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  • 2007/09/11*11:20*Takuro


    9mm Day has ended safely.

    To everyone who came, everyone from the staff, OGRE YOU ASSHOLE, Midori, DJ’s Maeda and Makoto, thank you.

    Let’s definitely make it a fun show next year, too. It’s already been two days since then. I haven’t been doing anything much since. Today’s 9/11, huh. I think if after 30 or 40 years Americans seem be forgetting about 9/11, people from other countries will go “what are those Americans thinking?

    That’s just something that popped into my mind when I turned on midnight TV the other day and I saw someone from The Stranglers (they’re a band from the UK, look them up) saying “The young people of Japan should know their history better, Hiroshima and Nagasaki and all that. All they seem to be doing is shopping.

    The weather’s kinda iffy, but I guess I’ll have to go out anyway. Autumn’s nearly here.


    『I think people can regulate other people.』

    Autumn creeping on the insect making its beautiful sounds and calls, causing a typhoon which foils the insect’s plans.

    Feeling sympathy for the insect who was in the middle of courting an insect lady, feeling the urge to breed.

    Yes yes.
    An insect in my previous life, too, I’m Chihiro.

    Like, writing the preceding, I started feeling really down. Yeah.
    I mean, I feel really angry and irritated. Yeah. Yay.

    Now… then.
    Huh, I’m starting to get drunk.

    A typhoon, huh?
    It must’ve been around three years ago. It was a typhoon that night, too.
    Hey Kamijo. The typhoon’s so crazy, I got in all high spirits and came over.

    With this kind of a strange excuse, Taki charged over into my house without appointment.
    He slowly took off his sopping wet jeans and phoned Kazuhiko.
    Hey Kazuhiko, the typhoon’s crazy so come over to Kamijo’s place!

    And like that, the three of us just drank about.
    After that, for a looong time we just played the Star Road part of Mario (for Super Nintendo).

    Nope, that’s it.
    There’s no joke here. I was just reminiscing.

    You know, requesting jokes and stuff, you won’t grow up to be a proper adult if you keep depending on people with anything and everything like that.

    You make the future with your own pair of hands, carrying it on your shoulders.
    The innovation of mankind has been entrusted to you.
    So stand up, youngster.
    Convert your sadness into hatred and stand up, youngster.

    Do not forget that us, the people of Japan, were specifically chosen.
    Because we are the superior race, we stand to help the rest of mankind.
    Siiiieg Zeon.

    Yeah yeah yeah. Gihren Zabi, as cool as ever.
    Okay, I’ll get uuuuup.

    Keeping you company was Chihiro, just about to pass out from the chu-hi. Yours sincerely.



    Good evening. This is Kazu.

    Tonight we’re having a “dress rehearsal” for 9/9 at Shibuya La.mama. What that entails is playing through the entire set for the night. Right now I’m having a break and the one playing bass in the mean time is manager Yamada. He loves the bass.

    It seems this year is La.mama’s 25th anniversary. The 25th anniversary commemorative publication features a comment from us, too. Definitely have a look at it. Also, La.mama still has our Phantomime poster up. Yep.

    Alright, my break is over. This was Kazu.

    『In case you haven’t heard the song “Chiisana Koi no Melody” by BLANKEY JET CITY』

    This is Takuro.
    Because I couldn’t go see it when it was in theaters, I watched the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” on DVD today. http://www.futsugou.jp/

    Those of you who’ve heard even a little about the movie or those who’ve actually seen it should know this already, but the “inconvenient truth” mentioned in the title isn’t inconvenient to the people who watch the movie (or in other words, us). It’s “inconvenient” to the people who intentionally disregard various cases of environmental destruction such as politicians or corporations that Mr. Gore talks about in the film.

    I felt the same way when watching Michael Moore’s films. Him and Mr. Gore, they must really think dearly of their country. They seem proud. That must be why they can’t stay silent when America does something off, and they drag that “inconvenient truth” to broad daylight.

    I’m sure that’s what director Moore’s new film is about, too. Giving people a chance to think.

    By the way, the lyrics to the song “Chiisana Koi no Melody” mentioned above recommends that people watch the movie by the same name, but I already saw it over 10 years ago.

    But in any case, you should check out this film ASAP.
    If we continue on like this for 10 more years, something “inconvenient” might await us.

    PS. Thank you to everyone who came to see us at SWEET LOVE SHOWER.
    It’s too bad that it never cleared up, but it was an awesome atmosphere nevertheless.
    It’s be great if it was like that next year and the one after that, too.


    Lipovitan HEY!』

    Hello, it’s Kazu.
    We’ve made our way over to SWEET LOVE SHOWER 2007 now.
    Pictured here are my friends Kamijo and Taki. Everyone loves food. Taki loves mozuku.

    Lake Yamanaka’s really foggy right now. It’s too bad we can’t see Mt. Fuji.
    The venue’s pretty cold, so those coming should wear something warm.

    It’d be nice if it cleared up tomorrow. This was Kazu.


    「I want even those who don’t care about it to buy at least 5 copies」

    …is what Junji Takada had written on the wrapper of one of his own works. In any case, today marks the end of distribution for “The World e.p.”!! What that means is that the copies of “The World e.p.” still on the shelves at CD shops will be the last ones. There won’t be any more pressed. And with that, to the people who don’t have it yet, but also the people that do, we’d like to have you buy at least 5 copies to give as year-end gifts and as all sorts of other gifts.

    I don’t have Mr. Takada’s book yet, by the way. This was Takuro.

    Junji Takada


    We did a lot of PR today!
    It was for something that goes on sale 10/10★
    For more details… get them on the official homepage later on, please!

    They’re still going at it.
    They’ll do their best!!!
    The guys of 9mm ε=ε=ε=(┌  ̄_)┘

    The scenery from the photo shoot with “Ongaku to Hito.”

    Look forward to it★


    『Aura aura aura aura aura aura…』

    We went to record an appearance for “Atmos no Numa”. Even though the last time we met with Shinpei must’ve been like a year ago at GG, his greeting was along the lines of “hey man, what’s up~”. I guess it was because of him that we were able to relax and get through shooting without a hitch. Just, I think he might’ve asked us too many questions.

    Look forward to the broadcast of the essential parts of the interview. It’s just me and Kazuhiko.
    One more thing: those of you coming to our shows from now on, look out for your belly buttons.

    Now then, until the end of the year, 9mm has a lot of exciting events and shows coming up!
    This is not the time to be feeling summer fatigued! I want to eat eel! This was Takuro!


    『PV finished』

    Today we went to do a final check of the new PV.

    SSTV’s “Atmos no Numa” that airs on 9/5…
    We went to record a guest appearance for them!
    ※The PV will first air on “Atmos no Numa”!
    Look forward to it★

    The two waiting for recording to start.
    It’s just these two today.

    As we waited…
    Takuro (Summer Guy Ver.)

    Kazu (Summer Guy Ver.)

    In order to become proper Summer Guys, we loaned the hat from a manager.
    Thank you for borrowing it.

    The PV… isn’t bad at all!
    Look forward to it★


    It’s 9mm’s day off.
    doing shopping
    visiting their parents’ houses
    sleeping (lol)

    Amongst all that, 9mm’s senior artist at zankyo, te’ are doing an in-store show right now at Shimokitazawa’s disk union. Taki went over to hang out (or just to window shop?!)

    Anyway, te’ sure are cool!
    The fact that they’re an instrumental band… even cooler!

    Since they’re zankyo, I kinda started sounding like a doting parent. (lol) My apologies.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan