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  • 2009/07/07*Taki

    This is Taki.

    I’m now making the effect pedal that’ll be given away as the premiere prize at tomorrow’s raffle. This’ll be the last one. It was a lengthy struggle. I’m sorry to say that no one in Sapporo won one. I’d decided on it beforehand, but for the sake of fairness, I gave it away to Eijun. I’m happy that a guitarist I like will be using it. He said he’d definitely use it tomorrow, so I’m excited about that!


    「The beginning of summer festivals and end of Taisen」

    There was a clear sky and full moon on Tanabata. That’s the first time it’s happened to me as far as I can remember. I was most fond of Tanabata when in elementary school, but my memories of it from back then are all full of rain. I know it’s always clear above the clouds, but somehow it gives me a weird feeling this time. It’s a beautiful full moon, right opposite my veranda, all round and plump.

    Shounan Otomatsuri the other day. We kicked off our summer festival shows in a relaxed mood. The sea is very visible from the venue. Looks like summer’s begun this year as well, huh. It was really fun, but I felt we need to quickly get back to our usual hard-hitting shows~. I’m very grateful to Yama Arashi for inviting us. Let’s definitely make what we talked about happen. 9mm’s a Yokohama band as well.

    And then, the Daisanji Memai Taisen tour finale is tomorrow at last. I want to make everyone’s feelings go on full-throttle tomorrow. When one listens to 9mm songs, I don’t know whether it resounds in a bright place in that person, or some dark, melancholic place. Regardless of that, my feeling remains the same: let’s have fun tomorrow.

    With that, later.

    Pictured here is a bottle of Shounan Otomatsuri wine (they said there was only one).


    「Shounan Otomatsuri」

    We’ve been busy busy since the Sapporo stop on the Daisanji Memai Taisen tour. Since we didn’t get a chance to give it away Sapporo, we gave the effect pedal to Eijun from THE BACK HORN. He was talking about using it in Tokyo, so look forward to that. However, I get the feeling we’ll just end up with 95% of the people not even being able to see that’s it’s Taki’s workmanship or anything~ (laughs)

    Now then, tomorrow we’re playing at Shounan Otomatsuri. I went and bought sunscreen in preparation, the one promoted by Anna Tsuchiya in their CM. I want to avoid standing on stage at Budokan with a half-assed tan from the Summer festivals. Well, that plan changing halfway through and me playing Budokan all black isn’t completely out of the question, either. (laughs) I’ve always tanned poorly to begin with, like an elementary school student on his summer vacation.

    It’s a nice evening. There are hints of summer. Let’s have fun with this year’s one well, everyone, no matter what may happen, because it always comes for us year after year, not even asking us for anything in return. With that, later.


    「Tonight it’s Beat It」

    The day began with unbelievable news. We performed tonight and were indeed able to share our music together with everyone, making it a wonderful night. I’ll take that deep emotion and turn it into a prayer hoping for his happiness in the next world — just like an immeasurable number of other people are doing as well — as I begin to mourn.

    With that, later. Good night.


    「It’s almost July!」

    Fast! It’s been a week since Daisanji Memai Taisen in Fukuoka. I’m walking around Shibuya, dragging along my suitcase, when I stop to think “ah, I’ll just take the Toyoko Line (direct to Minatomirai line) and get straight to Yokohama.” I’ll look up at the Landmark Tower and think “oh dear, what would I do if it collapsed“… while eating a crepe as I worry about it (if there aren’t crepes, then navy curry will do). “Yeah, I’ll do that…” is what I was absentmindedly thinking… when I realized, no, we’re playing in Sendai tomorrow! Don’t worry, I’ve sorted out my thoughts. We’re heading there now. Taki and Kazuhiko are probably already there, doing radio appearances. Meanwhile, Takuro & Chihiro are on the highway. With it being such a sunny day, with the healthy paddy fields reflecting the sunlight and everything just being a lush green color, my eyes are in heaven. The sun is finally starting to go down. The days have gotten really long. With that, later.


    We’re working as the raffle staff in Fukuoka.
    We’re waiting for you, everyone.


    「PR boys」

    We arrived at Fukuoka after noon. I was surprised at how hot it is. 31 degrees!?

    After dropping our luggage off at the hotel, me and Kamijo headed out to do interviews for radio and TV. Eijun and Matsuda from the THE BACK HORN came with us as well.

    There were live as well as recorded recordings, but regardless of which, our talks got pretty lively. Especially on the TV one, I think the contents of that will be quite interesting. I think we might’ve shed a little light on the very roots of how both bands express themselves…… it’s a show called Chart Buster R. Our talk got pretty long so I’m not sure how much of it they’ll use, but definitely do check it out.

    Me and Yamachan were spending the evening together. Our discussion got pretty heated once we got on the topic of Golgo 13. We had ramen, too, of course, perfecting the night. Daisanji Memai Taisen has a stop at Fukuoka as well. It’s our first time at Zepp Fukuoka. Feeling excited.

    Ah, this is something that’s already been decided: there are going to be same-day tickets available. You, still hesitating about whether to come or not, this is your chance. You can’t lose anything. Tomorrow as well, I’m hoping for a sharp, deep and savage vertigo to come and swoop down on THE BACK HORN, 9mm and everyone watching us at the venue. Let’s make it an amazing time.

    With that, later.


    Arrival at Fukuoka!


    「Chance of rain 4」

    However, since it’s been just a full-blown rainy season this month, I’ve been able to run lots of experiments. Next time I’ll definitely, definitely succeed. Practice makes perfect, see. I’m the type that uses failure as a springboard to growth. A lot of great scientists were this way. So…… won’t you overlook it this time?

    Mother told you, didn’t I! You put on a raincoat before going out!” I’m in a kind of state of shock as she keeps lecturing me as I stand there in the entranceway. Mothers are always so busy with household matters. Pressed down by that force of hers, in the end I wasn’t even able to present my theory of experiments to her, only groaning out something like “Y…yeah…

    But after all is said and done, I’ve only just turned 5 years old last month. Children should be like children. It’s the period of learning to differentiate right from wrong. Next time, I’ll probably just put on that yellow raincoat before leaving the house — even if I know it won’t be raining.

    The End

    ※ Those of you who are interested in what the chance of rain actually is, please look into it. Tokyo’s already entered rainy season full-on, huh. 9mm will now be heading towards Fukuoka.


    「Chance of rain 3」

    As you can see, I’m completely soaked. Not one dry spot remains on me, and my shoes are full of water, too. I’m sorry for soaking the entranceway as well, I really am.

    The chance of rain for this town was 90% after 5PM. My plan was to locate that remaining 10% area and escape the rain there. However, I made a mistake forecasting its location, and a deadly one at that. The result of that mistake you can see right here. A complete failure. However, my forecast accuracy is gradually getting better. It’s puzzling, but the chance of me being able to forecast the areas with no rain is over 70%. The last time I was running an experiment, I left the house without an umbrella and found the 10% area where it didn’t rain (the parking lot of a pachinko parlor). I took it easy for a while and then returned. The people around me were looking at me strange.

    However, when leaving the house, each time the chance of me forgetting my umbrella is over 80%. That’s why times like these I’ve nowhere to escape. Thanks to that, this whole thing happened to me. It’s no laughing matter.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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