January 31st, 2012 23:56
Posted by staff
9mm Parabellum Bullet is featured on the cover of the O group monthly schedule pamphlet “smack!” that goes into distribution 1/25. It’s a pretty cool picture, too~! Definitely check it out!
Lastly, here’s an off-shot I managed to get!!

January 31st, 2012 23:55
Posted by Takuro
ECLODEVICE is a brand started together by me and dop from Lessthan*. If you see 9mm on a magazine or somewhere and think “those clothes sure look cool“, there’s a high possibility that it’s Lessthan. At our shows, it’s 100%.
Now then. Lessthan* is a cool, rock fashion brand that will also take part in the Tokyo Collection. However, the partner to ECLO’s dop is me, an amateur. Up until now, I’ve taken the approach of taking it easy and if I happen to come up with a fun idea, I go “let’s make it happen.” This year, we’re going “Let’s increase our activities! Without changing our way of doing things!” So, we’ve created a website to begin with.
Right now there’s just a countdown ticking there (it actually started at the end of the year), but at this point there’s only two days’ worth left. The mystery will be solved on January 9th. (laughs) Is it going to be perhaps the announcement of our first item on sale…? I wonder…? Mmm, maybe I’m making it too obvious… fufufufufu…
Both those of you who like fashion and those who do not, I hear you’re both weak against countdowns (the hell?), so please check it out~.
January 31st, 2012 23:54
Posted by Takuro
「2012 start」
Once again: Happy New Year.
For my New Year’s promises, I could pretty much just reprint the entire last blog by Kazuhiko. To those feeling a little forgetful due to New Years, please do check it again. I feel strongly about my decision of wanting to be even more riotous. I wanna take you higher, everyone. I ask you, I beg of you: let’s do this.
As for 9mm in 2012, although we were supposedly thinking “we spent all of last year touring, so this year we should just take it easy and write songs……” and whatnot, but before realizing it we’re just announcing more and more shows. (laughs) We’ll be fully operational like always.
For now I think I’ll just put up our live schedule until March. It’ll be longer than usual, so take your time.
1/21 (Sat) Akasaka BLITZ
w) People In The Box
First show of the year (officially… though we did play on New Years). Above all else, I’m looking forward to our first proper showdown in a while playing alongside People. I think those among our fans who have yet to experience People will be knocked out of their wits, so aside from listening to their CD’s, please do come in completely unprepared. (laughs)
1/31 (Tue) Hachioji Match Vox
The return of the MMT 2011 extra edition. For details, please refer to the letter of challenge and our response to it. Of course, 9mm will be batting second like on the tour. We’ll just have to do it.
2/11 (Sat) Yokohama Arena
Version 21.1 fourth
We were invited to do this event arranged by the threesome of the telephones, OGRE YOU ASSHOLE and sakanaction. A gathering of bands from the same generation. When we played with THE BAWDIES at CDJ, we were talking about how we’ll have to go crazy since we were both invited to perform. I’m also happy about getting to see OGRE play live again.
2/19 (Sun) Saitama Super Arena
EMI’s ROCK event. It ought to be dazzling this time around as well. We’ll be announcing more details on this later.
2/26 (Sun) Makuhari Messe
A tremendous honor. I think there’s going to be lots of instances of me going “ah man, to think I’m able to see this band play at Makuhari Messe!“
2/29 (Wed) Shibuya O-nest
nest 15th Anniversary with 9mm~
w) Meaning/SuiseiNoboAz
Moving on to O-nest in February after the three consecutive mass meetings. Anniversary with 9mm. I think this’ll be a super hot one. Leap year live!
3/08 (Thu) Shinjuku LOFT
Playing alongside HERE. Before the actual show, we’re actually planning on meeting up for dinner and devising strategies for it (laughs). So, I ask that you look forward to it. It’s gonna be no-nonsense~. Hajimetal might be there, too.
3/22 (Thu) Fukuoka DRUM LOGOS
3/23 (Fri) Hiroshima CLUB QUATTRO
We were summoned to join BOOM BOOM SATELLITES’ tour featuring other bands. They previously played on 9mm Day, but this time it’s the other way around. How will BOOM BOOM’s audience react to 9mm? More than anything, I’m happy I’ll get to see them perform on two nights in a row. I’m looking forward to it.
Phew! That was long! That must’ve been hell for the Twitter-inclined. Thanks for keeping me company.
And like that, we’ll be plunging onwards towards March. We’re planning on getting started with songwriting from the start of the year. The shows have lots of variety in venue capacities and other bands on the bill. You and us, let’s all get tougher. Let’s go at it with even more gusto than before.
With that, we’ll be hoping for your support this year, too!!
January 2nd, 2012 14:10
Posted by Kazu
『Bring it on, 2012』
Happy New Year. Hello, I’m Kazuhiko Nakamura.
With 2011 starting with the recording of Movement and ending in touring, it was a year full of “Movement”. A lot of things happened. I definitely want to make this year a better one. I want to cheer everyone up more. I want to live more fully. I want to be even more riotous! Let’s do this!
In the picture are the long-sleeve shirts I was wearing on the MM tour. I tried lining them up at the beginning of my laundry session. They’re null-bodies with DRONE prints. Especially the bottom three are my favorites. I’ll be intensively wearing them this year as well.
With that, please give us your support again this year! This was Kazu.

