「The countdown begins」
1/27 (Tue) Kobe STARCLUB
Writing on the blog everyday, I thought it’d help keep my sense of time even while on tour, but that was a false hope. I always have to check my cellphone to be able to write the date above.
Kobe is where us and Masudore first met. Around the time when we released Gjallarhorn aka Yellow Album (or simply “that yellow one“) we went on a tour with them (a picture from that tour served as our artist picture up until around the start of 2007). There was a lot that happened on the tour that we sometimes still laugh about — and don’t laugh about — to date. Anyhow, I’m glad we were able to play with Masudore in Kobe which is also their hometown. I want to play with them here again. Also, there are finally only three remaining dates on the tour. Just how much will we improve I wonder. We’re around the point where were on the verge of leveling up. I have high hopes for our next show. Don’t stiffen up now. Thanks once again to everyone who came to see us tonight. See you tomorrow.