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  • 2009/06/18*Takuro

    「Chance of rain 2」

    The “chance of rain” is actually something that indicates “how many % of a certain area is going to get rain“.

    Say you’re overhead a town called A. A has districts from 1 through 10, all equal in size. A’s chance of rain is 80% starting from 5PM, and hearing that, you sort of read in between the lines that you ought to take an umbrella with you when you leave. After 5PM, it will be raining in 80% of A, and in 20% it will not.

    That could be districts 1 through 8, or maybe districts 2 through 9. But if you’re inside that remaining 20% area, you won’t get wet in the rain (it also means that if it’s over 0%, rain will always come down without exception). However, they have yet to find a way of determining that area of no rain. I wonder if you get what I mean. Me, I’m a researcher of just that.


    「Chance of rain 1」

    Unbelievable! You’re just…!” That’s what the woman says, looking at me as I’m standing there in the entranceway. It feels like we’re going to have a ruptured conversation there, like being unable to convey your thoughts to a foreign friend. I could hear a voice saying “just give up.” But, it can’t be helped. Communicating my thoughts to her is definitely necessary.

    Now now, calm down. I don’t mean to be making excuses here, but won’t you listen to what I have to say? It won’t take long. Look, you know the term “chance of rain“? You should. That thing in the weather news where they say what the percentual chance of it raining is. If it’s 50%, that basically means the probability is 1/2, so you go “Alright! I’m not bringing an umbrella today!“. But, then it’ll end up raining. “You can’t count on the weather forecast!” you’ll say, getting a little gloomy. However, everyone’s getting it all wrong. That’s a huge mistake, almost a lethal one.

    I feel like her facial expression’s softened a little. While standing in the entranceway, I continue talking to her.


    Picture from yesterday’s show!

    We’ll do our best today as well!
    We’re hoping for your support.


    Nagoya power!


    「First day of tour」

    It’s ended without incident! There was somehow the feeling of it being the first show of the tour floating about even inside the venue, and our show itself was like that as well (what am I talking about?). Hearing the roar-like cheers when the BACK HORN intro tape was playing and seeing everyone’s faces as we were performing, it made us realize how everyone had been waiting for this tour. Everyones’ enthusiasm reached the stage perfectly, and I’m not just saying that! (laughs) Thank you to everyone who came today.

    We’re playing Nagoya tomorrow. We’ll be going on with all our strength.

    With that, later.


    「The night before Daisanji Memai Taisen」

    It finally starts tomorrow. We’ve waited a long time, but it’s finally tomorrow. I don’t know what we’ll be able to give and take from each other (“each other” as in not just 9mm and THE BACK HORN, but everyone on stage and everyone in the audience) but it’s sure to be an outrageously loud and fun time. Let’s share it all. After that, drink and converse until daybreak, or dance until your mind is completely blank or do whatever you like, I leave it up to you. Even if it is for just a few hours of a day, let’s create a wonderful atmosphere.

    ※ Pictured up there is the chandelier from the place where our discussion was filmed.

    Are there any among you who missed the raffle coupon included in the limited edition sticker of “Black Market Blues e.p.”? There are going to be lots of prizes, but perhaps the main ones would be Taki’s self-made guitar pedal and a ticket to the show of the day. Osaka and Nagoya are already sold out with Fukuoka and Sapporo soon to follow so if there are any among you who didn’t manage to get a ticket, this could be your chance. Definitely try your luck and come see the show. You can come and just do the raffle, too. You can find the details on the official Daisanji Memai Taisen blog below.


    With that, later. Ah, so excited.


    「Rehearsal bonus」

    The staff took pictures of us yesterday. The difference of quality compared to my camera is astonishing, right? (lol)

    9mm’s already in Osaka. Talk to you later.


    「Rehearsal No.3」

    This is what it looks like around my amp. On the right is a custom Navigator I added to my group of friends in April. For more information, please have a look at GIGS’ August edition coming out next month. (laughs)


    「Rehearsal No.2」

    Taken from above Kamijo’s stronghold. Sure is hard to see anything.


    「Rehearsal No.1」

    Reporting in from the studio with a poor quality camera. The thing I want most right now is a digital camera. I didn’t manage to get one in time before the tour…


    「Preparations for the festival」

    We’re rehearsing daily. Tomorrow we’re doing something called the dress rehearsal, so hopefully that’ll result in some nice pictures. Daisanji Memai Taisen is right around the corner!

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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