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  • 2009/03/20*Takuro

    「Happy birthday」

    The day after LESSTHAN*RIOT was 9mm’s birthday.

    The members had completely forgotten about it and we were surprised by all the speakers suddenly congratulating us during the wrap-up party. Really, thank you very much. Going so far as to having it written on such a lovely birthday cake, the four of us are really happy. We turned 5, by the way. If we were a dog, we’d be a proper adult at this point. It’d be around the time for us to receive a wife. But for a band, what’s the alternative to a wife? A musical instrument?

    To get back on topic, I want this band to go on for another 5, 10, 20 years… even if my family, the staff around me, the fans of course, and finally if even the passers-by tell me to “please stop already“. I’ll at first pretend that I’m giving up, but then I’ll optimize the band’s configuration by getting another 3 people who are type B like me, withdraw my statement about giving up, and keep going with it for as long as I still possibly can. (By the way, the type B amongst us are Takuro, Taki and Kazuhiko. Well, even though I wrote all that, I’m actually not good at talking about different blood types and the variations in personality that come with them. Like, for example, how should you even judge the character of a type B person whose parents are A and B? Is it fine to call that person a pure type B? That, or like how in the previous staff blog, the fact that they wrote “Moo Hun” instead of “Mon Hun“. I’m interested in that kinda stuff, but those things are not the point. For now, please just replace the words “band” and “blood type” with the word “hairdo” and re-read what I just wrote).

    Tomorrow is the preview screening event of the DVD! I’ve no idea what I should do there, so I think I’ll check YouTube for videos of people’s speeches at various plays and stuff. It’s going on sale very soon, which coincidentally means our Free Live is also approaching. Looking forward to it. Later.


    ↑ Kazuhiko, going hunting in MONSTER HUNTER with friends.
    …and Taki who’s spying on them.


    「SOUND SHOOTER vol.4」

    Hello hello hello.

    Actually, we’ve already descended from the mountains. Our lodging together proved about as useful than it could possibly have be. A lot of new songs were born, though we won’t play them in front of anyone for the time being. They don’t even have titles yet anyhow. But, we’re working at a quick pace, so look forward to their unveiling!

    By the way, we visited Rui Hashimoto’s photography exhibition SOUND SHOOTER vol.4 yesterday. Rui had written on his blog that “the theme is heaven and hell!!“, and that description is spot-on. I don’t want to spoil it to you so I won’t say what it was like, but 9mm’s pictures were on the “hell” floor. Nhahahaha. It’s not just the old live pictures, but also some lovely shots he went out and took in Germany. Also, the scrapbook is fun. There’s pictures that make you go “…he photographed this?!“. There are of course some like that of us, too.

    It’s open until the 15th! How about you all go and check it out? It’s open until 16 o’clock on the last day, so take note of that.

    Work the man to the bone!


    「Lodging together, news flash 7」

    I’m on break now after finishing my questioning of the witness.

    We’re going to watch some DVD’s Kazuhiko brought from home.

    Shall we first go to the past…

    Or shall we go to the future…

    Or shall we go even further to the past than the first time…

    Or one that comes from the future? Which would you prefer?

    I’ll go with one that comes from the future, please.


    『Lodging together, news flash 6』

    Good evening, this is Kazu Nakamura. Our lodging together is going favorably.

    Just now, something unbelievable came out of the mountain recesses.

    There he is!

    It’s a pig.

    Yoshimitsu Taki (25), giving his eyewitness statement on the pig.
    That’s right… it was smelly.

    Yoshimitsu Taki (25), demonstrating the size of the pig.
    Around this big.


    ↑ They’re doing vocal recordings atop a staircase this time around?!
    Angle from below

    ↑ Angle from above

    ↑ Drummer Kazuhiko!


    Engineer Taki, getting right down to work.

    ↑ Takuro, acting like a student who failed his entrance exams, came to bother him.

    ↑ Ah, he got scolded…


    We’ve come to check how the band’s lodging together is going.
    The staff managed to arrive without getting into any accidents. (lol)

    It’s quite useful how that yellow always sticks out anywhere!


    「Lodging together, news flash 5」

    Just now an unexpected trio were watching Unbelievable on that sofa. Why are cats so funny?


    「Lodging together, news flash 4」

    I was alone in the studio so I took this picture myself. I’m wearing a dotera (along with a beard — I look like a student who failed his entrance exams) that looks like a green coat. Some of you must’ve realized this already, but my camera is completely useless. Still, I continue to send these hazy updates without getting discouraged.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan