Today’s the day of the show in Kagoshima!
Having pre-show dinner!
The shellfish soup & bento shop was closed so we went to a nearby set meal restaurant.
『My Wife, A Rice Shop Owner ~The Sexual Excitement of the Danchi Wife~』
Yes yes yes yes.
I love upper arms. This is Chihiro.
Not just the upper arms, I love the nape of the neck, too.
Also the fluffy hair and the characteristic womanly line of the body.
It’s all rather graceful, moving and captivating.
That’s the reason they paint women into pictures, see…
Right now, the 9mm team is in Kagoshima busy with espionage activities. The ramen tonight was delicious. When you’re satisfied with a full stomach, you sure get sleepy. But, throw in some alcohol and you can no longer ignore the sexual lust that builds up. That’s one of the big three human desires, see. Don’t go doing something that feels unnatural and going against your instincts like an idiot, pretending like you’re something you’re not. Don’t be one of those fools.That’s blasphemy against God. You want to be honest with yourself. Don’t be unreasonable.
Outside the hotels, it’s overflowing with free-of-charge information desks, linking the hotels together with the streets. That’s exactly what I mean, there’s no mistaking it: that’s a sign that one needs to strive for sexual enjoyment and pleasure.
I believe it is only after humans go through various experiences in life that they can begin to fairly assess and appreciate everything in the world. Warnings that experiences are bad for you and stuff, don’t pay any heed to bullshit like that.
It’s a ceremonial rite to escape the worldly desires and to reach Nirvana.
Taking the clothes off your frail body is necessary in order to release your soul.
Alright, my time has come. I, Chihiro, will be going now.
Takagi (female manager), please get me no less than three women.
What, no good you say??
I see. Excuse me.
Yes. I’m sorry.
I’ll obediently go back to my room and practice the drums, so please stop kicking my ass.
Having bad luck as always, this was Chihiro.
(Attachment: 9mm as drawn by a fan)
Goodbye Matsuyama!
It was a good night. After the show, we couldn’t stop drinking fresh orange juice.
The 9mm team is now on a ferry headed to Kyushu.
The sun’s rising over the Inland Sea.
Our second show in Hiroshima is over!! It was fun!!
We’ll get even better before coming back on the ’08 tour.
Yesterday I was writing about how people on the streets seem different depending on the city you’re in, but today I realized you get that even more when playing live. It’s interesting. Even though Japan’s supposed to be such a small country, there are obvious differences in the people. You do get influenced by the place you live in after all. Back when we came out with our first indies release, a friend was telling me how it reminded him of the town we lived in.
Tomorrow it’s Matsuyama.
It’s our second time playing there, too!
Oops, I forgot!
Tonight we also visited Okonomi-mura……
Good morning!
We’re busy making onigiri this morning!
Today we made ten rice & konbu nigiri!
Tomorrow we plan on making salmon ones!
Health Is Number One★Tour! (lol)
We left our inn at noon and reached Hiroshima at dusk.
After our meeting, we’re now all having okonomiyaki. Walking the streets of different cities is really fun. Depending on the city, the people are all a little different as well.
Thinking I needed some more stuff, I went inside the bookstore in front of me to find that their entire product line was very very pink. It’s one of those ones that are open throughout the night, see.
I managed to lose my portable music player so my CD Walkman made a comeback. I was thinking “man this is bulky~” but then realized it’s actually convenient as I can use it to listen to the new CD’s I buy on tour right away! Since it uses two external batteries, I’m now interested in getting eneloops. It’d be nice I had some free time tomorrow since I also want to buy earphones.
That’s what’s going on today. Everyone coming to CAVE-BE tomorrow, see you then. Let’s make it a good evening.
This is Taki.
About the second show of the Termination tour today… sorry, I don’t have confidence I’d remember the correct kanji so I’ll just write it in hiragana, but anyway, it was at Takutaku. Takutaku’s located in Kyoto and is a venue with lots of atmosphere. I really like it. Sorry, I don’t have confidence I’d remember the kanji for Takutaku so I’m just writing it in hiragana. I was seriously moved by how cool the other band Dohatsuten were. I want to play with them again. Sorry, I don’t know kanji very well so I’ll just keep writing in hiragana. Excuse me.
Today’s show was really fun.
Really fun.
Really fun.
Really fun.
Really fun.
Really fun.
Really fun.
Really fun.
Really fun.
This was Taki.