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  • 2011/06/08*Staff

    『Today’s 9mm』

    Today everyone had their respective jobs.
    Let’s take a look back at what went on today.

    Kamijo had some work by himself today.
    He had a secret photo shoot along with his drums.
    We’ll fill you in on the details later so please wait just a little more.

    That looks like an expensive sofa. Wonder what kind of a photo shoot it was?

    These guys started from the recording of J-WAVE’s “TOKYO REAL-EYES”!

    Takumi’s always treating 9mm kindly.
    Thank you very much.

    6/17 (Fri), 6/24 (Fri) 24:00~28:00
    Guest appearance two weeks in a row.

    Next up, we went to record bay FM’s “Mosaic Night”.
    Takako’s a radio personality Takuro and Taki have been listening to since their student days, so they were really happy to be able to appear on air together with her.

    ■bay FM 「Mosaic Night」
    6/23 (Thu) 25:30~
    Takuro & Taki as guests.

    Next up, we headed over to NHK!
    Getting to hear Mr. Ayugai saying “9mm Parabellum Bullet” in his cool voice makes everyone excited each and every time.

    ■ NHK-FM 「Music Line」
    6/15 (Mon) 21:10~22:45
    Takuro & Taki as guests.

    Next up, TBS!

    Mr. Takamizawa was just radiating beauty~!
    They were really happy to hear that he’s known about 9mm for a long time.

    ■ TBS Radio 「ROCK ENTERTAINMENT, Toshihito Takemizawa’s Rock-ban」
    6/19 (Sun) 24:30~25:00
    Takuro & Taki as guests.

    Lastly, InterFM!

    It was a live broadcast, so these two were having fun with the guitars George lent them as they waited.

    Here’s Takuro after finding a new way of having fun with the guitar (lol)

    And here’s George who always greets 9mm in high spirits!
    It was their first time together on radio, but they were having fun like always.

    That wraps it up for today’s work.
    Everyone, definitely do listen to the radio shows, please!
    And then let’s meet at Yokohama Arena.

    …though I say “today’s” work, the date’s already changed…


    『Stamina for Yokohama Arena!』

    Right now, we’re preparing for a live airing on InterFM.
    George, ever in high spirits, lent two guitars to 9mm who had arrived early!
    Because of that, Taki’s concentrating on playing the guitar now.
    Just loitering around with his acoustic.

    Takuro’s taken out the guitar strings he bought just because he felt an affinity with them and is now busy changing the ones on George’s guitar to those.
    What kind of an affinity, you ask?…

    ※Look at the price!!

    Heading towards Yokohama Arena, 9mm together with the staff were in the studio yesterday working diligently! All the exciting details of the show have now been worked out~.

    The same 9mm are properly building up their stamina, too!
    This is from dinner…

    ※Photographer: Takuro

    That’s Kamijo’s itadakimasu-pose (lol)
    Just kidding.

    Today they had a radio appearance as well as a secret photo shoot.
    We’ll tell you more after the live broadcast this time has ended~
    Look forward to it.



    Starting tonight, 9mm Locks will start on School of Lock. Give it a listen!

    2011/06/06*9mm Parabellum Bullet


    The deadline of applications for the lottery of the live house tour tickets is today at 23 o’clock. Thank you for the many applications we’ve received. Thanks to you, for the tour opening at Yokohama Club Lizard and for Shibuya La.mama… we somehow received over ten thousand applications. All of us in the 9mm team are overjoyed and……?…… Hang on a second. There’s still tickets left for Yokohama Arena.

    We have a suggestion. How about coming to see us at Movement YOKOHAMA?

    All tickets are seated so you can watch comfortably, the venue is nice and spacey, we have the leading edge, state-of-the-art faculties prepared, it’s an ever-growing street with lots of businesses and sightseeing opportunities, and it’s only a 5-minute walk from the Shin-Yokohama station! Access is outstandingly easy! More than anything, we’re scheming for things we’re only going to do at Yokohama Arena. Even today we practiced the whole day. Even though Movement YOKOHAMA is shaping up to be such a glamorous event, why, why will you not come…!? We’re perplexed as we are bursting into laughter.