December 31st, 2011 19:14
Posted by Takuro
「Last 3 days of the year」
We played our shows at RADIO CRAZY and COUNT DOWN JAPAN. It was our first time at CRAZY and Nth time at CDJ. Both of them had amazing amounts of people there to see us. Thank you very much.
9mm’s already playing their first show of the New Year tonight. Have a good New Years’, everyone.
If everything goes according to the weather forecast, it looks like the area of the Tohoku region close to the Pacific Ocean will be getting a beautiful first sunrise of the New Year. There are people from all walks of life in both the areas that have gotten considerably better as well the areas that are still experiencing difficult times, but it’d be nice if everyone got to start off their New Year with a pretty sunrise.
The forecast for the sky in Tokyo, by the way… I saw it but forgot what they said. At this right, it’ll probably be sunny. Maybe.
Everyone who’s coming to the show (or those of you who are already at the venue), I’ll see you later.
To those of you spending it with your family, friends or lover, those who will possibly be alone, those who have work… Everyone, I respectively wish you all a happy New Year’s Eve. With that, later.

※ Some pretty amazing cuisine¹ they had at Osaka Namiki and the backstage area of CDJ.
¹ “Tuna, half-killed & fried“
December 31st, 2011 19:14
Posted by Takuro
「Let’s go, Makuhari」
The rays of sunlight feel nice. You can see the Sky Tree there. I guess it only looks small because of the distance. Now then everyone, if you’ll excuse me. Let’s meet at the venue.

