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  • 2010/09/13*Takuro

    「Chaos no Hyakunen vol.7 and its reverberations」

    Chaos no Hyakunen vol.7 has ended safely. Probably fine to call it a “big success!”. Being able to say we could see our guests, BOOM BOOM SATELLITES and SOIL&”PIMP” SESSIONS, perform on the same night is thoroughly fantastic to me. Both bands are the kind that just know no musical borders. It was like some European live house. Thanks to everyone who came to see us. It was fun. The party we call 9mm Day will happen again next year, but at the end of the day, all shows are parties. It’ll be a while until our next show, but at that time let’s again go wild.

    For the past several days, I’ve been listening to loads of SOIL and BOOM BOOM, soaking in the reverberations of 9/9. In addition, I’ve been listening to TRICERATOPS’ “WE ARE ONE” and THE BACK HORN’s “Asylum”. On the TRICERA one, I secretly appeared on guest vocals. For details as to how this came to be, check out Sho’s blog. Completely setting aside the fact that I appeared on it, if I could describe the album in one word, I’d it wonderful. As for BACK HORN, I got the album from Koushu who came to see us on 9/9. It makes me go “this is great“. It is great. It’s rocking stuff. I was thinking this must be how it feels like for a British person when he’s listening to Muse. These lyrics and the overall hyperness, you know. Maybe I’m wrong. I don’t speak English or know the culture, after all. Wahaha. Really though, I want to see them live. No, I want to play together with them. “Since you say so, next year’s lineup for 9/9 shall be with these two bands!” Nah, that’d be too easy.

    Now then. Tomorrow we have a Film Live in various locations. (laughs) Cause we’re going to be split up. It’s going to be everywhere. Everywhere. Our live commentary is… well, I can’t really explain it here, so those of you who got selected, look forward to it. Try not to check the twitters and stuff of people who attended the events in Tokyo and Osaka! Hahaha~. With that, see you at various locations.


    Film Live @ Tokyo
    Thank you to everyone who attended!

    Tomorrow the members will split up and head to several locations!
    Just who will you get to meet…? Look forward to finding out!


    Film Live @ Osaka has ended safely.

    Doing something like live commentary was a first for them so there was some confusion, too, in the beginning, but I hope you enjoyed hearing stories you won’t get to hear anywhere else. Thank you to everyone who joined us for such a long time.

    The pictures are from during the question corner. It was dark when they were doing commentary, so I don’t have pictures of that. Sorry.


    「Chaos no Hyakunen vol.7」

    It feels like it’s going to be another fun night. We’ll be at the venue soon!


    9mm Day!
    We’re hoping for your support!


    「The day before two things」

    Today is the day before act2 and ac3 are released, and the day before 9mm Day. Despite this, the typhoon is here. Our drummer isn’t particularly one that summons rain through his drumming (even though his drumset is like a blue hurricane)… and it’s not even that the four of us combined are particularly rain men… we even see Mt. Fuji clearly each year we appear at SLS…… Well, I’m sure it’ll have passed by tomorrow! Those of you who can’t make it to the show, I’d definitely like you to get the DVD’s and spend the time watching those.


    「9mm Day」

    At last! It’s been announced! The line-up for 9mm Day! Hey! Those of you who didn’t know about that yet shouldn’t be reading this. Go and check out the website for details and then come back. Those of you who already know, please proceed to read further.

    We finished our summer festival appearances the other day. We played last at TREASURE, so after our show they had fireworks which the four of us were watching while enjoying our drinks after diving in the backyard pool. The fireworks had already started during the encore. It actually seems the Lagunasia in the neighborhood didn’t even have that much to do with the event when doing the fireworks (going about it basically just asking, “so what time is your event ending?” (laughs)). I spent the time while getting a little bit sad because of the end of summer. As for SWEET LOVE SHOWER, need I even say it? If there’s a magnificent Mt. Fuji like in the picture from before, our performance and whatever is just the icing on the cake. We had fun playing as the day was gradually drawing to its close. Looking behind me in between songs, the color of the sky changed several times. In addition, Pierre Nakano was roaring with laughter for some reason. Good grief.

    Yes. Is everyone back? 9mm Day! It’s become a line-up that makes you honestly think, “there aren’t a lot of nights like this.” Even those who got their tickets without knowing who the other bands would be should relieved. It’s a show even I’d want to go see, just like that. No, not just like that. Rather, it’s a show I’d want to go, wildly enthusiastically. Keep washing your hair for about a week more and wait! With that, later.


    Takuro and Mt. Fuji!


    「It’s Laguna Beach」

    We arrived at Gamagoori in the evening and made some noise at the venue of TREASURE that’s still under construction at the moment. 9mm performs at 19 o’clock when it’ll be completely dark so I think it’ll be pleasant, but it seems there’s not many places where you can escape the sunlight during daytime. Since I think the people who are coming there in the evening only to see us are an extreme minority, it’s best to prepare a parasol or a big towel. There’s some awesome scenery. There’s blue skies and a beach for as far as you can see. There’s also a ferris wheel in the nearby amusement park-like place which I think would give a great view of the venue. Only, I don’t think you could hear the music at all. (laughs) Also, I heard that you can use the nearby pool inexpensively if you show your wristband, so going there might be a good idea for people who’ve gotten sick of the heat. Mmm, I’ve now started sounding like a tour guide for the festival so I’ll stop here. (laughs) With that, see you at the venue.

    Pictured here is a ferris wheel we saw from the backyard.
    The picture is the wrong way, though. (laughs)


    「Long time, no talk」

    Thank you to everyone who watched our show today. Playing with the HIATUS is always fun. Today’s was of course a regular show, so I’m glad we got to watch them play for such a long time. We’ll immediately have another one this week: we’re playing at a festival in Nagoya called TREASURE. To those of you coming on that day, let’s have fun. We’re playing last, by the way. Hope to see you there. Even though we’re getting close to the end of summer according to the calendar, it still continues to be hot. I think we’ll have the announcement of who’s playing with us on 9/9 soon. Look forward to it. I hope the authorized people already in the know won’t say it on twitter or something (I don’t really know about the structure of the organization).

    Now then. For some reason or other, 9mm’s doing songwriting in between preparations for our upcoming shows. It doesn’t seem like summer’s ending before 9/9. That’s about it. Later.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan