『Water is the color of aqua blue ain’t it. But that’s fine.』
Vega and Altair.
I wonder if the two were able to come together this year.
How do you do? It’s Chihiro.
Our tour that went on without a break during June has ended, but I’m working hard on several things without wasting time on taking a breather.
Someone please praise me. My heart feels like it’ll break.
Ah, it feels like it’ll break any second now.
Yep, it’s gonna be soon.
On tour, I received a fan letter with this caricature of us members (refer to attached picture).
It’s a picture that really helps me cope.
The deformations are awesome.
This thing… this is really a piece of excellence.
No matter how repugnant it may look to you,
that flood of flat blood is awesome.¹
H.N-san as well as S.S-san, CHI-san,
Really, thank you very much.
At tomorrow’s practice, I’ll dedicate my playing of the drums to you.
Go, go and reach them, this snare drum of mine. Ugh.
If it reaches you…
It’s definitely just auditory hallucination on your part.
I recommend that you go see an ear specialist.
Why’s that?
Because we don’t have any rehearsal tomorrow. Buhahahaha.
And with that awful punch line.
If you’ll excuse me.
¹ Not able to translate this very well. The joke is in how フラッド・ブラッド・フラット sound similar.
『Paraded across town before execution and having your decapitated head on display at the prison gates after your beheadiiing.』
Hi. It’s Chihiro.
It’s okay, I’m not drunk. Just a little bit.
Thank you to everyone who came to our show in Nagoya today.
Really, everyone’s tension was really up, up. Though I was encouraging and raising the morale of my troops, in reality I was kinda thinking we might be the ones to get killed in action. It was an honor to meet with everyone in the audience.
That reminds me, I once read a book that said “you only become an adult through meeting new people.“
An adult, huh…
Although as a child I thought people in their 20’s were full of good judgement and wisdom, to this day I still feel like so much of a brat, I just go into self-derision mode.
I want to go back to those days.
Those days filled with excitedly chasing after darters in the gutter.
…Those days when I never stopped believing I could definitely fire out a kamehameha-beam if I really tried hard, a vein bulging on my forehead…
(Attached picture: hadouken ◯ kamehameha×)
Ah man.
It feels really nostalgic somehow.
『I’ll help you become an independent adult.』
Yes yes.
The ball is my friend.
‘Tis Chihiro.
I drank too much again today and I’m wasted.
I love dirty jokes.
I’m sorry for being born.
(Picture: my mouth (big lie))
Alright, sorry for the opening full of self-deprecation.
We played in Hiroshima tonight at the Hiroshima Burning.
I feel really gratified after drinking so much.
To me, Hiroshima is a town I really, immensely, awfully, fairly, considerably quite like.
I don’t particularly have any reason for that.
Simply, the first girl who came and talked to me in fluent Hiroshima dialect, I really fancied her. That’s all.
“Hey, you do have a reason!”
I have something to say to the ladies and gentlemen amongst you who thought that just now.
You people, it seems to me like you pay way too much attention to the most worthless, trivial little things. If everyone tried looking at things from a different point of view, if everyone tried looking at the big-picture more, we might finally achieve world peace.
Well, I dunno.
Ah well.
Setting all these troublesome issues aside, let’s all just eat okonomiyaki or something.
That stuff’s good.
『You and me and our respective odours』
All smiles as always, it’s Chihiro.
Right now, we’re advancing from Osaka to Fukuoka.
…Let’s see. It’s going to be a bit of a vulgar blog today. Perhaps I should try and be prudent… But, if you never talk about any indecent topics, people will grow suspicious of your character.
This is a frequent topic of discussion among touring bands. If you eat too much ramen while on tour, you can’t stop farting. But, if you were to keep this air bubble of evil contained within your insides, it would give you a little bit of an unpleasant feeling.
Indeed, to maintain the health of your body as well as your mind, it does not smell good.
Therefore, let it loose.
As strongly as possible.
However, you can’t rush it.
When you fart, you have to lift up your ass and let it loose in mid-air.
That way, the moment you fire, the pressure in your intestines drops lower than the atmospheric pressure and when that happens, air enters into your intestines, right??
This is a technique that enables you to fart again.
Only thing is, there can be some uncertainty about the density of those successive farts, but that’s something that can be forgiven.
(Point of advice: if you’ve intaken lots of garlic beforehand, that should remove any such uncertainty.)
Once you become an artisan of flatulence, you will be able to break wind indefinitely at will.
Let’s try doing it with our dads.
In front of our moms, it’s stricly prohibited.
In front of other girls, only moderately so.
(Image: Kazuhiko’s arm)
『Praising it’s deep, vivid blueness. --- Yes, Brassica rapa.』
In this early summer weather, I wonder if you are all spending your time pleasantly.
If I am called by my name, I’ll fly right over. I am Chihiro.
“Could I actually be a country bumpkin?”
I already know the answer without even having to ask myself.
I’m from the genuine countryside of Nagano.
Along those lines is what I was thinking as we played at Nagano LIVE HOUSE J.
Fufu. It’s a nostalgic place for me.
I’d only played here once before, 10 years yearlier.
If I’m not mistaken, I think I remember it being a terrible show.
I certainly didn’t expect it was my destiny to come to this place again like this…
Truly, the live show of man can be a thing of terrible misfortune.
Though I wasn’t exactly as calm as I could’ve been, being busy falling in and out of flashbacks of my past nightmares, I did my best anyway.
Takuro, your hair’s a mess and your head’s huge.
Kazuhiko, your mic’s too low, you’ll break your back.
Taki, doing his captivating dance without his guitar.
Next to me was some boy unknown to me, playing Taki’s guitar. Yeah.
It was cool.
My drumming was completely hopeless due to Taki’s disruptive behavior.
After enduring and putting up with these hardships of the past for 10 years
I was finally able to close the books on the matter.
Aah, Brassica rapa’s deliciooous.
There’s nothing better than eating them cooked in oil.
Mmmmm, yes.
『Your blood is red, you bastard!!』
Yes Sir. This is Chihiro.
We had a show in Sendai today. This is just my personal opinion, but I thought the town was full of beautiful girls. But we’ll keep that between you and me.
After our show, we were at an izakaya holding a proper closing for the evening. Bacchus, the god of alcohol, descended upon us and possessed me, so I drank violently. Theeere, there there. Please do your best, dear liver of mine.
We’re now around 1/4 through the tour and everyone has wounds all over their bodies.
I’m hurting all over from muscle pain. (Attachment: two rascals plotting the restoration of their physical strength.)
And I freakin’ hate milk acid.
I thought I’d write this blog as Yamada (manager #1) is getting angry at us for getting dead drunk to the point of nausea, but I just can’t seem to think of a good punch line to end it with.
Sorry. Too bad.
But, I’m the kind of kid that can probably get something done if I really put my mind to it.
From now on, too, I’d feel truly blessed if you’d continue to watch over me lukewarmly.
Complaining about this and that, just kill me already.
Until the day I’m revived back to life just let me lie dead, Takagi (manager #2).
With that, I’ll be making my entrance to the next world now.
Then, I shall be on my way.
Yes yes. It’s Chihiro.
I thank you for your time today.
The tour is now underway.
First off was Chiba LOOK yesterday.
We got to have fun.
To everyone who participated, you have my deepest barrage of thanks.
We were playing seriously giving it our all, but you guys didn’t look like you were losing at all.
You made the show high voltage as hell.
We received all of it for sure.
Before we noticed, our blood was boiling and our bodies were dancing on their own.
We only came to as all of us members took turns in diving into a sea of moshers.
Apologies to anyone we got our sweat on. (Attached picture: vocalist reflecting on our actions)
But really, it was crazy awesome.
So this is what it’s like from the very first day…
Guys, I smell danger for sure.
We have to go buy deodorant spray.
Yep yep.
In what was a violently funny turn of events, I forgot mine back home.
Well then. Bye byyye.
Aim high, Richbone.
It’s an honor to make your acquaintance.
I’m Chihiro Kamijou, I play the drums in 9mm Parabellum Bullet.
I’m suffering from bone fracture. I broke the metacarpal of my right pinky.
(The picture attached above is an illustration)
I always make sure to have a daily intake of milk and I thus have some confidence in my bone density. Yet, it fractured with no difficulty whatsoever, this little guy did. The human body has around 206 bones I believe. You’d think it’s no hindrance to playing the drums if you break just one. However, because it’s wrapped in cast, it’s actually a major pain in the ass.
Thus, my days of relying on nothing but good old Ca will continue.
Ahhh, won’t it hurry up and heal soon?
The reason for my fractured bone…
“I stole a motorcycle, took off to make my escape with it and fell.”
Let’s just pretend and say it was something like that, alright?
… “At 3 o’clock at night” or something.
Because, really…
“I fell on my bicycle.”
Putting it like that makes me look way too uncool. I’m so not going to say that.
That is ridiculously lame.
If I publicly announce the truth, I can already see with my mind’s eye how they’re going to start calling me “Bicycle Kamijou” or “Bike Bones” or some other ridiculous nickname such as those. I’m not exactly in the mood for something like that.
But, my cast will be removed soon which means I’m safe.
…summer’s already come that far, huh?
Keeping you company was Chihiro.
Well then, laterz.