    You, you who are growing hopeless at your chances for winning tickets to Yokohama Club Lizard or Shibuya La.mama, we have a seat prepared for you at Yokohama Arena. I want you to tell this to all the boys and the girls who don’t know this yet, as well as all the grandfathers and the grandmothers and the papas and the mamas, too. Movement YOKOHAMA is going to be the best night ever. Look forward to June 26th. 9mm will be practicing tomorrow, too!!


    「Yotei ~Yamagata ni Kaettara~」

    9mm’s members are rehearsing today in preparation for the upcoming Yokohama Arena show. Since it is the Yokohama Arena, it looks like they’ll be able to do lots of things on stage. Those of you that haven’t gotten tickets yet, this is for you!

    ■ 2011/06/26 (Sun) Kanagawa, Yokohama Arena
    “Movement YOKOHAMA”
    Doors 17:00 / Showtime 18:00
    Advance tickets ¥6,260 (tax included)

    [Ticket agencies]
    ● e: http://eplus.jp
    ● Lawson Tickets 0570-084-003 (L-code: 71574)
    ● Ticket Pia 0570-02-9999 (P-code: 135-221)

    “Yotei ~Yamagata ni Kaettara~”, the song we announced the other day on which Takuro Sugawara does vocals, did everyone get a chance to listen to it? The versions for the other areas are very heart-warming as well, so definitely check those out! With all the revenue generated going towards charity, this really is a beautiful project.

    Also, the PV for it is up!
    It’s one that’ll cause Takuro’s voice and lyrics to soak into your heart.
    Please have a look at it.



    Yotei Yamagata ni Kaettara~』

    Details on the distribution of “Yotei Yamagata ni Kaettara~”, the song Takuro blogged about. After being asked by Mr. Yanai, Takuro got the chance to contribute lyrics and vocals.

    Everyone, definitely listen to what Takuro has to say about Yamagata!
    For the sake of Tohoku’s reconstruction!
    Please download it.


    Takuro Sugawara (9mm Parabellum Bullet) & NUMBER THE – “YoteiYamagata ni Kaettara~”

    Distribution commences on June 1st (Wed).
    Available on TOKYO FM’s mobile site and the music download site “OTOTOY.”

    Price: 420 yen

    All proceeds of the song will be donated equally to the disaster countermeasures offices in the prefectures of Fukushima, Iwate, Miyagi and Ibaraki. Miyagi Prefecture is the birthplace of 9mm Parabellum Bullet bassist Kazuhiko Nakamura and Ibaraki Prefecture the birthplace of guitarist Taki Yoshimitsu.

    NUMBER THE, Michihiko Yanai, Mitsutoshi Anbe, Kankuro Kudo, Masatoshi Nakamura, Takuro Sugawara (9mm Parabellum Bullet). A line-up of artists with great diversity in their musicianship and fanbase are united for one song. For the sake of the disaster areas. For the sake of their hometowns. For the sake of Tohoku becoming one and getting started on the path towards reconstruction.

    And from now on, too, as other musicians keep participating, we’ll be gradually showing you different versions of “Yotei” with all of the prefectures represented.

    ● Official homepage of “Yotei”  http://yoteii.jp
    ● Official Twitter account of “Yotei” is @yoteii (official hashtag is #yoteii)
    ● “YoteiFukushima ni Kaettara~” PV  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-WfqObM8r0
    YoteiIwate ni Kaettara~” PV  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJINs6sRS6w
    YoteiMiyagi ni Kaettara~” PV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hZn7upG_nA

    For any enquiries concerning the above, please e-mail yoteii@yoteii.jp



    Just now after I’d written a blog, all the text disappeared. And I’d written so much already.

    We did a lot of promotion for the album today.

    In any case, a notice. The other day I recorded a song. I think some of you know about it already. It’s  the one called “Yotei” (“Plans“). I did the Yamagata version of course. When we were at the photo shoot for the NO MUSIC, NO LIFE poster featuring us that’s currently on display at Tower Records (I’m really happy about it by the way), Mr. Yanai asked me if I’d like to sing it. If it’s in my power to do something like that and he’s fine with me singing it, then I definitely will. I agreed to do it on the spot. I’m the only one featured in the recording, but the other three were there listening as I sang it. Even if you’re not from Yamagata, even if you’ve never even been to Tohoku, I’d like for you to listen to it. All of the proceeds will be donated towards the earthquake aid. “Why didn’t you put this or that in the lyrics?” is what some of you Yamagata people might be asking. Well, if you are thinking that, feel free to take your lyrics and make them into your own “Yotei.” (lol) Yeah, it’d be good if everyone sang their own version, too. It feels great. Even if you just sing about Yamagata’s place names or products, even if it’s not just a list of what you like about it or something. Whatever you feel is best. A city’s name holds power. Place names are amazing because we’ve been calling them by the same names since ages past. Just the fact that people have been working at something endlessly for such a long time, that alone is amazing. Uh, I wonder if I’ve gone a little off-topic.

    Yotei Yamagata ni Kaettara~” will go on sale today, June 1st. I won’t force you, but I’d like you to listen to it. Well then, later.


    「The backs of the interviewees」

    9mm Parabellum Bullet, being interview for an article filled with high praise.
    What might they be talking about…? Look forward to the publication~

    The interviewer this time is a former member of a band with ties to our company, AFRICAEMO. The last time we met he was a fellow band comrade, but this time he’s a writer. It’s a really strange feeling but as he’s an acquaintance of 9mm as well as a band man, they seem to be having a really relaxed and harmonius interview.


    『Tour announcement』

    Atarashii Hikari” has been released and as the release date of “Movement” approaches, the members are busy concentrating on promotion. Of course, they’re doing just that today, too~. Look forward to it, everyone~

    Amongst all that, we’re announcing a live house tour!
    We’re really psyched about it~

    ■ “Movement Moment Tour 2011” announcement!

    A nation-wide solo live house tour has been decided!
    It’s titled “Movement Moment Tour 2011
    It’s going to be wild, no doubt about it!!

    『Movement Moment Tour 2011』
    ■ Schedule & venues
    ・7/4 (Mon) Yokohama club Lizard
    ・7/6 (Wed) Shibuya La.mama
    ・7/11 (Mon) Kobe HELLUVA LOUNGE
    ・7/12 (Tue) Tokushima club GRINDHOUSE
    ・7/16 (Sat) Sakata MUSIC FACTORY
    ・7/18 (Mon/Celebration¹) Sendai enn 2nd
    ・7/20 (Wed) Sapporo KLUB COUNTER ACTION
    ・7/22 (Fri) Niigata LOTS
    ・7/24 (Sun) Inashi GRAMHOUSE
    ・8/2 (Tue) Morioka CLUB CHANGE WAVE
    ・8/3 (Wed) Aomori Quarter
    ・8/5 (Frid) Akita Club SWINDLE
    ・8/9 (Tue) Iwaki club SONIC
    ・8/16 (Tue) Mitoshi LIGHT HOUSE
    ・8/18 (Thu) Kyoto Takutaku
    ・8/22 (Mon) Miyazaki SR BOX
    ・8/24 (Wed) Shuunan TIKI-TA
    ・8/25 (Thu) Okayama PEPPERLAND

    ■ 9mm Parabellum Bullet is the only band performing

    ■ Ticket prices
    Advance tickets ¥3,500 (includes tax, drinks not included)
    ※ Same price for all venues
    ※ Aside from Niigata on 7/22, drinks are not included

    ■ Tickets on sale
    6/19 (Sun) for the general public
    ※ Same date for all venues
    Before that, there will be a drawing held for a chance to buy tickets early!!
    Please see details on the homepage!

    * PC
    * MOBILE

    ¹ I’m guessing this is in reference to it being Marine Day.


    Broadcasting live on J-WAVE!

    Takuro and Taki are making a live appearance. Due to popular demand, Taki’s introducing his self-made effect pedals as he’s producing all kinds of squeeing sounds with them! Doing that on program for adults… I wonder if it’s alright…

    But it looks fun!

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan