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  • 2009/01/26*Takuro

    「Encounters, encounters」

    1/26 (Mon) Okayama → Kobe

    On our way to Kobe, we got off the highway and visited Himeji Castle!

    Looks quite tiny, doesn’t it?
    But it’s really pretty.
    Everyone (just me) was saying that as we got closer.

    I passed by the “I no Kado” and “So no Kado“.

    Doooooon!! It’s huge!!
    We ascended all the way to the castle tower.

    Castle town. There’s a bus, too.

    I brought back with me this tiny castle.



    1/25 (Sun) Okayama PEPPER LAND

    I think this was the smallest venue on the tour. It was funny how everything was so cramped. Right when I’d started thinking I’d finally grown accustomed of playing live, you can already count the remaining shows with the fingers of one hand. It’s been a year and some since our last visit to Kobe. I wonder what kind of a show it’ll be. I haven’t strolled about in Okayama at all yet, so I’ll do that tomorrow. Where shall we go: 9mm edition. See you tomorrow.


    As a way of concentrating the mind before performance…
    Kazuhiko’s doing Jenga by himself.


    I made the picture in Taki’s post smaller.
    I’ve rotated it, but you can see Napoleon-kun now.
    We only just heard you couldn’t see it on certain cellphone models.
    Sorry about that…


    1/24 (Sat) Hiroshima NAMIKI JUNCTION

    I’m writing today before our turn on stage. Masudore’s playing right now and it’s shaking all the way back here in the dressing room. 9mm might really be snow men as it’s again snowing just like it did last year. NAMIKI however is a venue that gets really hot, so we’re gonna kick some ass. With that, here we go.

    ※ The staff pass that comes with the limited edition first pressing of the DVD. Don’t get me wrong, this is the one I’m currently using — the version actually included will be different.


    This is Taki.

    The tour’s already in its final stages. Since the New Year’s started, we’ve had a great time playing with POLYSICS and SPECIAL OTHERS. POLY put on great shows. We’d get in high tensions just from watching them play, making us put on a good show as well. POLY’s new song is really cool! I learned it by ear while watching their rehearsal. What a luxurious way of copying something by ear.

    As for SPECIAL OTHERS, I personally hadn’t had any contact with them before, but they really took good care of us and we became good friends. We always jammed with them before the shows and it was pretty high quality and fun, too. In a sense that only band guys will get, it was deeply meaningful “messing about“.

    We’re playing with Masudore starting today. Looking forward to it!

    The picture is of Napoleon-kun I received from the predecessor of Iichiko(!), Sanwa Shurui. Just because of the fact that I’m in a band, I was able to receive something this awesome. I’m really happy.

    POLYSICS, SPECIAL OTHERS, Iichiko, thank you!

    This was Taki.


    1/23 (Fri) Fukuoka → Hiroshima

    Last night we kept on eating motsunabe with SPECIAL OTHERS, promising to play together again. Listening to a recording of our final jam at the hotel, it sounded pretty good. I was listening to it half-asleep yesterday after writing the blog, but it still sounds good after waking up today. I’ve no idea when, but I’d like to make it an actual band some time. Kyushu really became a great experience. We were all unanimously saying at the wrap-up how we’d all learned a lot. Once again, SPECIAL OTHERS and everyone who came to see us in Kyushu, thank you.

    Starting tomorrow we’re playing with Masudore! To think that a day when we can tour together like this would come… it’s deeply moving. I look forward to it! See you tomorrow.


    「Last day of Kyushu」

    1/22 (Thu) Fukuoka DRUM Be-1

    Our wrap-up party with SPECIAL OTHERS got so festive, I’m unable to write anything.
    Good night.


    「It’s not because I’m tall either」

    1/21 (Wed) Nagasaki→ Fukuoka

    It was already looking suspicious as we left Nagasaki, and in Fukuoka it’s unfortunately raining. After arriving at our hotel, I borrowed an umbrella and headed to shop by myself. Walking the streets of Hakata is fun. It feels like it’s one of a kind. I bought John Frusciante’s new album today. He’s my favorite artist. I’m listening to it as I write this and I’d already call it the best release of the year. I’ll probably just listen to this exclusively for a while (a year or so). After leaving the CD shop, I went to Mister Donut and set out while munching when a man with a familiar face appeared in front of me. It was DJ Kurizen (Zentarou Kurita). We parted after exchanging quick greetings of “see you at the show tomorrow“. I continued strolling about for a while more. Dropping by all the stores lined up, doing window shopping, leaving stores getting satisfied. Then as I thought I’d get back, I met Serizawa from SPECIAL OTHERS. I often run into people after coming out of buildings. I get told it’s because of my hair, but I don’t think it’s that. Serizawa had took a wrong turn on his way back to the hotel it seemed. So, we decided to walk back together, but we ended up making another wrong turn. After getting back to my room, there were about five little bags dangling from my hand when I realized there was not one souvenir in them. I think I’ll look for a set meal shop in the neighborhood tomorrow and eat some proper food. While I’m at it, I’ll get some souvenirs. With that, see you at the show tomorrow.


    The adult way of playing.

    ↑ Example 1
    Taki the runaway

    ↑ Example 2
    Kazuhiko the reckless driver

    ↑ Example 3
    Chihiro the reverse runner

    After chanpon, we wanted to have some fun (lol)
    We’ll now be commuting from Nagasaki to Fukuoka.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan