『I’ll help you become an independent adult.』
Yes yes.
The ball is my friend.
‘Tis Chihiro.
I drank too much again today and I’m wasted.
I love dirty jokes.
I’m sorry for being born.
(Picture: my mouth (big lie))
Alright, sorry for the opening full of self-deprecation.
We played in Hiroshima tonight at the Hiroshima Burning.
I feel really gratified after drinking so much.
To me, Hiroshima is a town I really, immensely, awfully, fairly, considerably quite like.
I don’t particularly have any reason for that.
Simply, the first girl who came and talked to me in fluent Hiroshima dialect, I really fancied her. That’s all.
“Hey, you do have a reason!”
I have something to say to the ladies and gentlemen amongst you who thought that just now.
You people, it seems to me like you pay way too much attention to the most worthless, trivial little things. If everyone tried looking at things from a different point of view, if everyone tried looking at the big-picture more, we might finally achieve world peace.
Well, I dunno.
Ah well.
Setting all these troublesome issues aside, let’s all just eat okonomiyaki or something.
That stuff’s good.
Hello, it’s Kazuhiko.
Pictured here is the drummer sucking in udon.
On our way from Matsuyama to Kouchi, though we saw a superb view stretching out in front of us on this mountain trail, why am I uploading this thing instead of that picture? Because I forgot to take out my camera for the view. Sigh.
Now then, today we played with one of Zankyo Records’ leading bands niumun. What’s more, we only heard about it just before rehearsal which was a surprise. We played with them on tour last year and became good friends, so we were super excited to play with them again. It was a mad party. Their show was as intense always. I was really surprised when they played a phrase from Talking Machine in the middle of one of their songs.
Also, this is completely unrelated, but I’ve noticed I have a habit of carrying a water bottle by having it stuffed in the back pocket of my jeans. I wonder if anyone else does this, too?
With that, we’ll be heading to Hiroshima tomorrow.
Good night.
Sick of the eating out hell when touring, a helping hand reached out to us at last. See picture.
Natto rice.
If you have natto, you don’t need anything else. Not even rice. No, that’s a lie, I want to have natto and rice every day.
Taking this as an opportunity to keep eating healthy for the rest of the tour, will the ramen-loving 9mm be able to overcome the temptation!? Please cheer us on.
Well then, we’ll play our show now. Farewell.
We’re at the Harimaya Bridge in Kouchi…
Is this the meeting of Benkei and Ushiwakamaru?!
And here’s a sleeping Taki, completely oblivious to the mist.
We’re almost in Oita!!!!!!
We’ll do our best today, too~♪
We’re well on our way from Fukuoka to Oita now.
Along the way… we were attacked by a sudden mist and with raised tensions we headed towards the parking lot.
Head for the mist, Takuro!
Take care!
『You and me and our respective odours』
All smiles as always, it’s Chihiro.
Right now, we’re advancing from Osaka to Fukuoka.
…Let’s see. It’s going to be a bit of a vulgar blog today. Perhaps I should try and be prudent… But, if you never talk about any indecent topics, people will grow suspicious of your character.
This is a frequent topic of discussion among touring bands. If you eat too much ramen while on tour, you can’t stop farting. But, if you were to keep this air bubble of evil contained within your insides, it would give you a little bit of an unpleasant feeling.
Indeed, to maintain the health of your body as well as your mind, it does not smell good.
Therefore, let it loose.
As strongly as possible.
However, you can’t rush it.
When you fart, you have to lift up your ass and let it loose in mid-air.
That way, the moment you fire, the pressure in your intestines drops lower than the atmospheric pressure and when that happens, air enters into your intestines, right??
This is a technique that enables you to fart again.
Only thing is, there can be some uncertainty about the density of those successive farts, but that’s something that can be forgiven.
(Point of advice: if you’ve intaken lots of garlic beforehand, that should remove any such uncertainty.)
Once you become an artisan of flatulence, you will be able to break wind indefinitely at will.
Let’s try doing it with our dads.
In front of our moms, it’s stricly prohibited.
In front of other girls, only moderately so.
(Image: Kazuhiko’s arm)
It’s fine weather in Osaka where we’re busy shooting material for an article Ongaku to Hito will be doing on the tour★
The band is being paparazzied from entry into the venue up until the start of the show.
Good evening. It’s Kazuhiko.
We’ve finished playing our show in Kyoto.
We tried out several restaurants before the show. The tempura cutlet was delicious and so were the mitarashi dango. Thanks to Taki eating eel liver, he was so excited he got a nosebleed. As I thought, everyone is definitely the happiest when they’re eating, which is great. I think it was thanks to that we were able to play a good show today. One without injuries, too, which is quite welcome. (lol)
We played together with Qomolangma Tomato. We all felt it was somehow quite emotional, being able to play with another band from Yokohama in a far away place like this on the same day. Qomolangma Tomato, they’re about to hit it big. We’re playing with them again in Fukuoka, so I’d definitely like everyone from Fukuoka to come and see the show.
Tomorrow’s Osaka. I wonder what we’re going to eat? Maybe that? This was Kazuhiko.