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  • 2011/05/14*Staff

    『Busy with media appearances』

    For the whole month of May, the band has been concentrating on doing media appearances.
    They’re all sure to be quite focused on the band’s thoughts on the approaching Yokohama Arena show as well as what went on in the studio.

    Yesterday we went over to EMI and took over four of their rooms to do our photo shooting.
    The waiting room is where we restrained ourselves from drinking too much of the Red Bull and Oronamin C made available to us (lol)
    The guitar room
    The bass room
    The drums room
    Each room gave the band the chance to properly show off their instruments.

    Look forward to seeing it~.

    We’ll be taking over the four rooms again today.
    Not for photo shooting… but to conduct proper one-by-one interviews with the members.
    Of course we’ll again be holding back from excessive Red Bull and Oronamin C consumption in the waiting room!
    As far as the publication date, we’ll let you know on the home page later.

    It was a long day today, too.
    For lunch… I think we’re going to count on good old Cocoichi.
    Fight on with curry power! I think that’s my battle strategy.


    「Rice collecting」


    Last month, Tactics Records carried out their Epic Candy War Campaign. This time, they’re collecting rice and sending it to the disaster areas! We, too, are taking part. Rice riot!


    As you know, 9mm got a chance to visit Iichiko…
    What enabled us to meet those good people at Iichiko was actually a programme we went to record there.

    The Kyushu people amongst you might’ve spotted him in yesterday’s group picture.
    It’s Mr. Kuriyoshi’s programme!

    cross fm「MUSIC AMP」
    5/21 (Sat) 5/28 (Sat) 18:00-22:00
    Guest appearance

    We got to drink and have fun while recording the show so definitely, do tune in!

    …Kamijou’s sound effects are fairly humorous.
    …Takuro’s unexpected accident is also amusing.
    Look forward to it~


    Today… 9mm have at last come for their training at Iichiko¹!
    We made our way to Iichiko’s distillation site in Oita!!
    Having gotten the chance to make a field trip to the factory, it’s time for training!!

    Stirring the mould~!
    9mm Iichiko~!
    Please turn out delicious!

    It was really fun and educational.
    More than anything, we were moved by the kindness of the workers there.
    The members got a greater appreciation for Iichiko’s products as well as its diligent staff.

    Commemorative picture with the staff and Mr. Kuriyoshi!

    Everyone at Iichiko’s Oita distillation site,
    Mr. Kuriyoshi,
    We’re in your debt.

    Koizumi, Koga, Misumi,
    Thank you for accompanying 9mm all the way to Iichiko!
    Our next goal! Aim to make the next Iichiko theme song (lol)

    For me personally, it was great fun capturing the members having a good time and training for the day. I was happy we got to sample some drinks.

    ¹ Japanese alcohol maker. Website.


    「in Fukuoka」

    It’s been exactly two months today, hasn’t it? I’m in Fukuoka right now and I think we’ll be driving somewhere at 2 o’clock, but I’ll pray in the car.


    We recorded three radio shows in Hiroshima today, in addition to other talks and interviews.
    The details on the radio appearances are as follows.
    Do give them a listen, everyone!

    ■HFM「vibe ON! MUSIC」
    2011/5/12 (Thursday) 17:00~18:50
    Featuring a comment from the band!

    ■HFM「Okubo Shigeki no 『9jiraji』」
    2011/5/19 (Thursday) 21:00~22:00
    Featuring a comment from the band!

    ■HFM「JP Standard」
    2011/5/28 (Saturday) 19:00~19:30
    Guest appearance!


    The picture is of Takuro busy reading during a break.


    「Heading West」

    You’ll get more photoshoot pictures from the staff later. Anyway, for some reason 9mm is in Hiroshima today. Looks like it might rain. It feels like it’s going to be a good day.


    It’s Taki’s birthday today!
    We’re celebrating it alongside Kazuhiko’s!

    They split it in half!



    9mm is again busy with a photoshoot today.
    There’s something… well, it’s still a secret.
    Look forward to its release.

    Here’s a little peek~



    Golden Week was a time of homecoming for us members as we all visited our hometowns.

    I came back to Tokyo before the holidays ended (it seems there are people out there who don’t get anywhere near ten consecutive days off… today’s not even a national holiday), so I attended the HIBIKI ROCK FEST at Shinkiba Studio Coast. It was my first time seeing a three-piece POLYSICS as well as te’ after matsuda joined the band. After their shows, I went over to stand at the Zankyo Records charity goods table for a little while. Thank you to those of you who bought from me even though the event was still on-going. Selling charity goods like this isn’t much and it’s not just about donating money. There’s plenty of things you can do, so let’s help as much as we can. Right now would be a good time to buy things made in the Tohoku area. They have delicious alcohol and a heap of other things you can buy.

    Today it’s rehearsals again (during my short tenure as a salesboy, I got a lot of people telling me they’d be attending our Arena show which made me really happy). We’re also continuing on with the magazine rush we started before the holidays. Next week we’ll be appearing on I-don’t-know-how-many live radio broadcasts. Please wait for more info. Cheers.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan