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  • 2008/08/03*Takuro

    Lake! (…as in Lake Stage)


    『If you have a crooked chin once in a while, it feels really good』

    ‘Tis been far too long.
    With all my concentrated efforts, I pick up my writing brush.
    This is the somewhat charming Chihiro.

    We’re busy everyday. I, too, want to go with you to the beach of the everlasting summer in search of the legendary white bikini, but it doesn’t look like that dream is going to come true this summer. In any case, I just realized I’ve completely stopped writing here.

    Every time I do write on here, I get a call from my dad (a result of the baby boom generation), and he gives me this overly serious sermon, angrily saying things like “Hey. You… do you have no discretion?” while getting his knickers in a twist. I can’t explain how humiliating it is.

    Dammit. A lump (dankai) or a penis (dankon) or whatever, I don’t what it is my old man’s swinging around, but don’t you try that daddy-like shit on me. The next Father’s Day, I’ll send him a daikon radish (the root crop representative) where I’ve written “Happy Mother’s Day.” Along with enokikitake.

    If you eat it grated with salad, it’s delicious. I recommend it. The hotness will disappear with time and it’ll become easy to eat. But on the other hand, the water-soluble vitamin C is going to steadily disappear, too, so try to eat it soon, yeah?

    That’s all from “three-minute cooking with Chihiro.” Phew. =3。

    (Attachment: the logo¹ for 9mm’s own label before joining Zankyo)



    The recordings are over!
    Only thing remaining is the mastering!
    Look forward to it everyone.

    As we finished recording, we got these refreshments from the studio staff.
    Thank you.


    They’re going to play SETSTOCK starting now!

    Taki before their performance.

    ↑ Taki surrounded by nature

    ↑ Wheelbarrow and Taki

    ↑ Takuro and Taki

    Here they come, SETSTOCK! We’re hoping for your support.


    Long time no see. This is Takuro.
    I turned 25 on July 25th.
    This is so~~~~ late already though!

    Everyone who congratulated me!!
    Thank you!!!!
    I received lots of presents, too.
    To everyone who sent me some, thank you very much.
    I’ll use them with care.
    I’ll live to my fullest until 26. Thanks.

    Now then,
    9mm has finished their recording work!!
    From hereon, we’ll be immersed in festival shows.

    Right now we’re at Hiroshima.
    We’re playing SET STOCK08 tomorrow!!
    Let’s do this~!!


    『Summer festivals news flash』

    Hello, this is Kazu. We played the NANO-MUGEN FES today. It was 9mm’s first summer festival of the year and I think we’re off to a most excellent start. It was fun playing in Yokohama after a while and we were treated just awesome by everyone from ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. We were really happy. I want to play with them again. In Yokohama.

    Ah man, and I also drank pretty violently for the first time in a while. So fun! Phew.


    NANO-MUGEN FES. 2008
    Commemorative picture



    It was a hot show and the band all had fun.

    The new T-shirts are sold out as of today.
    Thank you.

    So many people… the band also look to be enjoying themselves.
    The venue’s so big, you can’t see their expressions at all though…

    We ran to Deto from OGRE!
    Since they’re often told to look much alike, Kazu and him took a picture together!


    「No plans to have these on sale (sorry)」

    We’re rehearsing in preparation for NANO-MUGEN FES.

    We also got our new picks today! The colors are different for all three of us. Pictured here are mine (black) and Taki’s (blue). I’m happy! I’ll do my best with rehearsal!


    『Recording news flash 6』

    This is Nakamura in the Kazuhiko. We’ve been recording guitar overdubs yesterday and today. Mainly Taki’s solos (speed picking) and sounds of chaos. He’s always so full of energy. As for me, I’ve been cleaning my pedal board, thinking up setlists for the summer festivals, taking photos of Taki secretly and playing yojijukugo (topic: manga serialized on Jump) with Kamijo.

    Now then, we start vocal recordings tomorrow. I’ll be screaming.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
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