December 31st, 2011 19:14
Posted by Chihiro
“Will Chihiro by any chance write a blog today as well?”
This is for the people who came here whilst thinking that.
No, I will nooot.
Who the hell’s gonna write 10 posts in a row, dammit.
I don’t have the luxury of time to participate in any such foolishness. Hmph.
Brush your teeth, let loose a fart, and after you’ve flashily masturbated whilst avoiding the prying eyes of your parents, go to sleep right away. Hmph.
Thank you.
… See you later!!!! (^з^)-☆
December 31st, 2011 19:14
Posted by Chihiro
Hey everyone. Merry merry merry.
A throbbing in the chest, a stir in the nether region. Unstoppable tonight as well, this is Chihiro Kamijo. Fuu~.
Uhm. On March 2012, I will be leaving the music business.
I’m deeply grateful for the support you’ve given me during these many years.
Thank you very much.
…is nooot at all what I’m going to say.
Actually, I went to donate my blood for the first time the other day since I’d heard there’s a huge need for type A blood.
… …
Um, it seems I’m actually type O.
Huh? Huuuh!? No way. No, you’re kidding, right?? Seriously?
It’s not type A blood, it’s my mental health they should be worried about.
Oh man. And to think I was selling myself as the sole type A member of 9mm. It’s not just about 9mm: I’ve been living my entire life based on my belief that I was type A. It’s not like I completely believe in blood type fortunes, but still, reading through them one-by-one, thinking “I’m a punctual person, huh” “so I’m a sensitive person after all” “I might be the excessively cautious type“, building my identity and touching points, seeking for common ground with people… I was building a self-image, thinking “so this is the kind of guy I am.” It feels like all that has now come crashing down.
What an awful surprise attack.
I’ll bury myself alive in a cave.
It’s like the sky has come falling down.
You hear about it sometimes, about people who’s blood type has changed.
It’s caused by organ transplants, red blood cell antigens caused by disease, etc.
It seems that especially babies’ blood types are at first hard to determine correctly.
Really, I’m in quite a shock. I really liked being type A. It’s on the level of like if you were Japanese and were really proud of it, and suddenly your parents told you “Sorry. We always kept it a secret from you, but we’re actually Chinese.” I’m quite taken aback.
So, like that, I’ve retired as well as graduated from my longtime blood type of A.
This was my revelation, dirty on a level where even a demon wouldn’t eat it, my completely good-for-nothing Christmas present!! I was planning on never telling the world about it, but it looks like I just did.
Oh well. Everyone has a holy night tonight, right?¹
It’s the confrontation of the century!!¹ It’s like, “will we live or will we die?!“!!¹ Let’s go for it!!

¹ A barrage of kanji puns here. If read aloud, the translation above would seem correct. However, if read as per the kanji meanings Chihiro uses here, the actual meaning of the last paragraph would be something like:
Oh well. Everyone’s going to have a night of sex tonight, right?
A confrontation of genitals!! It’s like, “the semen or the egg?!“!! Let’s go for it!!
December 31st, 2011 19:14
Posted by staff
Today a Taki-planned event @ Shibuya Kinoto took place! It was a show featuring 10 bands — including a secret one!! From beginning until end, it was a fun event with strong performers. I’m completely worn-out. (laughs)
Appearing as the secret band was…
9mm Parabellum Bullet!
They played at Kinoto for the first time in ages!

It was really fun seeing their friends and classmates from their student days in attendance! Their juniors from the same office, mudy on the Sakuban and cinema staff, appeared at the event, too. It looked like they had loads of fun.
mudy on the Sakuban’s bassist Ady was having so much fun during the event, he immediately collapsed as it ended. (laughs)

Takuro, giving the peace sign without a moment’s delay!!
Behind the camera was drummer Kuno from cinema staff!
They’re so heartwarmingly close~.
Amidst all this, Chihiro Kamijo is busy updating the blog daily! Tomorrow’s his 9th one… the stakes are naturally getting raised and I’m excited about the end result~. There’s nothing to be concerned about though, so please don’t worry. m(_ _)m
Look forward to Kamijo’s blog tomorrow!
December 30th, 2011 15:47
Posted by Chihiro
Hey hey.
Higher than the Mount Everest, deeper than the Lake Baikal… Those kinds of examples are perfect metaphors of my character. Good evening, this is Chihiro.
I’ll write a blog tonight, too!!
The me who never wrote here before, suddenly writing this many blogs feels kind of out of place, right? Ahaha. Today’s the 8th one. I’m aiming for 9 consecutive ones so tomorrow’s the last update. In regards to that… it’s going to be seriously uninteresting, but I have a little good-for-nothing announcement for you tomorrow.
No, it’s not going to be an announcement of our breakup. It’s about my retirement, or rather, a graduation announcement.
See you again tomorrooow. Later.