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  • 2010/10/23*Staff

    Playing live for the first time in a while!
    With a new song introduced as well, the crowd was really fired up!
    9mm’s shows really are nice, right! They’re fun!


    「School festival season」

    …is what 9mm’s entered. Right now we’re in the middle of our commute. School festivals actually all have long play times, so they have that benefit about playing them. The tickets are pretty cheap, too. It’s been a while since we last performed in front of people (the thing the other day was just us DJ’ing, see. There’s a picture of everyone and stuff on Katahira’s blog.) so I’m looking forward to it. With that, see you later.



    As per Katahira’s invitation, me and Kazuhiko go DJ’ing. Pierre Nakano will also be with us. The venue is a place called CLUB SEATA in Kichijouji. My plan was that I wouldn’t be playing any 9mm-like fast songs, instead just spinning lots of crazy rock like Captain Entropy, Aksak Maboul, Yura Yura Teikoku and Soft Machine, etc., and getting everyone on the floor into a frenzy (or rather, cause a mayhem and get booed at), but thinking about it now, I realized this’ll be the first time I’m touching a CDJ since the last time I DJ’d. (laughs) Thus, I think I’ll just play the songs I like while drinking beer and makgeolli while taking it easy so that I’m able to finish my set without it turning into a chaos. So basically, it’ll be just like always. Well, I say that even though I’ve only DJ’d a couple of times so far.

    It starts early and it’s not an all-night thing, so for those of you who want to make some noise at the end of their holidays, definitely do come. With that, see you tomorrow!


    「Bad Religion」

    I’m listening to Bad Religion’s new work “The Dissent of Man”. Taki and Kazuhiko love them and thanks to hearing them so much in the tour van for the last 2 or 3 years, I’ve started liking them a bit, too. The first song is way too cool, so I immediately bought it after giving it a trial listen.

    So, I’m listening to it now and all the songs are good. It seems it’s been 30 years since their formation. In a faraway country across the Pacific Ocean (or possibly the continent of Eurasia, but in the west anyway since they’re American), many people are listening to music from their band. I wonder how they feel about it. Those of you who’d care to, please give it a listen. The Japan version comes with a live disc.

    Oh. Next week I might go and do some DJ’ing. Might be nice. We might do that with Kazuhiko. That might be nice, too. I might write about mice parade next. With that, later.


    「Shinkiba Crisis」

    “Shinkiba Crisis”. It’s finally been announced. We’re playing at Studio Coast — where we’ve already played several times this year — once again with the wild enthusiasm like that of September 9th… is how it feels like. It’s been about a year since we last played with Midori, and two and a half years for Rin Toshite Shigure. Saying “it’s been a while” would be quite fitting indeed. All three bands put out an album this year and they’re all splendid (one third of that is self-flattery, though).

    The ones who brought up doing this event were us, but Hajime from Midori gave the impetus for us to do so. We were talking one night at some club and he said “Let’s play together~. We’re the same age and all“. “In that case, I also want to bring Shigure along…” And that’s how splendidly it all came together. I’m glad. The important thing this time is how we’re all the same age.

    On the day of the show, I think it’ll be a fierce 3-way struggle of performances where you can’t even tell apart the stage, the venue or who’s who. I’m not saying it’ll be all the members on stage o jamming or anything, not like that — it’s three bands who you couldn’t even really imagine doing that in the first place. Ah, but the members of CHAOTIC SPEED KING are all present though, and the groove created by the male team of Midori seems like it could take anything… how about everyone joins in there, and then we have the performance captured on a TK cassette tape recorder? How does that sound? (laughs) All the way up to mastering. Nah, that’d be no good, no good at all. (laughs) Let’s just make it a hard-hitting joint show like always — if I don’t become tense from being too fired up for it, that is.

    Definitely, definitely do come over and check just what kind of a crisis there’s going to be at Shinkiba, everyone.


    『Oh that’s right, let’s write a blog.』

    Mmm. On this week’s edition of “Weekly Shounen Chihiro“, I’m sending you a two-shot picture they took together with designer Neil Barrett.

    Ah, Chikkun has quite the drunken face going on here. He’s obviously had too much to drink. How unattractive. Looks like he’s just about to pass out, look, he’s going to pass out, look look, he looks tired, looook he’s no good anymore– what the, he hasn’t dropped dead yet. Hey, get to sleep already. If you close your eyes it’s goodbye for you you son of a bitch. Shit! Just die! Fucking fuckkk!!

    Alright, good. From next week and onward, we’re planning on suspending the publication.
    Please do as you like.


    It’s been a long time since the last blog update I did, so I’ll just try keeping it short.

    Currently, 9mm Parabellum Bullet are spending their days writing songs.
    They’re secluding themselves in the studio day after day, yearning to get back to the live stage.

    Today… I got to hear a really magnificent song.
    I’m hoping everyone gets to hear it.

    I took a picture of ninja Chihiro at just the perfect moment, so please enjoy.


    「What 9mm is doing in the second half of September」

    We’re making songs that are getting rave reviews. Furthermore, it’s going extremely smooth.

    We’ll be continuing doing that until the end of next month when we be restart doing shows here and there, beginning with a school campus festival. After that, we’ll come back to writing songs again. How should I put it… there’s this very flexible feeling to making sound with the band and we’re having fun.

    I’m very happy that it suddenly jumped from awful heat to cool weather. It’s actually even a bit cold, but I make better progress in songwriting when I have a cool head.

    With that, later.
    This was Takuro.


    Thank you to everyone who attended the Film Lives on the 14th!
    It was a really fun day.

    It seems the venue at Fukuoka was a brewery. Taki was excited when he found this huge barrel!

    Kamijo, full of motivation just before his Film Live!

    We got Inoue to be the host at Sendai!
    Thank you!

    In Nagoya, we got Kawamichi to be the host!
    Thank you!

    To everyone who attended and everyone who helped us with the Film Live in each location, thank you!


    Film Live @ Nagoya
    Hosted by Takuro Sugawara!

    Film Live @ Sendai
    Hosted by Kazuhiko Nakamura!

    Film Live @ Fukuoka
    Hosted by Yoshimitsu Taki!

    Film Live @ Hokkaido
    Hosted by Chihiro Kamijo!
    People were fired up at the Film Live in Hokkaido, too!

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan