March 17th, 2012 18:50
Posted by Takuro
「March 17th is…」
…the anniversary of 9mm Parabellum Bullet’s formation. I’ll be honest: I was about to forget. It’s not like we really celebrate it every year or anything, so it was this close.
Yes. To all our fans, to all our future fans, thank you. Congratulations to both us and all of you.
By the way, today’s our 8th anniversary.
That means that next year it’s……!
We’re hoping for your continued support~!!
March 10th, 2012 18:46
Posted by staff
「3/8 @ Shinjuku LOFT」
At Shinjuku LOFT again, for the first time in several years!!
Both the band and the staff were eagerly looking forward to this day.
We had dinner together and got to know the event planners HERE beforehand, we had Pierre Nakano do the DJ’ing, got Hajimetal to be the support keyboardist for HERE… it was a really good day!
This is something that you could also see in ROOF TOP magazine and their interview with HERE, but they had this picture with them reaching out and having these triumphant faces that everyone in 9mm are really fond of. (laughs) 9mm also took part in one song of HERE’s set! Everyone on the bill coming out on stage during “Amore Amore” was a must-see!! Look forward to the live report in the next issue of ROOF TOP~.
After the show…

Everyone has a nice facial expression!!
And then, something that’s customary at the LOFT…

Sooo good.
Everyone from HERE and everyone from LOFT, thank you very much.
March 10th, 2012 12:50
Posted by Takuro
「A good day」
Last year on March 11th, 9mm was about in a meeting, deciding when to have another meeting regarding the jacket of our new album at the time. The meeting was stopped, and like lots of other people, I walked my way through Tokyo to get home. Since then, our album was released as planned, we celebrated its release at Yokohama Arena, carried out a country-wide tour, did our annual end-of-the-year show and greeted the New Year.
Tomorrow, 9mm is planning to be in the rehearsal studio and spend our time practicing. Just practicing with the four of us, like always. With us so deep in concentration, we could be playing at 14:46, too. At that time, I think I’ll change my performance into a silent prayer.
With that, later. I wish you all a good day today.
PS. Tomorrow and the day after there are going to be all kinds of events all over the country. They have the “Shooting up to Heaven!” fireworks event at the Imperial Palace tonight, and though right now it looks to be snowing, I’m going to send strong cheers of support their way.
March 9th, 2012 21:46
Posted by Takuro
One week after the Shibuya O-nest 15th Anniversary on the 29th, the GLAMOROUS STUDY event we were challenged to do by HERE was a huge success. At the afterparty, we talked and talked until we could talk no more… laughed at the fact that we ended up conversing more with Hajimetal rather than HERE… and decided that we’re sure to play together again in the future. You don’t get to see that very often, you know. Thanks muchly to everyone who came.
As for 9mm’s March, we’ll be taking part in BOOM BOOM SATELLITES’ tour at Fukuoka & Hiroshima, and then at the beginning of April, we have a serious showdown with HAWAIAN6 in the form of a tour of Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka, so look forward to that as well! (Because we are! (laughs))
February 29th, 2012 23:30
Posted by Takuro
「The February that just slid past by」
Oh dear! We’ve had loads of events and news this month, and we’ve been playing shows at the end of each week, too. And yet, none of us in the band are writing here! If this wasn’t a leap year and tomorrow wasn’t February 29th, this would’ve been etched down into the 9mm history books as “the month with heaps of activity and yet not a word from the band themselves“! No but really, this was a seriously busy month for us. Just to name the venues… Yokohama Arena → Saitama Super Arena → Makuhari Messe, halls 9-11 → and finally, Shibuya O-nest. (laughs) Too awesome.
Shibuya O-nest’s 15th anniversary event, co-organized with 9mm, takes place tomorrow. It should be advertised on the freepapers right now. To begin with, the leap year and the 29th of February is meant to adjust the time; a day to set the balance straight. So let’s make it a proper show so that we’ll be prepared for resuming business as usual starting next year. Uh, I’m not sure what I mean by that, but in other words, what I’m trying to say is that let’s have fun tomorrow — a day that only comes once every four years that has a “9” in it. With that, later.
February 13th, 2012 23:25
Posted by staff
「LIVE DVD act 4」
Going on sale on 2/11! The fourth DVD, act 4, icluding the entire recording of the show at Yokohama Arena on 2011/6/26!! For more details, head on over to the official website. And speaking of the website: it’s gotten a new layout, so please do check that out as well.
Also, they have a new profile picture!

9mm headed down to Yokohama Arena again for an event on 2/11! With six groups of the same generation gathered at the backstage area, they looked to be having lots of fun. (lol)

As we’re getting closer to 2/19, 9mm Parabellum Bullet will be concentrating on rehearsing!
During the times when they’re not at their rehearsal studio… they’ll be working on the DVD.
Look forward to it, everyone~.
February 9th, 2012 21:29
Posted by staff
「Kazuya Yoshii × 9mm Parabellum Bullet」
9mm were diligently practicing at their rehearsal studio for the upcoming Kazuya Yoshii × 9mm Parabellum Bullet collaborative show on 2/19 @ EMI ROCKS. The plans discussed at the business meeting the other day took proper shape today.
… Yeah, it was awesome. ☆
You’ll be missing out if you don’t come and see this!
Yoshii and 9mm are all feeling very excited, too.
Don’t miss this marvelous session of theirs~!
Look forward to it~.

January 31st, 2012 23:59
Posted by Takuro
「At the studio」
Scribbling down notes on new songs, working on arrangements, etc.
It’s another cold day in Tokyo.

January 31st, 2012 23:58
Posted by staff
「A business meeting with several gentlemen!」
The other day we had a meeting with HERE, the organizers of the upcoming show on 3/8 at the LOFT… well, I say that, but in reality it turned into a drinking party~!
Everyone grew a lot closer to each other that day! Just how will this groove manifest itself on 3/8!? I’m looking forward to it.

And as for the EMI ROCKS special collaboration of Kazuya Yoshii × 9mm Parabellum Bullet held at Saitama Super Arena on 2/19! Today we had a business meeting… err… drinking party for that, too! It was 9mm’s first time heavily drinking with Yoshii. It got loud in there!!
As for what is going to happen during the special collaboration… it’s no joke. Look forward to it, everyone~!

It might be that 9mm Parabellum Bullet comes up with better ideas at business meetings if they’re drinking. (laughs) Well, it’s not like they’re drinking every time. These two just happened by chance.
Now then!
Starting February, we’ll be playing more and more shows!!
January 31st, 2012 23:57
Posted by Takuro
「A winter of ambition」
Lately I hear it at least once every couple of days. “We’ve entered the coldest time of the winter now.” Sure is an ambitious winter. Pretty soon it’ll have been a week since our show with People In The Box. It feels like we got a great reaction at the event. It happens a lot of the time, but everyone’s going “we should start doing this more often!” As I say “thanks to everyone who came, let’s make noise again next year!“, the demons around me burst into great laughter — though unfortunately for them, they’ll be driven out with beans next week.¹
We were mixing a certain song in the recording studio today. We’re working while getting all giddy listening to the sound coming out of the speakers. I want to have you all see and hear this soon. Look forward to it.
Visiting the CD shop, I noticed that the cro-magnons’ new release has come out. TAIJI at THE BONNET, too. Also, it seems ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION’s best-of album ranked number one on the Oricon charts. It feels really good when a cool rock band’s CD sells like hot cakes. We, too, will fix our postures and create songs even crazier than before. Ones that simply won’t allow you to sit still when you listen to them.
(Picking up where we left off the other day, tomorrow we’re planning on having another meeting with certain people from HERE. No one wrote about it on the blog, but we were creating our battle strategy together. This was on the night when even Tokyo had some snow accumulate.)
¹ A reference to a setsubun tradition.