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  • 2009/06/07*Takuro

    「Great success」

    With the excitement from FACTORY still lingering on, we appeared at “Getting Better” today. It was super fun just like I thought, but I’ll write more on that later because of my current dreamy state of mind, inflicted upon me by large quantities of alcohol. This sure has been a super busy three days. Without a moment’s rest, we get right into the rehearsals for Daisanji Memai Taisei tomorrow! Busy busy! With that, later!

    The picture is from when we were playing Jenga in the dressing room at FACTORY. We created a new game where you pile them up higher and higher, finally placing a tissue box on top where and the challenge is to draw one out without destroying the tower.


    We’re at Fuji TV today to record an appearance for FACTORY.
    We took a commemorative picture with London Boots Atsushi!


    「Live house M-sta」

    Thank you to everyone who watched the broadcast.
    It ended without incident. Ahh, we had fun.

    The time we spent inside the studio filming Music Station only felt like 10 minutes to me. Within that time, the members of Black Eyed Peas started talking to us (“We saw you at VMJA!” I was really happy.) as we were trying to seem like we weren’t phased. I didn’t have the time to get to have a long conversation with Tamori (obviously) as it was 9mm’s turn to perform in no time. We did our performance in under three minutes as planned.

    Like I wrote a while back, I’m hoping people will watch our performance the way I used to watch others’ before. Well, there’s DVD’s and HDD’s now so there’s nothing like having to wait as the tape rewinds or anything. (laughs) Our mere three-minute performance just now, I’m hoping it reached all the troops of band kids and music lovers as it made its way to the TV screens.

    And then to all the people who found out about 9mm today — what follows is a very rough explanation — but this is the kind of band we are. (laughs) It’d be great if you could make your way to a live house sometime. But that’s just limited to our shows, I mean. But before that, please try out the “Black Market Blues e.p.” we just released the other day. That was just a bit of an advertisement. (laughs)

    Oh, and thanks to everyone who was at the studio hoping to see us. You sure got fired up. Everyone had nice facial expressions! See you at the next place.

    With that, later!! We’re playing at FACTORY tomorrow!!


    Just before.
    We’re hoping for your support.


    「BMB on sale」

    We were busy the whole day yesterday, being in a photo shoot for the bible of all band kids, GIGS magazine (the front cover!), as well as our appearance on School of Lock. But, we were able to do all that because of today, because…

    Finally! According to plan! “Black Market Blues e.p.” is now on sale! Did you listen to it already? All the way to the end! Not yet? Alright alright, thank you. It’s long, but I’d like you to brace yourself and listen to it~ (especially the live track).

    Also, the CD landed at 4th place (!!) on the Oricon daily chart. Thank you very much, everyone. We’re not through yet~! That’s all for today. With that, later.


    We’ll be going on now!


    This is Taki.

    We’re moving our equipment right now for the sake of a photo shoot. I made a really exciting discovery at the place of the shoot. A legendary guitar effect: the authentic Univox Super Fuzz, and in super mint-condition, too! It’s quite a vintage item that you don’t often come across, so please do have a look. It’s seriously cool. It’s owned by the staff here, so I’ll be borrowing it now and making sound with it. Exciting! By the way, the one I’m holding in my other hand is a tremolo I made the other day.

    Only 99 days to go until our show at Budokan on 9/9. I’ll do my best, so see you there!

    This was Taki.


    「999 (at Budokan)」

    9mm Parabellum Bullet is going to play at Nippon Budokan on 9/9/2009. If someone’s wondering “why Budokan?“, the answer to that is “because we thought that if 9mm’s going to play on that day, it’s gotta be at Budokan“. We’re just going by the members’ and staff’s intuition and heart, there’s no deep reasoning there other than that. If the goal’s just to play a grand show with lots of people there to watch us, there’d be lots of other places we could’ve decided on, but as we were thinking that, many in the 9mm team were just going “that’s no good“. And thus, we decided on Budokan. Well, I’m making it sound too simple though. I extend my gratitude to the many staff and authorized personnel who made this possible. If we’d missed this, our next chance would’ve been in 2099. Even if we assume just for argument’s sake that all the members were still alive by then, actually performing would’ve been difficult. (laughs)

    This is one of those things I’d describe as being “a little further ahead” when in reality it’s actually already right around the corner. Firstly, our tour with THE BACK HORN called “Daisanji Memai Taisen” is happening this month, after which we rush right into a dizzying 10 summer festivals & other shows as well as playing with other bands in the mean time, and — whoa! It’s already time to play Budokan. I think that’s how it’s going to feel. It’d be awesome if you picked up “Black Market Blues e.p.” tomorrow afternoon when they line it up in the stores and if we could have you come to all our shows

    At our shows there are people who are going wild, people who are just really happy, people who can’t shed their gloominess and people who are just in an overall bad mood. But, our objective is that we try to change everyone’s mood, even if just a little (or possibly a lot). That’s the kind of a place our shows are. I was supposed to know that already, but lately I’ve been feeling that way especially much. That feeling of “let’s party” vibrates toward us on the stage. Seeing everyones’ faces like that, that in turn makes me think “don’t think we’ll let you off easy!” It’s awesome. We of course want to make September 9th like that, too. People who’ve seen us before, people who we’ve yet to meet, we’re waiting for you all the same. Let’s look forward to it. 9mm at Nippon Budokan, I hope to see you there!!

    Finally, something that’s also written on the homepage: “Today, June 26th, it’s exactly 99 days before 9/9!!” I’m sure it’ll be here in no time. Let’s look forward to it together as much as possible, yeah?

    With that, later.


    「Don’t play today」

    …is what it feels like someone said to me today. It’s unbelievable that my guitar would stop making sound pretty much as soon as the song started. It’s problematic since you never know when it might happen. I was thinking “Eh, right now? Right now of all times?“. There wasn’t even time for anyone to investigate the problem. “We only have three minutes. No good, there’s no sound. I’ll put away the guitar.” (weirdly the only thing I thought of doing then. It couldn’t have taken me more than half a second, even though I was singing at the same time). Reluctantly I grabbed the mic, and thanks to you all, just walking around stage with that in hand was fun, too. (laughs) However, even though we ran into trouble at that kind of an event, no one on stage was bothered — actually, it only lifted our spirits further. I think that’s one of 9mm’s strengths. Seeing our appearance when it was airing just as I got back home made me think that again. The staff were immediately on it and I think there were people who didn’t even realize what’d happened. Looking at the footage, I realized didn’t say this when I was holding the mic, so I’ll say it here. Thank you to everyone who was there yesterday.

    Ah, also, we’re recruiting people for the audience at Music Station. This is sudden but please do apply. Please see the details under the news-section on our homepage. We’re performing via live broadcast there, too. And it’s even on-air on a Friday at at 8 o’clock so that’s pretty nice. Let’s party. Sorry to the people who don’t get chosen. Please watch it on TV together with your lover or friend, grandpa or grandma, dad or mom, grandchild or pet cat. Just, forgive us in case there’s any trouble. (laughs)

    It’s already June. With that, later.

    ※ Our dressing room was unfortunately no. 10.


    「VMAJ tomorrow」

    …after writing about it, I carelessly deleted everything… so now I’m staying in bed out of spite. But, I’ll have forgotten all about it by tomorrow, so don’t worry about me. For our performance tomorrow, we’ll be dressing smart like we learned to last year, so for those of you coming as well as those of you watching on TV, please watch over us lukewarmly as we try to prove the age old saying of “clothes make the man“. (laughs) With that, later.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan