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  • 2011/04/04*Staff

    The special guests at Osaka were the SPECIAL OTHERS!

    It was fun doing a live again after this long, as was playing specifically in Osaka.
    To everyone who attended,
    To everyone who cheered us on,
    Thank you.

    Nanba Hatch,
    Thank you!

    Tomorrow it’s Nagoya!
    Look forward to it~


    Starting today, Zankyo’s charity goods will be on sale.
    ※At 9mm Parabellum Bullet’s shows.

    The members bought some right away!
    Taki immediately attached this on his bag!

    …but it’s upside-down!!
    Nice and Taki-like.


    「We’re in Osaka」

    9mm has already arrived in Osaka in advance for our live tomorrow. Just moments before the show, the co-billing secret band alone will arrive to the venue by helicopter. I’ll let you guys in on the secret: that’s really just decoy. 9mm will be posing as part-time workers inside the venue. We’ll pretend to work as such and be on standby while acting as security in front of the stage. When our intro music comes on, we’ll all simultaneously get rid of our disguises (by way of magically changing our clothes really fast) as we make our way on stage as our real selves! At that moment, we’ll be seized by this extraordinarily muscular security guard we’ll have prepared (a giant the size of a sumo wrestler) and be thrown out the venue. Yeah, this kind of story that you’d never think of as being anything but the absolute truth, it’s just the kind of lie I wanted to make… but before I’d noticed, April Fools Day had already ended. Ah well.

    But really, our excellent staff has taken great measures to maintain the secrecy concerning the other band. However, if by any chance you do find out who they are, let’s keep it between you and 9mm. Please keep the secret to yourself until the show starts. However, if for some reason you do not, your whole life you won’t be able to neatly split wooden disposable chopsticks anymore, your glasses will get cloudy even if you aren’t doing anything and if you’re right-handed, you’ll only be able to write characters nicely with your left hand from now on. Terrible curses such as these await you if you do not do as told. I’m not bluffing. Hey, April Fools ended already. At any rate, I’m speaking the truth. I’m going to trust you guys.

    Now then, it’s time for me to quit rambling and get some sleep. Lately, it constantly feels to me like the things essential to my daily life are changing. But, as 9mm has a performance tomorrow, I’ll have to start off with one of those essentials: making noise. Well then, I’ll see you at the show. Good night.


    Goods at 9mm Parabellum Bullet’s Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka secret tour will not be available for sale pre-show.
    Sales will start when the doors are opened.
    Goods from the secret band(s) will be on sale after the show has ended.

    Best regards.



    A third notice. I’m going to be making a guest appearance at TRICERATOPS’ event on 4/12 at the Akasaka BLITZ. Just me alone. It’s the one that was first scheduled to be held on 03/24-25 but got postponed. Was written on the HP as well I believe but I’m putting it on here, too. Some time ago, I was talking to this nice couple on the street who said “We’re going to the Dinosaur live! We’re looking forward to it.” No no, it’s me who’s looking forward to it… Can’t wait for the live…… is what I mumbled back to them in reply.

    I shook hands with the lovely couple before they went ahead on their way. I’ll see you at the venue, right. At this event, guest artists who participated on TRICERATOPS’ album from last year called “WE ARE ONE” will be making appearances on stage. So apart from me, that also means HOME MADE Kazoku. On the recording I only sang but at the event I’ll also be interfering with my guitar. I’m looking forward to standing on stage with the three of us.

    Later today we’ll have 9mm’s rehearsal. Tokyo’s a little cloudy today but I hope you all have a good day off.


    「Another notice」

    The news section on our homepage has been updated with a note from the 9mm team concerning our secret two-band tour. Those of you subscribed to our newsletter should’ve gotten it already. Whether you’re coming or not, please read it.

    In short, the news expresses condolences for the recent events and says they’re going forward with the tour. At the 04/08 show at Shinkiba STUDIO COAST, they’ll be conserving electricity by limiting the off-stage lighting and having lessened air conditioning. They also ask for understanding in the case of possible power outages which may lead to the show being interrupted.

    We’re having a rehearsal for the tour today. It really is a pleasure to get to play again. The tour’s sure to be such a blast, it’ll feel like it ended in the blink of an eye — but isn’t that what music in itself is supposed to be? Anyway, we’re still in the middle of our rehearsal. Both regular attendees and those who haven’t seen us live yet, let’s meet when we make our return back to stage. I’ll see you later.



    Just passing on a bit of news.
    Our tour of Tokyo-Nagoya-Osaka in April will go forward as planned.

    As this announcement came quite late I think we made some people grow worried, but please rest assured. Let’s make it a wild show, even more so because it’s a time like this. Your reactions to the the top secret co-billing bands and to 9mm’s new songs, I’m looking forward to it just as eagerly as you guys. Well then, I’ll see you at the show.


    Kamijou bought some Korean cup ramen.

    Everyone trying it out~

    It was so spicy, you couldn’t taste anything else… A weird atmosphere took over the room…


    Good evening. Today I went over to the studio in order to change around my effects board and got the chance to play with my own amp again. Assisted by my two guitar techs, jaki~n, goja~n, gyogyogyogyo… and similar nonsense sounds were tested and tried out, with me also playing a bit of B.B. King (just the first two bars of one of his solos) whom I’ve been listening to since three days ago. Occasionally also remembering to play 9mm songs, it was a really satisfying day. A little bit of fooling around, but this sort of warming up is for the band’s sake you know. My board is now perfect and I’m planning on changing into using all Oyaide brand cables.

    For these past several days, I’ve been suffering from post-earthquake motion sickness, or that’s what my techs say it is anyway. I wonder if others have it as well. Just watching the TV sitting down and suddenly you’ll feel that it’s shaking, but it turns out to be nothing. Just the pulse in your leg or something. Or, you’ll go “it’s shaking again! … nah, it’s just the alcohol” or something. Or, the following which has already happened to me two or three times: going to the toilet and sitting down to do my business, I’ll think “is it shaking? … nah, just motion sickness again… ” only to find out later it really was shaking. Ahahaha, I’m an idiot. However, I think I’ll be cured once I get to play live again. Not that I have any basis for saying that though.

    Though I was in high spirits, as soon as I made my way back home another unpleasant feeling came over me. The fact that this feeling was brought on by the usually calming, dripping rain felt somehow ironic to me. The earthquakes and the radioactive material scare are both frightening. Traffic accidents, murder cases, the pain of being separated from loved ones are all terrible things that can’t be helped. However, I won’t listen to people who are saying “If you do this you’ll be fine! Do what you’re told! If you don’t, you’re making a big mistake!” It’s like I’m listening to a lucky charm advertisement.

    In any case, today I was reminded of the fact that band men are supposed to make sound (to state the obvious), and today was preparation for just that. Picking practice and luck is what it’s all about… right? Let’s all do our stretches, take a deep breath and pray as we go to sleep. Good night.


    There were good news, too. I received word that ASPARAGUS’ Shinobu got his guitar delivered back to him. Seriously relieved to hear that. Hoping the rest of the equipment gets delivered safely as well.


    It’s been raining the whole day in Tokyo. I didn’t take one step outside.

    Little by little, in many ways it feels like things are starting to get back to normal. On the other hand I think that’s a good thing, but on the other hand I think it’s a bad thing. It’s complicated.

    At the disaster areas, there are still places where they’re not even able to read this blog.

    I was thinking about the act of praying and why one must be quiet when he prays. It must be in order to hear the voices of those who have passed away. If you don’t listen carefully, you won’t be able to hear those who are no longer with us. Even if you have nothing to say to those who you’re praying for, is simply listening to what they have to say not what praying is?

    Those are the kind of things I think about when I’m not busy with the 200 other trivial things I’m usually doing. Good night as always.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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