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  • 2008/03/27*Takuro

    「Parking lot, you fu@*=(‘$~I#(“!!」

    Descending the Nagano mountain recesses, it’s already spring here.

    Because of that, I’m experiencing a little phenomenon of time dilation. It was a mere week ago when we left behind all the trains, the CD shops packed with people, the music stores and the Mister ◯nuts. My (already lacking) sense of time completely disappeared. It’s similar to the feeling of meeting a relative for the first time in years, and here you are thinking he was still in elementary school but oops, he’s graduating from senior high school this spring. I wonder if you know what I mean.

    We’re going to be busy until our vacation starts. We depart for Osaka tomorrow.
    Two days of consecutive shows! Looking forward to it~!


    『9mm solo concert decision!!』

    6/6 (Fri) SHIBUYA-AX
    They’ll be having a solo show on 2008 June 6th (Fri) at the SHIBUYA-AX!!
    It’s titled “Mujuuryoku no Cube” (Zero Gravity Cube)
    Since it’s their first such show after the release of their new double A-side single on 5/21 (Wed), the band’s going to be even more fired up than usual!

    Lottery for advance tickets begins on 3/29 (Sat).
    Please see details on the homepage.



    Today 9mm’s lodging together in Nagano to do some songwriting. Though there’s no reception here, the composition work is going all right. Yesterday my cell phone wasn’t working for some reason and I couldn’t get any calls through. Well… that’s all it was.

    We heard the sakura are already blooming in Tokyo, but over here the sky was all cloudy yesterday. Today it’s finally a sunny, beautiful day though.

    It’s enough if the air is clean, isn’t it?


    「Soup curry induced injury」

    We’ve returned from Sapporo. Thank you to everyone who watched us play. Everyone at the event was really excited and the audience was all smiles. It’d been exactly a month yesterday since our last show, so there were some spots where we were a little rusty. Next time we play in Hokkaido, 9mm’s going to be in top form. Definitely do come and see us then as well.

    As we made our way back to Shibuya station in the evening, it was a little louder than usual for some reason. “A street performance perhaps? Or maybe some actor…” is what I was thinking as I walked towards the noise, when I saw that it was a propaganda truck for the new Maximum the Hormone DVD. (lol) It was showing the footage while blasting with loud volume. It was just waiting in the lights so when it turned green it obviously drove away, but I’m somehow thrilled to know that it’s been going around the metropolitan area throughout the day. Made me grin to myself, hehehe.

    The picture was taken at a ramen shop we went to after our party.


    「We won」

    Discommunication won the “BEST NEW ARTIST” award at the Space Shower TV Awards. And so, up until now we were at Budokan where they held the award ceremony. Thank you to everyone who watched the live broadcast. Ahh, we were really nervous! And I thought it’d be a piece of cake. To explain just how nervous we were… when being asked to give our speech to everyone for winning the prize, all we could say was “we’ll do our best!” That’s it. After coming back from the ceremony and trying to remember what it was like standing up on the stage, pretty much all I can remember is the shape of Seikou Itou’s glasses. Anyway, because of those circumstances, I couldn’t say all the important things I wanted, so I’ll write them here. “The fact that the video won a prize is all thanks to Mr. Shimada, who directed our video, as well as all the staff at the studio. All we did was go there, grab our instruments and get filmed while playing them. During that one take at the filming scene, everyone was yelling words of encouragement like they would during a middle school baseball club match, but I remember that the people who first started shouting were not the band but the staff. The band — who like overdoing things — got in really high spirits because of them and were able to get in a nice swing of things. I look forward to working with them again one day. Thank you very much.” And, of course, all the people who voted for us. Thank you.

    Tomorrow I’ll have to get up from bed at half past four, get on an airplane and fly to Sapporo where we’re playing at an event called Yumechika that same evening. When you’re high up there, the plane makes a rather dreamy sound, don’t you think? Crossing over the Japanese islands, you can sense the dynamic movement of time. I wonder how cold we should expect Sapporo to currently be. We’re also looking forward to the show itself. We’ll see all of you coming there later!


    In the middle of composing right now. Taki the recording engineer is having a staring contest with his Mac. Inside you can see the up-and-coming drummer Nakamura.


    Hello, this is Kazuhiko Nakamura. Long time no see.

    Yesterday, I went to see an event called HIGH LINE NIGHT at Shimokitazawa QUE. I had a really funny experience there.

    After the show, I was hanging about back in the corner. A woman approached me and said “Um, may I shake your hand?” OGRE YOU ASSHOLE and People In The Box were playing that night, both bands that 9mm has connections to, so getting someone approach me like that wouldn’t be out of the question. I shook her hand, then just to make sure, I asked her. “Do you know who I am?” And so she answered me. “Ummm, OGRE’s……

    Wha–, whaaaat!!!!!!! Was she mistaking me for Deto¹ or something!? So, I calmly replied to her. “Wrong.” Following that, it somehow got really embarrassing for me and I left without saying my name. In other words, I never told the woman I’m the bassist of 9mm.

    Well, it seems that woman came there with one of the people organizing HIGH LINE and she seemed to have later realized who I was. That’s good. Afterwards, when I told this story to Deto, he told me he’d just recently been reading a magazine where he mistook a picture of me as himself. Hmm, do we really look that much alike?

    Everyone, be careful when calling out to artists.

    This was Kazuhiko Nakamura.

    ¹ Vocalist/guitarist of OGRE YOU ASSHOLE


    「Rock ‘n’ roll hierarchy」

    Now then, we’ve put up the information. I, too, was happy to finally find out the actual release date for our new single (wahahahaha). There’s lots of sources for it but for detailed info, check the previous staff entry or the news column on our homepage. The three new songs we were playing on the ’08 tour are all featured on it. Those of you who came to those shows, try to see if you can figure out which song is which. As for those of you who didn’t come, time to employ your imagination. Did you manage to hear something? That has to be an auditory hallucination. In either case, please give the songs another listen when you get the CD.

    On an unrelated note, we had an interview today. I don’t know if it’s okay for me to talk about it in detail so I’ll just give you a vague briefing. It wasn’t just me, there were also two of my seniors from work there. Ah man was I nervous. They also took pictures of us talking, so I think you’ll be able to confirm the lack variety in my facial expressions. The magazine’s being released one of these days.

    Coffee makers are a staple in (probably) every recording studio. Once you start recording work, your amount of consumption will increase at once, even if you don’t normally drink coffee. Even after you’re finished with recording, you can’t break the habit. That’s me right now. You end up staying up longer into the night. I think I’ll make myself one more cup (it’s instant, though). Maybe I should go and buy donuts, too. Nah, it’s cold. I can’t be bothered.



    『Release decision!』

    May 21st (Wed)
    New Double A-Side Single
    1. Supernova
    2. Wanderland (opening theme for Nihon TV’s “RD Sennou Chousashitsu”)
    3. Wildpitch
    TOCT-40209, ¥1,000 (tax included)

    See details on the homepage.


    「Well done!!」

    Waking up this morning, my nose was itchy. As I was busy sneezing, I thought to myself “Oh no! Hay fever!?” only to realize it was just the dust in my room. Furthermore, as my head was spinning, for a second there I thought I might have caught a cold, but that was just a hangover. Water. I want to drink so much water I’m just flooded with it.

    Now then, we finished mastering yesterday. You’d think we had a proper wrap-up party, but due to everyone being busy with other things, we scheduled it for later. And so, I went to have ramen with Taki and Kazuhiko whereas Kamijo was standing on a street corner handing out cymbals (meant to be used as frisbees, I think). But it really ended uneventfully. Though we listened to the songs endlessly during recording, the mastered version sounds completely different as expected. The version I’m listening to right now is what’s going to become the finished CD. We’ll announce the details in just a bit. Please wait just a little more.

    9mm’s time in hiding will continue. Songwriting, songwriting.


  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan