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  • 2007/10/10*13:30*Staff

    TOWER RECORDS Yokohama

    An extensive exhibit… we’re really thankful.
    It’s in a really nice spot, too.

    Such an awesome exhibit!!


    Today, thanks to everyone’s help,
    9mm Parabellum Bullet have released their major debut!!

    Thank you very much★
    It’s a happy event♪

    With that…
    We visited some record stores today.
    First up, we went back to the grounds where the band was formed: Yokohama.

    Starting tomorrow, 9mm’s autographs will also be on display at various stores!
    Do check them out please.

    At Yokohama Shinseido.


    『This is communication』

    Hello, this is Kazu Nakamura.

    Our major debut is finally, finally being released tomorrow.

    I’ll be reviewing it here.

    “Discommunication e.p.”, going on sale tomorrow, is a CD featuring our new song “Discommunication” as well as a live track that includes our complete show at the Shinjuku LOFT on 6/16. Same volume as an ordinary album. It’s available for the shocking special price of 999 yen. How silly is that? I think this is kind of a must-get so please be sure to buy yours, everyone. You’ll recognize it from the wicked cover art.

    With that, starting tomorrow you’ll be able to find 9mm in CD shops near you.
    Best regards and see you later.


    『Say “manifesto” 10 times!!』

    It’s getting pretty cold lately.
    The long nights of autumn are upon us.
    And this, too, is upon us as well:
    “Discommunication e.p.”, on sale starting tonight I presume.

    And some more news to go with that.

    The ending theme for JAPAN COUNTDOWN is “Discommunication.” I was sitting in front of my TV during broadcast and they played it even before the ending during a CM.
    E M I!!” (← me trying to impersonate the guy with the cool voice in the CM)

    It’s not just on satellite TV that you’ll be able to hear Discommunication (which would mean that none of us in the band can see it, as usual). They say it’s supposed to be music programs all over Japan.
    For details, check the homepage!!” (← me trying to impersonate Ken Ayugai)

    Also, on TVK’s shows called “Mutoma α” and “Mutoma LIVE” they’re doing something called a video clip derby. The song that wins first place will have its video played all of next month.

    Since “Discommunication” is one of the entries for it, I’d like to have it get first place and have all of next month be one big discommunication. Which’d be the opposite of the feelings that we put into the song.

    Voting information & details here:


    News → TV/Radio/Magazine → TV → local broadcast station → TVK Mobile

    Deadline 10/26 (Fri)
    Results announced 10/31 (Wed) on Mutoma α

    Please do vote for us. We’ll do the same. *presses button*, there. All my relatives, I’m expecting you to send in one big block of votes for us. I’m doing my best, doing my best even today. I’m having my major debut. Indies, major, the music is lovely all the same. Though people love drawing lines, music doesn’t know any national borders. I wonder if you listen to music from Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Israel, or Cambodia, or Tibet, or Sahara, will you then get to know the feelings of those people even a little? How about the music of Japan? Whom of you tried saying “manifesto“? Good grief.

    See you at our shows. Talk to you later.


    Taki here.

    The other day we were rehearsing in the studio. We were making songs and stuff, but making them interesting really is a challenge. I got tired from being troubled over it so much. Hello, this is a tired Taki.

    A while ago our engineer showed me how to use a computer and as a result, I started really wanting one for myself. It was really fun since I’ve always yearned to be able to make songs the modern way. I decided I wanted a computer so I head over to the Apple Store and stuff but as I thought, they’re expensive. I don’t have that kind of money. T-t-t-that’s right, the lottery’s for sale right? I’ll buy one this year. I’ll buy ten. I’ll just strongly believe I’ll win, then spend the rest of my days thinking how I’m going to spend my one hundred million yen. If I do that, it’s sure to turn out to be a really pure and positive life, right? Am I wrong? You don’t think so?


    I’ll use this as a way to determine what I do or don’t do in the future.

    This was Taki.


    『The wind up on rooftops is strong and you’ll get sunburned』

    Our headlining show at LIQUID ROOM on 11/28 is now sold out!!
    Oh dear,

    T  H  A  N  K

    Y  O  U  A  L


    I think there are some amongst you who didn’t manage to get tickets, but we still have plenty of shows left before the year is over, so definitely come see us please. We’re always playing with all we’ve got, so it’s okay no matter where you see us.

    Before that, we still have shows in Nara and Shibuya on two consecutive days. On our way there, we’ll quickly pop by Osaka where we might appear on radio or something. If so, check us out~.

    The book pictured here is a really serious one with even the jokes all deadly serious. It’s a real thrilling read. Give it a try.


    Tomorrow and the day after, 9mm are in the studio doing something called pre-production in order to make more friends. The members, looking to challenge studio engineering for the first time, are being taught the ropes.

    Taki & Kazuhiko.

    ↑ Taki, test recording the acoustic guitar

    ↑ Kazuhiko, test recording the acoustic guitar



    Hello, it’s Kazu Nakamura.

    Yesterday we took part in WRENCH’s show at Shinjuku LOFT. I’ve wanted to play with them since way before, but my dream has now come true. WRENCH is a band who I personally really admire, so getting to play with them, I was unusually nervous before going on stage.

    WRENCH’s show was incredible! True chaos indeed. Combined with the visuals projected on the screen, it was a show that really sucks one in. Takuro feels the same way with me on this, but their albums, too, are absurdly cool.

    And so, while still feeling the excitement from yesterday, we had a bunch of interviews today, one of them for a magazine that’ll surprise you.

    Lately I can’t hear the cicadas anymore. I guess that means autumn is nearly here.

    This was Kazu Nakamura.


    『Once your own nature goes into disarray, the whole period of time does the same.』

    The heat has died down a bit and it’s again effortless to pass the time.

    It’s been a long time, it has.
    My dream’s to be a foreigner. I’m Chihiro.

    This week went by really fast.
    What did I do again? Let’s try to remember.

    24 hours earlier… I was eating curry, if I remember correctly. It was delicious and I was wolfing it down. Just putting it in my mouth at first, the taste was mild. However after that, it gradually gained depth and substance, and a nice hotness spread inside my mouth.

    It was retort curry though. Ehe. I’m getting sidetracked☆

    120 minutes prior to that, I was watching OGRE YOU ASSHOLE and POLYSICS at Ebisu Liquid. They were both great. Their performances were full of depth, substance, hotness and such.

    The day before that, I sneaked into a music shop to get the sticks I ordered from Zildjian. (picture: a two-shot of the sticks and a porn mag)

    86,400 seconds prior to that, I was doing seitai with Kazuhiko after studio.

    Nine meals before that, we went on a quest of music shops with Midori’s drummer Kozeni to buy drums.

    It was a week fairly full of substance.
    I’ll do my best next week, too.

    ※※Postscript edit※※
    Since I’m a responsible adult, I of course properly held back with the picture. I keep on living, trying my best not to make waves… since I’m a coward. If it showed nipples, they might call us a band that’s harmful to young people or something. We’re living in hard times where nipples must be hidden from Weekly Shounen Ju◯p.

    Back in the old days… it was better back then.
    Ah, I wanna read Wingman.


    『Advanced information society Japan, Saturdays’ street illumination (or, just killing time)』

    Humming to myself as I came out of the supermarket I usually go to, there was a dog there, fastened to a pillar near the store entrance.

    …Damn it!

    At a glimpse, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. However, when you notice it, it’s already too late: though this dog may look like its just waiting for its owner who’s buying groceries, it is actually not. It’s job is to send transmissions of our private lives to somewhere else. If there continue to be this many pet owners who don’t notice this, they can continue discreetly using these dogs for their purposes. Due to that, who knows what kind of information is being transmitted on to them.

    The fact that I was planning on making miso soup with nameko tonight, or that I bought discounted spinach, or how I lost to the housewives in our race to buy pork meat that was on special sale, or, because of the milk’s high price tag, I put it in and took it out of my basket twice as I hesitated… or in other words, everything.

    Just for who or for what reason they are collecting information is a mystery. However, the eyewitness information from dogs like this is not only an issue in Japan, it’s something that’s occurring worldwide. No matter how you look at it, tonight was certainly one of misfortune. Nevertheless, one must wonder just what their objective might be……

    Pictured here is that dog of electromagnetic waves. It’s become a world where you can never let your guard down.

    Our show tomorrow at AX will be broadcasted live on M-ON so we’ll do our best. Hope it’ll be wild.

  • Goods

  • Comments

    • Daniel: “well, yeah, it is pretty good. sometimes i wish they would ‘stretch out’ a little more, if you know what…Sep 4, 21:45
    • Daniel: “ha! that’s a good one!Sep 4, 21:41
    • Henkka: “Let me know what you thought. :)Jul 20, 03:30
  • 9mm Parabellum Bullet releases from CDJapan