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  • 2009/02/19*Takuro


    …is maybe saying too much, but we’ve changed the top picture over at our homepage. Also, we’ve finally revealed the cover of “act I”. It’s one that’s full of disdain, right? It’s cool~. It doesn’t really reveal much about the contents of the DVD. Such as, the scene with me doing a huge mess-up due to sweaty hands and ruining the atmosphere for a while. Actually, rather than our music, I think it’ll give you insight about us as a band.

    The people who haven’t seen us play live of course, as well as the people who’ve seen us a number of times, I’d like everyone to see it.

    Look forward to April 1st.
    Free live!!


    「Big Air」

    The venue wasn’t a ski area…! I had a lot of thoughts about our show amidst snow (such as “it’s cold” or “it’s freezing“), but for now I just feel exhausted. I’m just glad this event for youngsters ended safely! I had fun performing, too.

    Last year we went to Hokkaido thrice (playing four shows).
    I wonder how many it’ll be this year~.

    Thanks to everyone who watched us play.
    With that, later!


    We arrived at Hokkaido yesterday and went for dinner.
    We were served this meal with a big-catch flag!

    We’re hoping for your support today as well.


    「Big Air」

    We’ve arrived to a snowy Sapporo. Since I was born in a snowy area, I was thinking I’d be completely fine, but… thinking about it now, we’ll have to perform out here , right? Nhahahaha. I’m also looking forward to seeing ski slopes and stuff for the first time in quite a while. There’s just one thing I’m worried about: I hope my guitar doesn’t freeze and get all fractured.

    I’ll be careful to not catch a cold.


    「act I」

    We just had the final check of our DVD. There’s a lot of material included, if I may say so myself. If you have to watch both discs in a row, you’ll be thinking just after the first show if maybe you should’ve included a  condition that you can have at least 5 minute breaks. However, the content is great. There’s no doubt about that. I think they’ll probably be showing what the DVD cover looks like before long, too. Look forward to that as well~.


    「Aba Gian Night」

    The return of DAINOJI ROCK FESTIVAL 4 13DAYS(!), Shibuya Yaneura.

    It was crazy fun. It’s been around two years since we last even played at Shibuya Yaneura. Seeing the band before us put on a show that left the audience just about floating in the air, our own show made us a little nervous. Moreover, there were moments during our show when I thought “Huh? Is that Kazu who stinks? Argh, I guess it’d be no good if I just left the stage right now“, but we managed to end it safely. It’s a cellar right in the center of Shibuya, so it wouldn’t be weird for anything to be seeping out. I’m glad we managed to finish without incident. After getting off stage we were just fluttering about backstage, happy from being told our show was awesome. Thanks to that, we were in great mood afterwards, just laughing the night away. Dienoji, all the staff and all the comedians and comediennes, thank you. Let’s work together again. DRF still continues, so please head on over all the way through until the final day. With that, later.



    A friend from Fukuoka sent me some mentaiko. It’s ridiculously delicious and goes well with rice. My stomach’s full. As I thought, mentaiko might really originate from Fukuoka. Actually, it somehow feels like it came from another continent.

    Anyway, someone sure did good, coming up with the idea of actually eating this. You’d think someone trying tarako was already adventurous enough. If you look at food carefully, a lot of it is just really strange looking. As I continue to munch on my food here, I send my heart out to the people of olden days who were all culinary challengers.


    「I’ll try not to forget anymore」

    The day after our tour finale, when all we had left to do was to return home, I was tormented by a mysterious, awful physical condition. My head hurt and no matter what I did, I felt sick. What on earth was wrong with me!? Cold? Could I have caught a cold this far along the road? As I thought about the previous night while sitting in our shaking tour bus for 30 minutes, I solved the mystery.

    I was simply hungover.

    What the hell. During my alcohol abstaining lifestyle during the tour, I’d completely forgotten about hangovers. “So that this doesn’t happen again, I’ll have to drink on our next tour…!” is what I find myself thinking.

    ※ Though the people pictured here look worn out, they’re all happy.
    Cameraman Rui is also in the shot.


    『Inspire VAMPIRE EMPIRE. by TOY○ tire』

    Our tour’s ended. To everyone who came, to all whom it may concern, and to everyone who supported us, let me profoundly thank you and offer you my sincerest gratitude.


    The attached picture is of a Suicidal cap that was handed to me on the first day of our tour from jealkb’s drummer elsa. He told me “if you wear it throughout the tour, I’ll give it to you“, and thus, I’ve even been wearing it during interviews. Operation successfully completed. Thanks to the cap, I somehow managed to avoid catching diarrhea. Thank you elsaaaaa.


    Thought up during tour boredom, presented by Dragon Chihiro:
    ★Your fortune of the year based on your blood type☆

    ○ Type A
    On your way home, it seems you’ll have an encounter with a mysterious animal. Kill it before it kills you!!
    Lucky color: parmesan pink
    Lucky number: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028
    Lucky item: bidet (made by TOTO or otherwise INAX)

    ○ Type B
    I have a feeling♪ you might have an imaginary pregnancy. Though the child that will be born is sure to be a reptile, raise it lovingly.
    Lucky garlic: one made in Kagoshima
    Lucky phrase: “Oh dear, th– hey!!
    Lucky vitamin: B6

    ○ Type O
    As you’re about to confess your love to the person you like, if you kancho the life out of him just prior to your confession, your luck is sure to be “uncertain“!!
    Lucky pet: Shenron (Porunga… is OK as well!)
    Lucky Greek character: ψ (psi… pronounce it like “pussy“)
    Lucky huge mistake: suuanko furiten (tanki machi only)¹

    ○ Type AB
    If an upper classman picks a fight with you, tell him “don’t get all high and mighty just because your parents copulated a few years before mine~” before handing him your wallet♪ If you do that, you’ll definitely score a home run tomorrow!
    Lucky sugary taste: Wasanbon
    Lucky accessory: pigs feet
    Lucky monster: akaname (filth licker)

    Well then, see you next year or so huh.

    ¹ Mahjong lingo. I’ve no idea.


    「A new place」

    Today we went to the Zankyo studios that just began operating this year. I forgot to take a picture, but it has a really nice atmosphere. You get motivated just being there. I’d completely forgotten how recording feels like, but today’s work brought it all back at once. Using such a fantastic studio makes a huge difference.

    Come to think of it, it’s the season of entrance examinations right now, huh. I’m hoping everyone will do well.

    9mm is working tomorrow as well.
    With that, later.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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