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  • 2009/02/02*Kazuhiko

    『A tour doesn’t end until you’re back home』

    Hello hello, this is Kazu Nakamura.

    We returned from Hanamatsu not long ago and somehow the fatigue from touring just struck me all at once. Right now I’m just feeling worn out. I tried lining up the T-shirts from all the bands we played with on tour. Lining them up like that, there would’ve been a space remaining so I put a 9mm one there. It’s really fun doing this as it makes me reminisce about this and that about the tour. This venue and that venue, this band and that band. Really, so many fun things happened, I can’t even write them all of them down. Bleh, now I feel lonely somehow. The tour’s really over.

    Also, those of you who came to see us, thank you very much. There were people who came to a number of shows it seems, which makes me really happy. Well done!

    Now then, tomorrow it’s back to the studio for us. We’ll do our best.

    With that, thank you. This was Kazu. Guhehe.



    Everyone who attended and everyone who cheered us on, thank you. Thanks to the constant supply of refreshments, there was no shortage of alcohol or Umaibo on the tour.

    We drank everything in the picture at yesterday’s wrap-up party.
    With everyone feeling hungover, we’re now returning to Tokyo.

    Thank you.


    「VAMPIRE EMPIRE TOUR 08/09 is over!!」

    I’ve lifted my ban on alcohol!!
    I drank today, I drank a lot!!
    I was surprised at how little it took to get me drunk.

    I’m thankful for all the shows having ended safely, for everyone who came to see us and for all the bands who agreed to play with us. Today’s show was one fitting to be called the finale, one that really showed the results of our tour. Thank you very much!!

    Only thing left now is to safely return home.
    Then, we’ll start on something new.

    With that, later~


    「9mm and ASPARAGUS have a good enough relationship to be exchanging their goods. In other words, it’s an exchange relationship.」

    1/31 (Sat) Kofu Kazoo Hall

    We’re in the middle of our commute right now.

    Our show at Kofu ended safely as well, and tomorrow is the finale at last. It’s already been two months, huh! Though I knew that, it still surprises me. Around the time we left Kyushu, it feels like the flow of time’s gotten faster. In any case, I’m hoping it’ll be good weather in Hanamatsu.

    See you tomorrow.


    KAZOO HALL and Kazuu


    「It’s finally been completed!!」

    1/30 (Fri) Kyoto → Yamanashi

    It was raining in Kofu when we arrived. There are some good news however.

    The band score for VAMPIRE is done!! The binding’s really good as well~!! It’s the non-glossy, silky type. Moreover, there are again comments from the band included.

    It went on sale yesterday!!
    Check it out!!


    「Thank you Kyoto」

    1/29 (Thu) Kyoto Takutaku

    I find myself thinking “ah, suddenly the tour’s almost over” a lot lately.

    Today was our final show together with Masudore. Our second show at Takitaki was great! “Last time we were overwhelmed by the ambience, but this time it felt more like we melted right into it” is how I described it to the PA guy afterwards.

    At Takutaku you can watch the other bands’ performances from a nice location, so that’s fun as well. We watched Masudore’s performance from that staircase as well. Those girls produce an outrageously thunderous noise, so we’ll excitedly be going “you guys are crazy, hahaha” to them after their show, to which they’ll respond by “we aren’t crazy!“, getting mad at us. But I don’t mean it in a bad way. On the contrary, lately the girls have broken through their scorn and I sense more innocence off them, like they’re just humbly playing their shows, firing everyone up while having fun (and of course producing that hellish sound of theirs as they do so). I’m glad to have had them playing with us. Thank you for all four shows. Hope to work with you again!

    The last two dates of the tour are together with ASPARAGUS!!
    See you tomorrow!


    「A cool Buddha」

    1/29 (Thu) Kobe → Kyoto

    Arriving at Kyoto, we went to Toji. We were thinking how it’d be nice if we got to do some sightseeing, so everyone was happy about that. First we took loads of pictures of our gear van with an awesome background. It seems you can’t usually get inside the pagoda but we were lucky as it was open today. Once we got inside, I was enjoying myself while eavesdropping in on the speech of the tour guide. There were national treasures and important cultural property scattered about, and the bhaisajyaguru of the main temple structure inside was cool. It’s intense~. Who knew Buddhist statues were this cool. There’s this garden here, and with today’s cold wind and yet warm sunlight, it has the kind of atmosphere that just made me think “Buddha lives here!“. But, in reality there’s just a person doing gardening. Seeing the old woman doing her weeding, I realized how everything here is made by people. This garden and that statue as well. It feels like I discovered something. The original purpose for those Buddhist statues having been made has most likely already disappeared. Only the statues themselves remain now, and if you feel something when you go see them, it’s probably the same as what you feel with art. The same as with movies, paintings, music or photographs. The now vanished original purpose of the statues was, roughly speaking, probably for people to say something like “oh Buddha, please help me with my painful existence“. But before we noticed it, that “please help me~” is now being directed elsewhere. Simple things, or in recent times, I guess it’d be the internet. People are now searching for salvation elsewhere, so the statues continue to exist now perhaps just as works of art. But as I was there, standing in front of the huge Buddhist statue, I instinctively made a wish.

    To change the subject, right after the start of the ’09 tour, I received some anti-travel sickness goods. It’s called “Seaband”. You just put this somewhat narrow wristband on both of your wrists. The only thing special about it is pretty much just that there’s this plastic orb inside. You’d think “Huh? That’s all?” but after continuing to try it out on the tour, it does seem to be effective I think… Is this something great? Does it actually work? Or is it just my imagination? In any case, leaving aside these riddles that you can’t even really call riddles, thank you. But even if I use it, I occasionally do still get sick. I think those times it’s because of lack of sleep, or I’m just not feeling good in the first place. Whether you get or sick or not has to do with your physical condition…? Wait, this was about  physical condition to begin with it. As I’ve started to contradict myself now, this is probably a good time to call it a day. Tomorrow it’s Takutaku!!


    Fortune slip


    Today’s a commute day. With the tour nearing its end, we’re doing our best while protecting our health. We’re hoping for your support until the finale.

    Now then, some memories of our commute days.

    Aim for it!
    Himeji Castle~!!!

    Commemorative picture with a five-storied pagoda!


    「The countdown begins」

    1/27 (Tue) Kobe STARCLUB

    Writing on the blog everyday, I thought it’d help keep my sense of time even while on tour, but that was a false hope. I always have to check my cellphone to be able to write the date above.

    Kobe is where us and Masudore first met. Around the time when we released Gjallarhorn aka Yellow Album (or simply “that yellow one“) we went on a tour with them (a picture from that tour served as our artist picture up until around the start of 2007). There was a lot that happened on the tour that we sometimes still laugh about — and don’t laugh about — to date. Anyhow, I’m glad we were able to play with Masudore in Kobe which is also their hometown. I want to play with them here again. Also, there are finally only three remaining dates on the tour. Just how much will we improve I wonder. We’re around the point where were on the verge of leveling up. I have high hopes for our next show. Don’t stiffen up now. Thanks once again to everyone who came to see us tonight. See you tomorrow.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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