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  • 2010/11/30*Takuro

    「The night before EDGE OF CHAOS」

    We’ll be appearing at WRENCH’s event tomorrow at Ebisu LIQUIDROOM. With Arakajime Kimerareta Koibitotachi e and 9mm, I think it’s going to be a night really worth seeing. Most of all, I’m looking forward to seeing WRENCH’s show.


    The limited edition T-shirts for December 21st at Shinkiba COAST are complete!
    I had the members wear them, took pictures and put them up at the store!



    「Songwriting-lodging together and a secret recording」

    It seems some people already know from Kazuhiko’s and the staff’s twitters. Last week, we headed out to lodge together to get some songwriting done. We came back the day before yesterday. The lodging this time was really productive, so much so that there were many songs born that I’d already want to let you hear. Regretfully the vocal parts and lyrics aren’t done yet though, so you’ll have to wait for a while longer. However, there’s already a sound no one but 9mm could produce. We plan on commencing recordings once the new year begins and we head into 2011, but it’s possible we might play them live earlier than that. At any rate, I just want people to hear them soon. We’re still undecided, though.

    Also, we did some secret recording work at the beginning of the week. I wrote the lyrics for it during our lodging. As to when it’s completed and when you get to hear it, I think the details will be announced on the website sooner or later.

    With that, later.


    School festival finale!


    「In Saitama Super Arena」

    FIRE BALL are playing right now. They’re really cool. It’s a party! We’re gonna have fun.


    「The power of concentration to concentrate on concentrating」

    The amount of time one can spend in deep concentration per day is probably about two hours. I set aside that time for playing the guitar, writing lyrics and reading books.

    But after band practice, I find that I’ve often used up all my concentration resources. Lately, our rehearsals on days when it’s been raining have been really tough. I can’t help but feel that way, even if you tell me it’s just my imagination. It feels like it’s harder to get our rhythm together than on sunny days. Nevertheless, rainfall doesn’t have much of an effect when we’re actually playing a show. It’s strange. We’ve had good shows even when playing in heavy downpour.

    But I digress. When it’s a tough rehearsal like that, I use up my power of concentration. Also, on days before shows, I can’t seem to calm down. But no matter how big a show is, I seldom get so nervous I can’t sleep. It’s just that I can’t calm down.

    At times like that, I just stay motionless, not listening to music or reading books. When I do, my body gradually starts sending me signals like “do some stretches” or “I want to drink something warm” and such. When I listen to those signals, I find that at some point my mind’s been refreshed and I’ve calmed down. I’m able to hear the tiniest of sounds. The sound of the fan spinning, or indications of someone walking outside.

    I think this is the foundation for concentration — catching the signals that your body’s sending you. It feels to me like it’s very much connected to performing and production work. I want to acquire the kind of power of concentration that lets me concentrate deeply, immediately when I want to.

    The reason why I’m writing a blog about this is basically, well, I’m actually having a bit of trouble calming down at this very moment. (laughs) Wahahahaha! I’m excited about the show ~. It’s our first time going to Asia University (obviously) and it seems there’s going to be seats as well. Whether 9mm’s audience sits down or stands up, whether it’ll be a gathering of people who’ll focus on making huge noise once we start playing or whether university students are the kind of people who don’t really do that, let’s have fun tomorrow. With that, I’ll be doing some stretching now. See you later.


    「I’ll become a person of Tokyo¹

    After our first shows in a while at the school festival of Tokyo Polytechnic University and Lessthan*Riot, I was caught off guard when Tokyo had suddenly gotten chilly, even though I grew up in a snowy part of the country with a temperature difference of 10°C. I’m not making much progress in my typing thanks to that. Next week we’re playing at the Asia Matsuri of Asia University, and on the weekend we’re playing at EMI ROCKS and the Kanagawa Institute of Technology (w/MAXIMUM THE HORMONE). I guess we have more shows ahead of us than I first thought. Those of you coming, please take care of yourself as to not get a cold from the temperature change. With that, later.

    ¹ Takuro uses a funny reading of Tokyo here (凍狂). Googling it, it might be a reference to the manga Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar where unusual kanji are apparently often used. It roughly means “ice enthusiast/lunatic”.


    A glimpse from backstage. (^O^)


    LESSTHAN Riot!
    Thank you very much!


    Full attendance!
    Thank you very much!

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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