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  • 2008/09/28*Staff

    It’s starting now~!

    Inside is producer Kazuhiko!



    9mm Parabellum Bullet’s All-Night Nipponia Nippon R

    9/27 (Sat) 27:00-29:00!!!

    Just on the verge of releasing their 2nd album “VAMPIRE”, the four guys from 9mm Parabellum Bullet are becoming radio personalities for All-NIght Nippon!

    On the program, 9mm will read lots of mail from the you who’ve become numb: the main theme is “numbing stories“. Whether it’s happy things or heart-breaking things that caused it, both are okay! We’re also awaiting questions, dilemmas and messages of support as well!

    Send them all to 9mm@allnightnippon.com!

    ※ Please see below for broadcast information for all areas.

    Until 27:59
    IBC Iwate broadcast, Yamagata broadcast, Shin’etsu broadcast, Yamanashi broadcast, Fukui broadcast, Central Japan broadcast, Wakayama broadcast, Yamaguchi broadcast, Shikoku broadcast, Western Japan broadcast, Nankai broadcast, Kouchi broadcast, Nagasaki broadcast, Kumamoto broadcast, Southern Japan broadcast
    Until 28:30
    Japan broadcast
    Until 29:00
    STV Radio broadcast, Tochigi broadcast, Ibaraki broadcast, Kyoto broadcast, Kyushu Asahi broadcast



    「All-Night Nipponia Nippon R」


    9mm are going to be DJ’s of tonight’s All-Night Nipponia R! All the boys & girls as well as the ladies & gentlemen nation-wide are staying up late tonight, do check it out!

    With that, later.
    Nightlife! (← think of that as a greeting)


    「I’m telling you, arituussu¹ is ancient!」

    YOUNG FLAG is over! On my way back now. It was another wild show! I couldn’t stop grinning and getting goosebumps. Lots of people also came for the recording of the SCHOOL OF LOCK live broadcast of the wrap-up party. Everyone, be sure to not catch a cold. We’re coming back to Sendai in November to play with Midori. Later.

    ¹ Outdated slang for — you knew it — “arigatou.”


    Playing Sendai today!
    Drinking C in the dressing room!


    「Since it’s shuubun no hi, does that mean it’s finally autumn?」

    With a bunch of Zankyo artists gathered in one place, the 21st at Shinjuku LOFT was a really fun night. We were in a party mood ever since the soundchecks at noon. The wrap-up party was fun, too. All the youngsters who came over from Nagoya as well as the captain, everyone got smashed. Everyone was cool.

    Today I went to UNIT to see Masudore (mass of the fermenting dregs, check them out if you don’t know them). As I reached the venue, I got orders as follows: “as the show’s ending, you get on stage and scatter around the castanets inside these yellow buckets”. Getting to my task without delay, I helped carry the buckets, took off my hat in greeting while taking care to conceal my identity by wearing these questionable sunglasses I had with me, almost having it snatched away by a member of the audience in the front, etc. Somehow I felt a little confused up there by myself. In any case, the main thing is that Masudore’s show was great. They were really lively. I want to play with them. After that, I spent my time at a wonderful drinking party.

    Anyway, we have a show in Sendai on the 25th! We’ll be heading there tomorrow. Everyone from the Miyagi prefecture! We’ll also be making a live appearance on radio, so please listen to that.


    「The day after GG08」

    Tonight was a really fun and stimulating night. It feels like SOIL & PIMPSESSIONS, Qomolangma Tomato and 9mm Parabellum Bullet were all drawing inspiration from each other for their respective shows. As everyone got on stage, they were saying how they felt energized thanks to the other two bands. I think it helped create a tremendous atmosphere. Motonaru from SOIL was saying how “it’s been a while since I last saw an audience as sweaty as me.” Indeed, the total amount of sweat produced last night was quite something. Every band was completely drenched afterwards, not to mention the stage floor. You could call yesterday a contest between different schools — 9mm, who were there as guests, and SOIL — but also the opposite of that as well. Above all, the presence of friends from another band made everyone excited, or rather, we strongly felt the appeal of having another band playing alongside us (on a sidenote, that also happens on 9mm’s tours as well). And for giving us that opportunity and arranging the event, I’d like to express my gratitude to George and M-ON TV once more. Thank you. The event itself will still continue tomorrow and the day after! George’s awesome!

    After our show, we went drinking and had an awesome time with the members of Chomo, Taki, Kazuhiko and the staff. The whole time was spent laughing at utterances I can’t write down here (due to the excessive dirty stories, inside jokes and other indecency that comes with partying). I do however have an example documenting just that on my cellphone, which I’ll now be publishing here. I don’t know if you can spot them. They’re hanging there.

    ※ Mr. A from Chomo’s staff, showing a talent he takes pride in.



    We attended the GG08 at Shibuya AX. Just strolling about, we happened to randomly come across Serizawa from the SPECIAL OTHERS who invited us to come, so we decided to just head over. Even though monobright was playing that day, we made our way over too leisurely and managed to miss them…… But I’m glad we at least got to talk. Maybe I should start using framed glasses like them.

    We’re performing there the day after tomorrow, too. The place has a really good atmosphere so I’m looking forward to it. Thank you to everyone from the GG staff for tonight. We look forward to working with you on the 17th.  The picture is from when a member of one of the bands performing today, BOYS OF SUMMER, knocked over an ashtray. I think he couldn’t see where he was going because of his mask.


    「Did you all see it?」

    The video for “Living Dying Message”! There was that day when we went to the sand dunes for the purpose of making this video. The director is someone you should already be familiar with, Daisuke Shimada. Mr. Shimada is responsible for all the videos of the Termination-era (aside from the one using live footage). Of course, he’s also had a hand in several works by other artists as well (RADWIMPS, etc.). All of his works have unique color tones, giving them this strange sentimental feel where you can’t even quite determine when they were made (something I’ve never told the man himself). I was just watching CS the other day when Kimura Kaela’s new song aired, and I thought to myself “this has got to be Shimada’s work!” I waited until the credits and it was indeed just like I thought. I think with this I’ve now got some of you thinking “I wonder if he also did that song for that artist!?

    In any case, I think the video this time around is again a very interesting one.
    Do check it out!


    「9mm as of late」

    Every night as I go to sleep, I’m silently thinking and hoping, “The weather’ll get cooler tomorrow for sure. Tomorrow……“, but it doesn’t look like the sunlight’s really easing up.

    9mm as of late might have entered another interview period. I say “might have” because it’s not really clear when those periods begin and end — sort of like the rainy season (Wasn’t there a rainy season a couple of years back that just never cleared up? Okay, maybe not.) Today, too, we’ve been busy with fun conversations for magazine interviews and so. We have a rehearsal scheduled for tomorrow but I’m sure we’ll have to also do some interviews again.

    On my way back home, I happened to run across friends from my hometown. The girls had been here since yesterday and are going back tomorrow. That moment when you meet old friends for the first time in years, you just never get sick of that feeling. That pleasant dialogue of “Huh……? Ah!!

    With that, later.

    Tomorrow for sure………

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan