August 9th, 2012 12:38
Posted by Takuro
「I have a premonition」
Following our campus festival tour with THE BAWDIES, the EAST COAST TOUR 2012 (this one’s just us) has also been announced. Guys, don’t you just feel like there’s going to be some further announcement from 9mm? Because I do. It feels like it might be about something that’s happening in the fall. What on earth could it be? Let’s look forward to it.
By the way, the cicadas have now started singing in Tokyo as well.
August 5th, 2012 14:16
Posted by Takuro
「On-air on Ust」
We’re in Hitachinaka for tomorrow’s ROCK IN JAPAN. They’re airing the MTV Unplugged thing on Ust right now, so check that out. From this week onwards it’s going to be a weekly thing and this week it’s just me featured on it. Anyway, go and check it out!
July 31st, 2012 23:59
Posted by Takuro
We appeared at NO NUKES, from which you can see live and off-shot pictures on our website.
I guess it’d be good to talk a bit more about that. We were there not to hold a speech, but to do a show — just the fact that we appeared at the event is a declaration in itself. I could see everyone way out in the back watching us perform. Thank you to everyone who was there to see us.
Like I said in the MC there, just the fact that we oppose this isn’t enough. That doesn’t solve the problem. What I mean is, I want to make it so that at some point the phrase “NO NUKES” itself will no longer be necessary.
I’m trying to imagine the day when this event is a festival where we only have to enjoy the music, after the real era of “NO NUKES” has arrived in our country. What kinds of bands will be there? What kind of expressions will the audience have on their faces? And how many more people must see the bands performing there until that day?
I wrote how 9mm is the youngest band among the lineup, at the good age of 28-29… and what I want to say is, I want this band to be as cool as possible. That’s it. It’s not just about nuclear power plants. It’s about what we take from the previous generations, determining the things that we mustn’t pass on and somehow putting a stop to it with our generation. What do you want to give to those who come after us? What do you think? I’m asking you, the people from the same generation as myself.
I’m going to crack my knuckles and get back to writing lyrics. I can’t tell you the details, but we have a recording session next week. I’ll talk about that at a later date.
July 31st, 2012 23:58
Posted by staff
「NO NUKES 2012」

「NO NUKES 2012, bonus edition」
After finishing up at NO NUKES with its staggering lineup, we took commemorative pictures with their lovely mascots!
Monja-kun and Takuro.

Rydeen Robot-kun and Taki.

Taki got way too into Rydeen Robot-kun…

So he secretly tried that on. (laughs)
To those of you who were at today’s event… we sincerely hope the message got across to you…
9mm Parabellum Bullet’s sentiments.
Thank you.
July 31st, 2012 23:57
Posted by Takuro
「The night before NO NUKES 2012」
Kyoto Daisakusen. The rain kept getting more and more intense as we got to the venue but once it was our turn to go on stage, you could feel the sunlight starting to shine through the clouds. By the time BOMB FACTORY went on, it was clear weather. So although eventually it got to be the pleasantly hot Kyoto just as we’d pictured it, we had to reluctantly leave the venue as we had to commute onwards. I’m sure it remained just as hot afterwards. We hope the whole two days is a big success.
We’ll be appearing at NO NUKES 2012 tomorrow. I wonder what kind of a day it’ll turn out to be. For those of you worrying over us being the only youngsters performing there, try to enjoy it without any worries. I’m just glad that there’s a band from our generation included in the lineup. I’ll see you at the venue.
July 31st, 2012 23:56
Posted by Takuro
「The night before Kyoto Daisakusen」
Kyoto’s still in the midst of rain with the occasional rumble of thunder. It’ll be our third time at Daisakusen, but probably the first time for us to perform there when it’s raining… I’m sure everyone’s hoping for the weather to improve though (I’d think?), us included.
O’ Great Sun, by daybreak please take the rain away, O’ Great Sun.
July 5th, 2012 22:57
Posted by staff
For their first show in a month… 9mm played at the last event of the memory-filled venue of Zepp Sendai!!

Starting today, we have new goods on sale!
The snap ring that can even hold a plastic bottle is a necessity at live shows!!
We also have a hooded bath towel this year!
And in anticipation of the summer, check out the fun surf-themed T-shirt!!
We arrived in Sendai a day early and immediately headed to the avengers in sci-fi’s show at Sendai MACANA!!

Even though we just barged in on them without warning, they didn’t mind at all… rather, they even let us try out their drums!

It really is too bad about Zepp Sendai closing shop, but we look forward to seeing everyone from Sendai again soon.
June 30th, 2012 23:59
Posted by Takuro
「From recording to broadcast」
Huh! It’s been quiet here for almost an entire month. Last time, the staff wrote about our recording for MTV, and tonight is when it’s going to get aired. For those who can, do hurry up and tune in to MTV for the 20 o’clock broadcast so you don’t miss it!! (Even if you probably would get another chance with rebroadcasts and whatnot…)
Right now, 9mm’s in Sendai for our performance at “LAST ZEPP SENDAI” tomorrow, and just like last time when NHK aired our appearance on Top Runner (that could already be called nostalgic event… time sure flies, huh?), none of us in the band will be able to watch the broadcast. This is because we absolutely must get ready for tomorrow by indulging in the local delicacies of Sendai. (laughs) So please do us a favor and watch it for us, cause it’s going to be pretty good! Not much longer until it starts! Especially for those of you with doubts and worries such as “can 9mm pull it off unplugged?“, please tune in!
May 31st, 2012 23:59
Posted by staff
「MTV Unplugged @ Billboard TOKYO」
On 5/27 at the Billboard TOKYO, 9mm recorded their appearance for MTV Unplugged.

The atmosphere at the venue… it was really gorgeous, with an elegant and adult-like room.
9mm, all wearing their uniforms, performed a full acoustic set!
First off, check out how the show looked!!!

With its night view theme, the acoustic live was a treat to both the eyes and the ears. 9mm Parabellum Bullet were successful in bringing out a new side of themselves.
Although it was an acoustic set, Chihiro Kamijo was using two bass drums!! We’re very thankful to Yamaha who are always understanding of Kamijo and responded to his request yet again! Using two bass drums for an acoustic set might be a world-first. (laughs)
With all that and more, it was a night full of a 9mm Parabellum Bullet you won’t see anywhere else. You’ll be able watch it on 6/30 when it gets broadcasted on MTV Unplugged!!
After the show… enjoying some drinks with a feeling of liberation!!

Good work.
For a more detailed, wonderful live report, please head on to RO69. (laughs)
May 22nd, 2012 9:42
Posted by Takuro
「The Unplugged rehearsals continue」
We had a flashy showdown with KING BROTHERS. They put us in a really tough spot by pulling off such a grand show. I think they’ll have some pretty fantastic showdowns with Straightener and THE BAWDIES, too. I wanna go see ’em! I also wanna take them on again ourselves.
Turning the distortion off again, I’ve changed to my acoustic. We’ve increased our actoustic repertoire, so I think it’ll be quite a nice selection at the show itself. Letting our manager hear the new arrangements, his response was as if he was hearing new songs altogether. At any rate, there’s no doubt going to be a broadcast of it, so we definitely want you to check that out.
Looks like the weather will keep being unstable. For enduring times like that, how about some fun music and videos?
The PV for the new song by mudy on the sakuban (who just got their fourth guitarist), and the one for haisuinonasa’s song called “Chikatetsu no Doutai” are both fantastic, so for those of you feeling down because of the weather, please check them out right away. I just watched them myself. Man, pretty amazing, the both of them.
By the way, 9mm is also back to writing new songs.