『Busy with media appearances』
For the whole month of May, the band has been concentrating on doing media appearances.
They’re all sure to be quite focused on the band’s thoughts on the approaching Yokohama Arena show as well as what went on in the studio.
Yesterday we went over to EMI and took over four of their rooms to do our photo shooting.
The waiting room is where we restrained ourselves from drinking too much of the Red Bull and Oronamin C made available to us (lol)
The guitar room
The bass room
The drums room
Each room gave the band the chance to properly show off their instruments.
Look forward to seeing it~.
We’ll be taking over the four rooms again today.
Not for photo shooting… but to conduct proper one-by-one interviews with the members.
Of course we’ll again be holding back from excessive Red Bull and Oronamin C consumption in the waiting room!
As far as the publication date, we’ll let you know on the home page later.
It was a long day today, too.
For lunch… I think we’re going to count on good old Cocoichi.
Fight on with curry power! I think that’s my battle strategy.