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  • 2007/12/13*Staff

    Today they’re playing at the Takasaki FLEEZ!
    This was taken just now.


    Live right now ♪


    We’re back!!
    We’ll do our best!!


    Zakkuru are niiice.』

    I don’t have anything to write abooout.
    These Zakkuru are so delicious, my head feels like it’s going to meeelt.

    Tohato, you guys are doing good work.

    …Bowel movement.
    Excrement, removal.



    It’s morning!
    The Kyushu leg of the tour is done. Thanks to everyone who came!!

    After this we’ll be getting on the highway for commuting. The road is completely surrounded by mountains. Thanks to that, we’re able to see the autumn colors on the highway even though it’s December already. We’re also reading the surveys¹ as we travel.

    ¹ Correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to remember a time when 9mm were doing a survey on their website, basically asking people what they thought about their live shows. I think this might be referring to those.


    At Nagasaki!
    Having chanpon!
    Time to dig in!

    They’ll do their best for the show!
    The chanpon’s delicious!


    『Everybody Pucchin!』

    Hello, it’s Kazu. Long time no talk. I’m doing alright.

    We got on the cover of the BEA newspaper. Also, my autograph’s changed somehow.

    Right now we’re making a night trip to Nagasaki after our show in Kagoshima. It seems there’s going to be lots of tunnels, so we’ll do our best to not get too gloomy during the drive.

    Those coming to the show, after the show’s over, do properly wipe your sweat, change into dry clothes, wear something warm and so on. When you get home, remember to wash your hands and rinse your mouth. Tea is supposed to be good for that. Let’s do our best against the cold and try to finish the year on a healthy note.

    With that, good night. This was Kazu.


    Today’s the day of the show in Kagoshima!
    Having pre-show dinner!

    The shellfish soup & bento shop was closed so we went to a nearby set meal restaurant.


    After arriving at Kagoshima…
    The ramen-loving 9mm!


    『My Wife, A Rice Shop Owner ~The Sexual Excitement of the Danchi Wife~』

    Yes yes yes yes.
    I love upper arms. This is Chihiro.

    Not just the upper arms, I love the nape of the neck, too.
    Also the fluffy hair and the characteristic womanly line of the body.
    It’s all rather graceful, moving and captivating.
    That’s the reason they paint women into pictures, see…

    Right now, the 9mm team is in Kagoshima busy with espionage activities. The ramen tonight was delicious. When you’re satisfied with a full stomach, you sure get sleepy. But, throw in some alcohol and you can no longer ignore the sexual lust that builds up. That’s one of the big three human desires, see. Don’t go doing something that feels unnatural and going against your instincts like an idiot, pretending like you’re something you’re not. Don’t be one of those fools.That’s blasphemy against God. You want to be honest with yourself. Don’t be unreasonable.

    Outside the hotels, it’s overflowing with free-of-charge information desks, linking the hotels together with the streets. That’s exactly what I mean, there’s no mistaking it: that’s a sign that one needs to strive for sexual enjoyment and pleasure.

    I believe it is only after humans go through various experiences in life that they can begin to fairly assess and appreciate everything in the world. Warnings that experiences are bad for you and stuff, don’t pay any heed to bullshit like that.

    It’s a ceremonial rite to escape the worldly desires and to reach Nirvana.
    Taking the clothes off your frail body is necessary in order to release your soul.

    Alright, my time has come. I, Chihiro, will be going now.
    Takagi (female manager), please get me no less than three women.

    What, no good you say??
    I see. Excuse me.
    Yes. I’m sorry.

    I’ll obediently go back to my room and practice the drums, so please stop kicking my ass.

    Having bad luck as always, this was Chihiro.
    (Attachment: 9mm as drawn by a fan)

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan