for those of you of you unable to return home, try not to be alone, especially women. Preferably stay somewhere in the light of the day with lots of people.

    I can’t imagine the pain those in more affected areas must be going through. Though this is really trite, everyone please be careful and try to be safe somehow. I’m keeping you in my thoughts as part of my family.


    Just stating the obvious here, but people with electricity should watch the TV and listen to the radio for accurate news reports! Let’s do our best not to leave women, children and the elderly alone by themselves!



    Everyone okay?

    I’ve returned home safely. It seems they’ve opened up open-for-all facilities for the people in Tokyo who are unable to get home.

    It seems they’re informing people still inside the 3km surrounding area of the Fukushima power plant no. 1 to evacuate. Right now it seems they’ve put reserve electricity into use. Here’s to hoping nothing more happens.


    「We’re safe」

    The 9mm team are all safe. Don’t worry. Praying for the safety of those who were in areas where the vibrations were more devastating.


    「Announcement At Last」

    Good news to those of you who were impatiently waiting for more gossip on the recordings.

    Our 4th album will be released in June!!
    And what’s more.
    We have a live at Yokohama Arena on June 26th!!

    Sorry to have made you wait. It’ll be a big party to celebrate our 4th album.

    This year we’ve thus far been absorbed in studio activities, but once 9mm gets warmed up, we’re going to bring it on.
    We’re preparing to have a secret Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka spring tour as well as all kinds of events, so we’re starting to get fired up!!
    For details, see the homepage!

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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